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USAS User’s Manual
Chapter 7 – Transaction Entry (continued)

How to Delete a Transaction and a Batch Header

About this Procedure

This procedure assists users with deleting a batch.

Note: The procedure assumes the user understands how to process a transaction in USAS.

  1. Logon to USAS. See logon procedures in Chapter 3 – Navigation.
  2. Select Main Menu Option D and press Enter.
  3. Select 53 View Batch Headers.
  4. Select the batch to be deleted by placing any non space character beside the batch line in the S column.
  5. Press F10 to recall the batch. The batch header information will automatically appear on the screen.

    Note: If the batch ID is known, Select 51 Recall a Batch for Correction and enter the batch header information; then press Enter to recall.

  6. * In the Action field, type and enter the sequence number of the transaction to be deleted.

    Note: The sequence number of a deleted transaction will not be reassigned to additional transactions added after the deletion occurs.

  7. * Press Enter.
  8. * After all transactions have been deleted, press F9 to go to the Batch Balancing Screen.
  9. In the Action field, type .
  10. Press Enter.

    Note: The batch does not have to be balanced to be deleted. A Batch Header cannot be deleted if there are any existing transactions within the batch. The user must first delete all posted transactions for that batch before deleting that Batch Header.

  11. Press F9 to go to the Balancing screen.
  12. Type in the Action field.
  13. Press Enter. The message ‘BATCH FLAGGED FOR DELETION’ will appear.

* Steps 6 through 8 are not necessary if all transactions in the batch are unposted. If all transactions are unposted, then deleting the batch header will also delete the unposted transactions.

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