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Multiple Reimbursements of a Travel Expense Prohibited

A state employee may only be reimbursed for a travel expense from one source. If an employee receives a travel reimbursement from a person other than a state agency and the amount of the reimbursement is less than the expenses incurred, the employee may seek reimbursement from the state agency for the difference.


David, a state employee headquartered in Austin, travels on state business to Dallas. David is also a member of a professional organization that will pay for his lodging cost while in Dallas because he will attend one of the organization's functions during one night of his stay. Since the professional organization is paying for David's lodging cost, he may not claim a lodging cost on his voucher for reimbursement from the state. David may claim his other reimbursable expenses incurred for state business, such as meals, transportation, incidentals, etc.