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USAS User’s Manual
Chapter 7 – Transaction Entry (continued)

How to Complete a Treasury Deposit

About this Procedure

Agencies should use the following procedures to deposit funds to the Treasury.

  1. Enter the deposit voucher online in Edit Mode 1 and verify the uniqueness of the document number.
  2. Prepare the cash and the checks for deposit.

    For the cash portion of the deposit, the agency should include a running tape with the total cash amount. The running tape will be used by Treasury personnel when validating the deposit.

    For the check portion of the deposit, the agency should group the checks in bundles of 100–150 and include the following:

    • A running tape with a total of each bundle.
    • A recap tape with a grand total of all the bundles.
  3. Send the funds (cash or checks), the deposit slip (including the deposit document number), and recap tapes to the Treasury. (To receive a validated deposit slip from the Treasury, the agency should submit two copies of the deposit slip.)

    Note: An electronic deposit slip form may be obtained from the Treasury. To use this electronic deposit slip, an agency’s software must be compatible with ALWAYS and Lotus 1-2-3, version 2.2 and above.

Upon receipt, the following actions are performed by the Treasury:

  • The Treasury will validate the deposit by comparing (a) the cash recap tape with the cash received and (b) the recap tapes of each check bundle with the total of the checks in that bundle.
  • For deposits that involve funds other than cash, the Treasury will also identify the following:
    Item Used Incorrectly
    Treasury identifies the incorrect item and creates a credit or debit for the amount of the difference. The Treasury will return to the agency a copy of the incorrect item, the credit or debit slip, and if possible, identify the item on the bundle tape and return a copy of the bundle tape to the agency.
    Missing Item
    Treasury tries to identify the item and returns a copy of the bundle tape to the agency. If the item cannot be identified, the bundle will be returned to the agency with a copy of the debit slip.
    Extra Item
    Treasury tries to identify where the extra item is on the tape and returns a copy of the tape, the item, and credit slip to the agency.

The Treasury system will upload the deposit information into USAS and compare Document Number, Voucher Amounts, Agency Number, and Fiscal Year. If all the above elements match, the deposit will post in USAS.

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