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TexPayment Resource

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Inquiry Screens
TINS Inquiry Menu (INQMEN)

The INQMEN screen provides a menu of common online inquiry screens and also lists the screen ID for each screen. Most inquiry screens can be accessed through the INQMEN screen except the following three screens, which require Line 1 Entry:

  • Payee Name Search (PAYNAM)
  • TINS Bankruptcy File (BKRUPD)
  • Multi-Tax Summary (MTSUMM) – A Comptroller taxpayer inquiry screen

You can recall the INQMEN menu by typing INQMEN on the command line, also known as Line 1, located at the upper-left of the screen.


Access INQMEN with a Line 1 Entry from the CICS Login to TINS or USAS Login to TINS.

Screen Example

INQMEN                                                               MM/DD/YY  
                             TINS - INQUIRY MENU                               
                 A  -  (PYADDR) - PAYEE MAIL CODE INFORMATION               
                 B  -  (PMTHIS) - PAYEE MAINTENANCE HISTORY                 
                 C  -  (PVOUIN) - PAYEE VOUCHER HISTORY                     
                 D  -  (PYHOLD) - PAYEE HOLD INFORMATION                    
                 E  -  (PYMAST) - PAYEE MASTER INFORMATION                  
                 G  -  (PYWRNT) - PAYEE PAYMENT INFORMATION                 
                 H  -  (PFYWRT) - PRIOR FY PAYMENT INFORMATION              
                 I  -  (PYWTHD) - PAYEE WARRANTS ON HOLD                    
                 J  -  (PYWTHR) - PAYEE HELD WARRANTS RELEASED              
                 K  -  (PAYVEN) - VENDOR PAYMENT INFORMATION                
                 L  -  (PYWTHB) – PAYEE WARRANTS ON HOLD AND RELEASED       
                 M  -   NOT OPERATIONAL                                      
                 N  -  (RSNINQ) - AGENCY HOLD REASON INQUIRY                
                 O  -  (BANKIN) - FINANCIAL INSTITUTION INFORMATION         
                          ENTER OPTION:  _
           PF3-QUIT                            PF12-PYMENU


  1. Type INQMEN on Line 1 and press Enter.
  2. ENTER OPTION: Enter the appropriate letter to select that inquiry screen and press Enter. Required and/or optional subfields will display for most of the screens.

Screen Example

INQMEN                                                              MM/DD/YY 
                             TINS - INQUIRY MENU                               
                    A  -  (PYADDR) - PAYEE MAIL CODE INFORMATION               
                    B  -  (PMTHIS) - PAYEE MAINTENANCE HISTORY                 
                    C  -  (PVOUIN) - PAYEE VOUCHER HISTORY                     
                    D  -  (PYHOLD) - PAYEE HOLD INFORMATION                    
                    E  -  (PYMAST) - PAYEE MASTER INFORMATION                  
                    F  -  (PYDIST) - PAYMENT DISTRIBUTION - DIRECT DEPOSIT     
                    G  -  (PYWRNT) - PAYEE PAYMENT INFORMATION                 
                    H  -  (PFYWRT) - PRIOR FY PAYMENT INFORMATION              
                    I  -  (PYWTHD) - PAYEE WARRANTS ON HOLD                    
                    J  -  (PYWTHR) - PAYEE HELD WARRANTS RELEASED              
                    K  -  (PAYVEN) - VENDOR PAYMENT INFORMATION                
                    L  -  (PYWTHB) - PAYEE WARRANTS ON HOLD AND RELEASED       
                    M  -   NOT OPERATIONAL                                      
                    N  -  (RSNINQ) - AGENCY HOLD REASON INQUIRY                
                    O  -  (BANKIN) - FINANCIAL INSTITUTION INFORMATION         
                             ENTER OPTION: A                                   
  MUST ENTER           TIN: ___________    OPTIONAL:   MAILCODE: ___  OR       
                                                       ZIPCODE:  _____         
            PF3-QUIT                            PF12-PYMENU  

  1. MUST ENTER TIN: Enter the TIN in the TIN subfield. All user options except N (RSNINQ) and O (BANKIN) require a TIN. Press Enter.
    If the TIN is… Then enter… Notes
    • 1 + nine-digit EIN or
    • 1 + nine-digit EIN + check digit
    TINS calculates the check digit when a 10-digit TIN is entered.
    Comptroller-assigned, 11-digit TIN that begins with 3  
    A 7 TIN for payees who provide an SSN or ITIN,
    • 11-digit TIN that begins with 7


    • 2 + nine-digit SSN or ITIN or
    • 2 + nine-digit SSN or ITIN + check digit

    Note: When entering a 2-based TIN that is on file, the inquiry results display the assigned 11-digit 7 TIN.

