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TINS Inquiry

Lesson 4: Additional Inquiry Screens

PMTHIS – Payee Maintenance History

The Payee Maintenance History (PMTHIS) screen displays all maintenance transactions for a payee in chronological order.

The PMTHIS screen can be used to determine:

  • Date transaction processed
  • Transaction type
  • Mail codes affected by transaction
  • Agency that initiated transaction
  • Method of change request used
  • Exception (error) codes used to explain why transaction did not process. See the Exception (Error) Messages new window section of TexPayment Resource.

PMTHIS screen field descriptions

Descriptions of key fields are listed below the screen shot. You can also hover your cursor over purple field names in the screen shot to view descriptions.


PMTHIS. 12345678900
 TRANS       TRANS                                  MAIL     INPUT     OPERATOR
 DATE        DESCRIPTION             DLN            CODE     SOURCE    ACID        EXCEP 
 --------    ------------------      ------------   ----     ------    --------    ----- 
 03/23/07    MAIL CODE SETUP         EFT            320       320                  100
 12/09/06    ADDRESS CHANGE          SYSTEM GEN     008       SYS      CD1FIX
 12/09/06    ADDRESS CHANGE          SYSTEM GEN     007       SYS      CD1FIX
 12/09/06    ADDRESS CHANGE          SYSTEM GEN     005       SYS      CD1FIX
 12/09/06    ADDRESS CHANGE          SYSTEM GEN     003       SYS      CD1FIX
 12/09/06    ADDRESS CHANGE          SYSTEM GEN     001       SYS      CD1FIX
 10/30/06    NAME/ADDRESS OVERLAY    ITS            T40       902      ITS
 10/07/06    DELETE 1099 MAILCODE    SYSTEM GEN     001       SYS      CR21510
 10/07/06    ADD/CHG 1099 MAILCODE   SYSTEM GEN     003       SYS      CR21510
 10/17/05    NAME/ADDRESS OVERLAY    ITS            T40       902      ITS
 09/14/04    SECURITY TYPE CHANGE    EFT            000       538

END OF DISPLAY    -       PF3=QUIT,        PF4=MENU 

Field Descriptions

Displays date maintenance transaction processed.
Displays maintenance transaction code description.
Displays either 11-digit document locator number (DLN) assigned to transaction by Comptroller’s office or description detailing how transaction was submitted. See the Payee Maintenance History (PMTHIS) new window section of TexPayment Resource.
Displays three-digit mail code maintenance transaction was applied to.

Displays three-digit agency number of agency that initiated maintenance transaction.

Displays user ID of user who entered maintenance document via TINS Online or USPS interface.
Displays three-digit exception (error) code indicating reason electronic maintenance transaction did not process successfully. See the Exception (Error) Messages new window section of TexPayment Resource for a comprehensive list of TINS exception codes.

Find out more

For more on the PMTHIS screen, see the Payee Maintenance History (PMTHIS)new window section of TexPayment Resource.

Next: Learning Check