SPRS User Guide –
SPRS Payroll Edits
Updated: May 12, 2023 – View Changes
The purpose of this document is to list and define all of the SPRS Payroll Edits. Unless otherwise noted with a warning symbol, all edits listed in this document will generate fatal errors.
Table of Contents
- Common Payroll Edits
- Common Edits on USAS Variables
- Records
- 001 Batch/Document Header
- 510 Summary Records
- 520 Entitlements
- Additional Edits:
- 1XM One-Time Merit Pay
- BIL CPO Bilingual Capability Stipend
- BMI Per Diem: Board Members In-State-Cash
- BMO Per Diem: Board Members Out-Of-State-Cash
- BRC Benefit Replacement Pay Catch Up
- BRM Benefit Replacement Pay Miscellaneous Claim
- BRP Benefit Replacement Pay
- BSY Base Salary Pay
- CAI Per Diem: Administrative In-State Non-Overnight Meals Pay
- CAO Per Diem: Officer Out-Of-State Non-Overnight Pay
- CER CPO Certification Level Stipend
- CLO Clothing Allowance
- CON Continuing Education
- CPD Per Diem: Compensatory (Board Members)
- CPI Child Protective Investigation Stipend
- CSS Cost of Living Salary Supplements
- CTP Compensatory Time Pay
- DHS Food Stamp Program Bonus Pay (no longer used)
- DSP Lump Sum Death Sick Leave Pay
- DVP Lump Sum Death Vacation Pay
- EDL CPO Education Level Stipend
- EXM Emergency One-Time Merit Pay
- FFC FFCRA Paid Sick Care
- FFQ FFCRA Paid Sick Quarantine
- FIR Fire Brigade Pay
- HAZ Hazardous Duty Pay
- INC State Employee Incentive Pay (no longer used)
- LGB One-Time Legislative Bonus
- LOG Longevity Pay
- LSV Lump Sum Vacation Pay
- NHB New Hire Bonus
- OTP Overtime Pay
- PBN Performance Bonus Pay/Enhanced Compensation Award
- PDI Per Diem: Employee In-State-Cash
- PDO Per Diem: Employee Out-Of-State-Cash
- RIP Retirement Incentive Pay (no longer used)
- SHD Shift Hours Differential
- SNP SNAP Program Bonus
- SRB Staff Retention Bonus
- SSC County Supplemental Pay
- SUP Salary Supplemental Pay
- UPD Unit Pay Differential
- 530 Benefits
- 540 Net Pay
- 550 Deductions
- Additional Edits:
- CCD Charitable Contributions
- CHI Child Support
- DDP Dental Discount Program (inactive effective 09/01/2019)
- EL4 LECOS Retirement – Employee Portion – Group 4 (effective 09/01/2022)
- ER4 ERS Retirement – Employee Portion – Group 4 (effective 09/01/2022)
- ERL LECOS Retirement – Employee Portion (effective 09/01/2013)
- ERS ERS Retirement – Employee Portion
- ES4 Elected State Official Retirement – Employee Portion – Group 4 (effective 09/01/2022)
- ESO Elected State Official Retirement – Employee Portion
- FIC Social Security Tax Withholding Code
- INS Insurance
- JR1 Judicial Retirement Plan 1 – Employee Portion
- JR2 Judicial Retirement Plan 2 – Employee Portion
- JRF Judicial Retirement Plan 1 State Retirement Fee
- LE4 LECOS Retirement Supplement – Employee Portion – Group 4 (effective 09/01/2022)
- LEC LECOS Retirement Supplement – Employee Portion
- LR4 Legislative Retirement – Employee Portion – Group 4 (effective 09/01/2022)
- LRS Legislative Retirement – Employee Portion
- ORP ORP Retirement – Employee Portion
- TRS Teacher Retirement – Employee Portion
- 560 State Match
- Additional Edits:
- FIM Social Security Employer Match Code
- LRW LECOS Return-to-Work Retiree Surcharge – Agency Portion (effective 09/01/2009)
- PHC Payroll Health Insurance Contribution (effective 09/01/2011)
- PRC LECOS Payroll Retirement Contribution – Agency Portion (effective 09/01/2013)
- PRE ERS Payroll Retirement Contribution – Agency Portion (effective 09/01/2013)
- PRL Legislative Payroll Retirement Contribution – Agency Portion
- PRR ERS Return-to-Work Retiree Payroll Retirement Contribution – Agency Portion (effective 09/01/2013)
- PRS LECOS Return-to-Work Retiree Payroll Retirement Contribution – Agency Portion (effective 09/01/2013)
- PRV Elected State Official State Retirement Fee
- SFC LECOS State Retirement Fee (effective 09/01/2013)
- SFE Elected State Official Payroll Retirement Contribution – Agency Portion
- SFL Legislative Retirement Fee
- SHS State Match Health Saving Account (effective 09/01/2016)
- SKP State Contribution for SKIP Insurance
- SLS LECOS Return-to-Work Retiree Surcharge – State Portion (effective 09/01/2013)
- STC LECOS Retirement Contribution – State Portion (effective 09/01/2013)
- STF ERS State Retirement Fee
- STG Legislative Retirement Contribution – State Portion
- STH State Contribution for Insurance
- STJ Judicial Retirement Plan 2 – State Portion
- STL LECOS Retirement Supplement – Agency Portion (effective 09/01/2009)
- STO State Opt-Out Credit (effective 09/01/2006)
- STP ORP Retirement – State Portion
- STR ERS State Retirement Contribution Match Code – State Portion
- STS ERS Return-to-Work Retiree Surcharge (effective 09/01/2009)
- STV Elected State Official Retirement Contribution – State Portion
- 590 Replacement Pay
- 999 Batch/Document Trailer
Notational Conventions
The following table lists the notational conventions used throughout this guide.
