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TINS Inquiry Web-Based Training

Lesson 4: Additional Inquiry Screens

Payee Voucher History (PVOUIN)

PVOUIN displays payment voucher information (the document number) for a payee. It:

  • Displays voucher information for each mail code that was issued a payment. 
  • Displays only up to the last 16 vouchers per mail code in chronological order in two columns.
  • Does not display payment amounts.
  • Is the only payment-related inquiry screen that allows agencies to see if other state agencies have paid the same payee.

Accessing PVOUIN

There are two ways to access PVOUIN:

  • Select PVOUIN from the menu on INQMEN (ENTER OPTION: C) and press Enter.
    • Enter a 10- or 11-digit number in the TIN subfield and press Enter to display the voucher history for all mail codes.
    • Enter the TIN and MAILCODE subfields to display the voucher history for only that mail code.
  • Enter PVOUIN on Line 1 on any TINS screen using these options:
    • Enter PVOUIN with only the 10- or 11-digit TIN to display the voucher history for all mail codes.
      • With a 10-digit number, enter PVOUIN.1XXXXXXXXX and press Enter.
      • With the 11-digit TIN, enter PVOUIN.1XXXXXXXXX1 and press Enter.
    • Enter PVOUIN with the 10- or 11-digit TIN and a specific mail code to display the voucher history for only that mail code.
      • With a 10-digit number, enter PVOUIN.1XXXXXXXXX(space).XXX where XXX is the mail code and press Enter.
      • With the 11-digit TIN, enter PVOUIN.1XXXXXXXXX1.XXX where XXX is the mail code and press Enter.


	INQMEN                                                               MM/DD/YY   
	                             TINS - INQUIRY MENU                                
	                 A  -  (PYADDR) - PAYEE MAIL CODE INFORMATION                
	                 B  -  (PMTHIS) - PAYEE MAINTENANCE HISTORY                  
	                 C  -  (PVOUIN) - PAYEE VOUCHER HISTORY                      
	                 D  -  (PYHOLD) - PAYEE HOLD INFORMATION                     
	                 E  -  (PYMAST) - PAYEE MASTER INFORMATION                   
	                 F  -  (PYDIST) - PAYMENT DISTRIBUTION - DIRECT DEPOSIT      
	                 G  -  (PYWRNT) - PAYEE PAYMENT INFORMATION                  
	                 H  -  (PFYWRT) - PRIOR FY PAYMENT INFORMATION               
	                 I  -  (PYWTHD) - PAYEE WARRANTS ON HOLD                     
	                 J  -  (PYWTHR) - PAYEE HELD WARRANTS RELEASED               
	                 K  -  (PAYVEN) - VENDOR PAYMENT INFORMATION                 
	                 L  -  (PYWTHB) – PAYEE WARRANTS ON HOLD AND RELEASED        
	                 M  -   NOT OPERATIONAL                                       
	                 N  -  (RSNINQ) - AGENCY HOLD REASON INQUIRY                 
	                 O  -  (BANKIN) - FINANCIAL INSTITUTION INFORMATION          
	                          ENTER OPTION:  C 
	     ENTER          TIN: ___________    OPTIONAL:   MAILCODE: ___ 
	           PF3-QUIT                            PF12-PYMENU 

PVOUIN via Line 1

VOUIN.1XXXXXXXXX6                                                   MM/DD/YY  
                             PAYEE VOUCHER HISTORY                              
 PAYEE NUMBER: 1XXXXXXXXX6      IAT IND:          MAIL CODE:  000               
 TAXPAYER NUMBER: 1XXXXXXXXX6               MAIL CODE COUNT:  4                 
 PAYEE NAME:  ABC COMPANY NAME                                                  
 DISTRIBUTION TYPE           HOLD STATUS           STATUS                        
 RETURN TO AGENCY                                  ACTIVE                        
 DOCUMENT  ARCHIVE    AGCY           :  DOCUMENT  ARCHIVE    AGCY                
  NUMBER   REF. #     NO.    DATE    :   NUMBER   REF. #      NO.    DATE        
 XXXXXXXX              XXX  MM/DD/YY :                                           
 XXXXXXXX              XXX  MM/DD/YY :                                           
 XXXXXXXX              XXX  MM/DD/YY :                                           

Field Descriptions

Displays the 11-digit TIN.
Displays a blank or Y.
  • If you enter only the TIN, the mail code with the lowest number is displayed with the voucher history. Navigate through additional mail codes using the PF keys displayed at the bottom of the screen.
  • If you enter both the TIN and a specific mail code, the voucher history displays for only that mail code. 
Displays the Comptroller’s taxpayer number if the payee is a Texas taxpayer. The field is blank if the payee is not a taxpayer.
  • If you enter only the TIN, the count displayed is the number of mail codes with voucher history, indicating there are additional mail codes to view using the PF keys at the bottom of the screen. If the count is 1, the TIN has only one mail code with a voucher history.
  • If you enter both the TIN and a specific mail code, the count displayed is 1. 
Displays the payee name.
This refers to the payee’s selected method of payment. If the payee has a state debt, the system determines the method of payment:
  • Return to Agency: Payments are issued by warrants that are returned to the paying agency for distribution to the payee.  
  • Return – Hold: Payments are issued by warrants held by the Comptroller’s office due to the payee’s state debt. 
  • Direct Deposit: The payee is set up to receive payments by direct deposit. 
  • Direct Dep on Hold: The payee is set up to receive payments by direct deposit, but the payments default to warrants held by the Comptroller’s office due to the payee’s state debt.
Displays ON HOLD if the payee has a state debt, or a blank if there is no hold.
Refers to the TIN and displays:
  • ACTIVE: The TIN can be used for payments.
    or – 
  • INACTIVE: The TIN cannot be used for payments.
Displays the document number assigned by the paying agency. If the payment was issued from multiple documents, the field is blank. 
An archive reference number is not used; this field will always display a blank.
Displays the three-digit agency number of the agency that processed the document.
Displays the date the document was processed.

For more information about PVOUIN, see Payee Voucher History (PVOUIN) new window in TexPayment Resource.

Next: Payee Payment Information (PYWRNT)