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TINS Inquiry Web-Based Training


Comptroller-assigned number
The Comptroller’s office assigns 11-digit numbers prefixed with a 3 to Texas taxpayers and foreign individuals who do not qualify for an SSN, ITIN or EIN.

The Comptroller’s office also assigns each state agency a 3 TIN based on the three-digit agency number repeated three times plus the check digit; this is referred to as an agency repeater number. Using Agency 304 as an example, its agency repeater number is 33043043042.
EFT (electronic file transfer)
A batch process that allows agencies to submit electronic files with transactions that process overnight in TINS. Errors are reported the next day on non-processed reports and on the PMTHIS screen.
Employer identification number (EIN)
A nine-digit number assigned to a business by the Internal Revenue Service. The nine-digit EIN may serve as the base number for the 11-digit TIN prefixed with a 1.
Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
A number assigned to an individual who does not qualify for an SSN and is required to file a federal tax return.
Integrated Tax System (ITS)
The Comptroller’s internal system that maintains state taxpayer information. 
Line 1
The upper-left position of a screen.
Mail code
A three-digit number unique to each mailing address or direct deposit account for the 11-digit TIN.
Online inquiry
The processes of performing payee and payment information inquiries.
An individual, business entity, state employee or state retiree who receives a state payment.
Paying agency
A state agency that issues a state payment through the Comptroller’s office. This includes but is not limited to the following government entities in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of state government, excluding local government agencies:
  • Agency
  • Board
  • Commission
  • Committee
  • Council
  • Department
  • Institution of higher education, excluding junior colleges
  • Office
A state warrant or direct deposit payment.
Social Security number (SSN)
A nine-digit number assigned to an individual by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
Texas identification number (TIN)
A unique 11-digit number created for the purpose of identifying any payee receiving a payment from the state of Texas.
Texas Identification Number System (TINS)
The statewide database that maintains state payee and payment information.