USAS Interagency Transactions
Lesson 8: Generated Transaction Vouchers (GTV), Errors and Corrections
Error correction — GTVs
GTVs that contain errors are manually corrected by the Comptroller's Appropriation Control section and will remain on the batch agency 005's USAS 53 (530) screen (internal transaction [IT] file) until corrected.
Common errors
Most common errors usually result from:
- Incompatible T-codes
- Funding errors
- Transaction/RTI amount variances
GTVs that error-off do not appear on either the RTI agency's or the transaction agency's 53 (530) screen (IT file).
Reviewing USAS for errors
USAS users are encouraged to view the Batch Agency 005 USAS 53 (530) screen for errors pertaining to their agency. Only USAS users with security user class 65 can view Batch Agency 005's IT file.
GTV errors in batch agency 005
The generated batch document allows the assigned agency to correct their transactions, if correcting the lines will enable the batch to process.
Attempts to correct generated batch documents should not be made without first contacting an Appropriation Control Officer (ACO) to discuss all options.
After being corrected, the batch will need to be re-released to complete the ITV process.
Security level 65
Agencies with user class 65 access are able to do generated batch error corrections in batch agency 005 without assistance from their ACO.