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TexPayment Resource

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Reporting Debtor Records
Payee Hold Change (PHDCHG)

This PHDCHG screen is used to change information for a debtor who is already set up on hold. The Hold Transaction form (74-154) can provide the information required for entry on this screen. The PHDCHG screen requires a recall step before the hold information that can be changed is displayed.


Access PHDCHG through the TINS Update Menu (PYMENU) screen or Line 1 Entry.

Screen Example (PHDCHG Recall)

 PHDCHG                                                                MM/DD/YY 
                              PAYEE HOLD CHANGE                                 
        PAYEE HOLD NUMBER: ___________                                          
              HOLD SOURCE: XXX                                                  
              HOLD REASON: ___                                                  
  PF3-QUIT                                 PF12-PYMENU                          

Screen Example (PHDCHG Hold Record on File)

 PHDCHG                                                                MM/DD/YY 
                              PAYEE HOLD CHANGE                                 
        PAYEE HOLD NUMBER: 7XXXXXXXXX4                                          
              HOLD SOURCE: XXX                                                  
              HOLD REASON: XXX                                                  
      HOLD EFFECTIVE DATE: MM/DD/YYYY                                           
         LIABILITY AMOUNT: __________1.00                                       
          PAYEE HOLD NAME: DEBTOR NAME_______________________________________   
      ADDRESS:  __________________________________________________              
      CITY:  ____________________________  STATE:  __  ZIP:  _____ - ____       
      PHONE:  ( ___ ) ___ - ____                                                
  PF3-QUIT                          PF12-PYMENU

Note: Some fields are auto-filled and protected from data entry.

HOLD SOURCE: Defaults to the user’s agency number and is a protected field.

Steps (PHDCHG):

  1. Enter Option L from the PYMENU screen and press Enter


    Enter PHDCHG on Line 1 and press Enter.

    If Line 1 is Entered… Then…
    Without the TIN TINS displays the Screen Example (PHDCHG Recall)
    Go to Step 2

    With a valid 11-digit TIN

    Note: Both 2 TINs and 7 TINs will be accepted.

    TINS displays the Screen Example (PHDCHG Recall) with the 11-digit TIN in the PAYEE HOLD NUMBER field
    Go to Step 3
    With a 10-digit TIN

    TINS displays the message TIN Must Be 11 Digits

    Research and enter the correct TIN

    Note: Only TINS inquiry screens allow for a 10-digit TIN on Line 1.

    With an invalid 11-digit TIN TINS displays the message Check Digit Is Incorrect for TIN/Hold Number
  2. PAYEE HOLD NUMBER: Enter the 11-digit TIN assigned to the debtor, which must include a valid check digit.

    Note: Payee hold changes may be processed either with the 11-digit 2 TIN that is based on SSN or ITIN or with the assigned 11-digit 7 TIN.

  3. HOLD REASON: Enter the three-digit reason code identifying the reason the debtor is on hold. Before a hold record can be changed, it must be recalled with the combination of Hold Source and Hold Reason on file in TINS.

    Note: If the incorrect Hold Reason was entered during the hold setup, the hold record must be released using the Payee Hold Release (PHDREL) screen and then set up again with the correct Hold Reason.

  4. Press Enter to display the Screen Example (PHDCHG Hold Record on File)

    Note: If a hold record is not on file for the TIN entered or the combination of Hold Source and Hold Reason does not match the record, TINS displays the message Hold Does Not Exist for This Number, Source and Reason.

  5. Make the appropriate changes to the corresponding field(s).
  6. Press Enter.
  7. If error messages display, make the necessary corrections.
  8. All Correct? (Y/N) will display. Review the information to verify it is correct. Enter Y or N and press Enter:
    • Y (Yes) if the information is correct
    • N (No) if the information is not correct

    Note: An entry of Y will display a successful update of the record. An entry of N provides the opportunity to verify and re-enter the correct information.

    PHDCHG                                                                MM/DD/YY
                                       PAYEE HOLD CHANGE      
            PAYEE HOLD NUMBER: 7XXXXXXXXX4                                          
                  HOLD SOURCE: XXX                                                  
                  HOLD REASON: XXX                                                  
          HOLD EFFECTIVE DATE: MM/DD/YYYY                                           
             LIABILITY AMOUNT: __________1.00                                       
              PAYEE HOLD NAME: DEBTOR NAME                                          
          ADDRESS:  100 RIVERSIDE DR_____________________________________              
          CITY:  USA CITY______________________  STATE:  TX  ZIP:  12345 - ____       
          PHONE:  ( 123 ) 555 - 1234                                                
                                                  ALL CORRECT? (Y/N): Y
  9. A dialogue box displays at the bottom of the screen.

Screen Example (PHDCHG Processed)

PHDCHG.                                                               MM/DD/YY 
                              PAYEE HOLD CHANGE                                 
        PAYEE HOLD NUMBER: 7XXXXXXXXX4                                          
              HOLD SOURCE: XXX                                                  
              HOLD REASON: XXX                                                  
      HOLD EFFECTIVE DATE: MM/DD/YYYY                                           
         LIABILITY AMOUNT: __________5.00                                       
          PAYEE HOLD NAME: DEBTOR NAME___________________________________________ 
      ADDRESS:  __________________________________________________              
                                  HOLD NUMBER: 7XXXXXXXXX4                      
   ENTER  PF-3                 PF-6   PF-7   PF-8   PF-9   PF-10   PF-12        

HOLD NUMBER: Displays the 11-digit TIN.

DIRECTION MESSAGE KEYS: Displays direction message keys to navigate to other TINS screens. See Direction Message Keys for descriptions.

RECORD UPDATED: Indicates the successful processing of the payee hold change.