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Uniform Statewide Accounting System (USAS)

What’s New

Check Digit Calculator Now Requires Login

Effective Jan. 16, the Check Digit Calculator (login required) on TexPayment Resource now requires a login. The calculator requires entry of an SSN, ITIN or EIN, which is then validated against the TINS validation criteria. The additional security helps prevent fraud.

Enter your user ID and password required to access statewide financial systems such as TINS or USAS. If you do not have security access, contact your agency security coordinator(s).

Contact Payment Services for more information.

USAS and CAPPS Confidentiality Indicator

To make payment information available to the public promptly, the Comptroller’s office must be able to distinguish between confidential and nonconfidential payments. State agencies and institutions of higher education must mark confidential transactions to protect payee confidentiality, per USAS and CAPPS Financials Confidentiality Indicator (FPP E.045).

The agency or institution submitting a transaction is responsible for determining confidentiality. Transactions are legally considered public unless specifically excluded by the Public Information Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 552).

An agency or institution that marks a transaction as confidential should be prepared to cite the law or attorney general opinion that excludes the payment from public disclosure.

General System Availability


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