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TINS Inquiry

Lesson 4: Additional Inquiry Screens

MTSUMM – Multi-Tax Summary Screen

The Multi-Tax Summary (MTSUMM) screen:

  • Displays information about taxpayers relating to taxes collected by the Comptroller’s office
  • Is part of the Integrated Taxpayer System (ITS)
  • Can only be accessed using Line 1 (command line) entry
  • Calculates the check digit for the TIN

Comparing pre-TINS and ITS information

It is important to compare information to be input into TINS with what may exist on ITS to ensure correct information in both systems. Inconsistencies or inaccurate information might result in a TIN being inactivated.

MTSUMM and setting up a new vendor for payment

When setting up a new vendor for payment, agencies should use MTSUMM to verify that the name, ownership type and SOS file (charter) number agree with what the vendor is providing to the agency. Any discrepancies should be addressed by the vendor ― and if needed with the Comptroller's Tax Division — and resolved before moving forward with the TINS setup.

The MTSUMM Screen

MTSUMM.17416755662.                                                            MM/DD/YY
      JUNGLE FLOWER SHOP INC                                                    PAGE  1
 220 WESTHEIMER RD                                                     COUNTY CODE: 101 
 HOUSTON TX 77006 - 3293                                           CT TEXAS PROFIT CORP 
 SECONDARY ADDR:  NO                  FIELD OFFICE: 2H30           PHONE: (713)528-4105 
 SERV ADDR:                                                                         ORD 
 FRANCHISE (13)                                         AUDIT            : NO AUDIT 
   SOS FILE NUMBER:  0028279100                         LAST REPORT FILED: 98 
   SOS FILE DATE       : 10/13/1970 
   SOS STATUS          : FORF FRAN TAX                  RESP BEGIN DATE   : 10/13/1970 
   SOS STATUS DATE: 08/27/1996                          RESP END DATE     : 08/27/1996 
 SALES TAX (26)                                         AUDIT: NO AUDIT 
   STATUS: OOB AS OF 12/31/2003                         LAST REPORT FILED: 0312 
   FILER TYPE: MONTHLY                                  MGMT HALT STATUS: NO MGMT HALT
   OPEN COLL RCD:    0                                  LOCATIONS: 0 ACTIVE / 1 INACTIVE 
   OPEN NON-COMP:    0 
   NBR RETURN CK:    0 

Find out more

For more on the MTSUMM screen, see the Multi-Tax Summary (MTSUMM) new window section of TexPayment Resource.

Next: PVOUIN – Payee Voucher History Screen