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SPA Process User’s Guide
Chapter 5 – Updating Property and Funds

Updating Depreciation (Depreciable Entities)

The Update Depreciation [Depreciable Entities] (PADPRE) screen displays depreciable entity information for each component including the Depreciable Entity Fiscal Year, C/I Indicator, Useful Life, Residual Percentage, Depreciable Indicator, Historical Indicator, Entity Value and Depreciable Value. The screen allows agencies to view their existing component information. Fields that can be updated include:

  • useful life of a component
  • residual percentage
  • depreciation indicator
  • historical indicator


  1. Access the Update Depreciation (Depreciable Entities) (PADPRE) screen option on the Main Menu.
  2. Enter the property number in the PROPERTY field to be updated.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. View existing information on the screen.
  5. Enter the effective date of the change made to any one of the following fields:
    1. Useful life
    2. Residual percentage
    3. Depreciable indicator
    4. Historical indicator
  6. Press Enter. The message Press F5 To Update Information or F5 To Cancel appears.
  7. Press F5. The message Information Has Been Updated appears.
  8. Press F5. The message Update Canceled appears.