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USAS User’s Manual
Chapter 3 – Navigation (continued)

Link to and Interrupt Navigation

What is Link To?

Link To enables a user to directly access most USAS screens. A user can activate Link To by typing the desired screen ID in the Link To field and pressing Enter.

Note: A user cannot use the Link To function to reach transaction entry from a screen or profile. Transaction entry is only accessible through the Transaction Entry Submenu, Option D on the MAIN MENU screen.

What is Interrupt?

The INTERRUPT function enables a user to directly access most USAS screens. Unlike Link To, the INTERRUPT function permits a user to automatically return to the screen where the Interrupt session began. A user can activate Interrupt by typing the desired screen ID in the Link To field and pressing F4. Until the user returns to the screen of origin, an ‘ACTIVE’ message appears in the upper left portion of the screen. To return to the screen of origin, the user must press F4 again.

Note: The data on the screen of origin will not change during the INTERRUPT function.

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