  2. OPTIONAL: Other subfields vary for each inquiry screen. All are optional except for required fields on H (PFYWRT) and O (BANKIN). Enter the desired information or leave the optional subfields blank. Press Enter.
    Enter Option Screen Description Subfield(s), If Any
    A (PYADDR) Displays name and address information
    • MAILCODE: Enter the three-digit mail code for the specific location.
    • ZIPCODE: Enter the five-digit ZIP code for the specific payee address.

    Note: Do not make an entry in both fields. Entering one subfield reduces the number of mail codes displayed.

    B (PMTHIS) Displays maintenance transaction history SORTCODE:
    • Leave blank to sort the data by transaction date (with the most recent transaction date first) or
    • Enter 1 to sort the data by transaction description
    C (PVOUIN) Displays voucher history, up to the last 16 vouchers (documents) processed for each mail code MAILCODE: Enter the three-digit mail code for the specific location being researched.
    D (PYHOLD) Displays hold information for a debtor, who may or may not be set up as a payee  
    E (PYMAST) Displays payee master level information  
    F (PYDIST) Displays direct deposit information for a payee’s specific mail code(s) MAILCODE: Enter the three-digit mail code for the specific location.
    G (PYWRNT) Displays summary payment information for the current and prior fiscal years MAILCODE: Enter the three-digit mail code for the specific location.
    H (PFYWRT) Displays summary payment information for the second and third prior fiscal years
    • FY: Enter the last two digits of a prior fiscal year.

      Note: This is a required field.

    • MAILCODE: Enter the three-digit mail code for the specific location.

    I (PYWTHD) Displays a list of warrants on hold  
    J (PYWTHR) Displays a list of held warrants that have been released from hold or have been offset  
    K (PAYVEN) Displays a menu to search detailed payment information for the current and prior three fiscal years MAILCODE: Enter the three-digit mail code for the specific location.
    L (PYWTHB) Displays a list of warrants on hold and held warrants that have been released or offset OPT WARRANT: Enter the nine-digit number of a held or released held warrant.
    M – Not Operational    
    N (RSNINQ) Displays the hold description, statutory citation (if applicable) and agency contact information
    • SRC: Enter the three-digit agency number of the source agency that set up the hold record.
    • RSN: Enter the three-digit hold reason code
    O (BANKIN) Displays contact information for financial institutions that are eligible to receive direct deposit payments

    TRANSIT CODE: Enter the financial institution’s nine-digit routing number

    Note: This is a required field.

Screen Example

INQMEN                                                           MM/DD/YY
                          TINS - INQUIRY MENU                                 
                    A  –  (PYADDR) - PAYEE MAIL CODE INFORMATION               
                    B  –  (PMTHIS) - PAYEE MAINTENANCE HISTORY                 
                    C  –  (PVOUIN) - PAYEE VOUCHER HISTORY                     
                    D  –  (PYHOLD) - PAYEE HOLD INFORMATION                    
                    E  –  (PYMAST) - PAYEE MASTER INFORMATION                  
                    F  –  (PYDIST) - PAYMENT DISTRIBUTION - DIRECT DEPOSIT     
                    G  –  (PYWRNT) - PAYEE PAYMENT INFORMATION                 
                    H  –  (PFYWRT) - PRIOR FY PAYMENT INFORMATION              
                    I  –  (PYWTHD) - PAYEE WARRANTS ON HOLD                    
                    J  –  (PYWTHR) - PAYEE HELD WARRANTS RELEASED              
                    K  –  (PAYVEN) - VENDOR PAYMENT INFORMATION                
                    L  –  (PYWTHB) – PAYEE WARRANTS ON HOLD AND RELEASED       
                    M  –   NOT OPERATIONAL                                
                    N  –  (RSNINQ) - AGENCY HOLD REASON INQUIRY                
                    O  –  (BANKIN) - FINANCIAL INSTITUTION INFORMATION         
                                   ENTER OPTION:  L         
      MUST ENTER          TIN: 1XXXXXXXXX6     
                                   OPT WARRANT: XXXXXXXXX 
      PF3-QUIT                            PF12-PYMENU

  1. Use the appropriate keys to navigate through the screen information.

Screen Field Descriptions

Field displays for entry of a selected inquiry screen.

After the appropriate letter is entered in the ENTER OPTION field and Enter is pressed, TINS displays the required and/or optional subfields necessary to process the selected inquiry screen.

Displays page direction and program function keys. See Direction Message Keys for descriptions.