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SPA Process User’s Guide
Chapter 5 – Updating Property and Funds

Updating Soft Disposal Methods (Pending Disposal)

The Disposal of Property (PADLET) screen allows agencies to change a soft disposal method of 05, 6b, 7a, 7b or 19.

Fields that can be updated include:

  • Disposal Method
  • Disposal Date
  • Proceeds From Sale


  1. Access the Disposal of Property (PADLET) screen on the Main Menu.
  2. Enter the property number in the PROPERTY NUMBER field.
  3. Enter the component number to be updated in the COMPONENT field.
  4. Press Enter.
  5. Update the fields as needed.
  6. Press Enter. The message Record Updated appears if a soft disposal method of 05 is changed to 6b, 7a, 7b or 19. If changed to any other disposal method, the message Information Has Been Deleted appears.