This symbol denotes an action.
This symbol denotes a tip.
This symbol denotes an edit that produces a warning.
This symbol denotes a reference to another document.
This symbol denotes a reference to another chapter or topic in this guide.
This symbol denotes an edit which is not applied when an entitlement amount is negative.
Common Payroll Edits
- Employee Personnel Record must exist for agency.
- SSN must be numeric.
- SSN must not start with 000 or 666.
- Payment sequence must be numeric.
- Payment sequence must be greater than zero.
- All dates must be in CCYYMMDD format.
- Payment Transaction Type must be RP, SP, or RM.
- Payment Transaction Type must be consistent within payment sequence.
- Pay Period Start Date must not be more than 45 days in the future.
- Pay Period Start Date must not be after an employee’s Termination Date.
- Pay Period End Date must not be more than 45 days in the future.
- Pay Period End Date must not be prior to Employment Date.
- Pay Period End Date must be on or after the Pay Period Start Date.
- Pay Period End Date must be on or before the Document Header Pay Period End Date.
- Pay Period Start Date and Pay Period End Date must be in the same month.
- Payment must balance (Net + Deductions = Gross Entitlements).
Common Edits on USAS Variables
- Appropriation Year must be in YY format.
- Appropriation Year must not be more than two years prior to the current fiscal year.
- Object Code Indicator must be C or A.
- Comptroller Object Code must be active in the USAS D10 profile for Appropriation Year.
- Agency Object Code must be active in the USAS D11 profile for Agency and Appropriation Year.
- PCA Indicator must be P or I.
- PCA Code must be active in the USAS 26 profile for Agency and Appropriation Year.
- Index Code must be active in the USAS 24 profile for Agency and Appropriation Year.
- Index Code must infer a valid PCA Code that is active in the USAS 26 profile for Agency and Appropriation Year.
- Fund inferred by PCA/Index Code must be active in the USAS D23 profile for Agency and Appropriation Year.
SPRS Records TOC » Records
001 Record – Batch/Document Header
- Document Number must be unique in USAS for Fiscal Year (the same Document Number may be used if it previously failed in USAS).
- First position of Document Number must be 8.
- Second position of Document Number must equal last position of year of Document Header Pay Period End Date.
- Third and fourth positions of Document Number must equal month of Document Header Pay Period End Date.
- If PAY Batch Type, fifth position of Document Number must be 2, 4, or 6.
- If fifth position of Document Number is 2, Document Header Pay Period End Date must equal the Bi-Monthly Pay Period End Date in USAS D62 profile.
- If fifth position of Document Number is 4, Document Header Pay Period End Date must equal Monthly Pay Period End Date in USAS D62 profile.
- If PAY Batch Type and fifth position of Document Number is 6 and the Document Header Pay Period End Date equals the Bi-Monthly Pay Period End Date in the USAS D62 profile, Pay Date must be greater than the Bi-Monthly Payroll Warrant Issue Date.
- If PAY Batch Type and fifth position of Document Number is 6 and the Document Header Pay Period End Date equals the Monthly Pay Period End Date in the USAS D62 profile, Pay Date must be greater than the Warrant Issue Date.
- Payment Date must not be more than 60 days in the future.
- If fifth position of Document Number is 4, Payment Date (entered or derived) must be greater than Document Header Pay Period End Date.
- If fifth position of Document Number is 2 or 6, Payment Date (entered or derived) must be greater than or equal to the Document Header Pay Period End Date.
- Payment Date must be after the SPRS Processing Date for monthly and semi-monthly payrolls.
- Document Header Pay Period End Date is required.
- If PAY Batch Type, the USAS indicator must be S or space.
Note: If the fifth position of the Document Number is 6 and the Payment Date falls on a weekend, a national holiday that does not fall on Saturday or Sunday, or is less than or equal to the SPRS Processing Date, the Payment Date will be changed to match the next Effective Date in the USAS D61 profile following the Payment Date on the Document Header.
Note: If the Payment Date for Semi-Monthly (2) or Monthly Payroll (4) does not match the Payment Date in the USAS D62 profile, the Payment Date will be changed to match the Payment Date in the USAS D62 profile.
510 Record – Summary Records
The edits listed in this section apply to all summary records.
- Summary Record must be found for payment.
- Each payment must contain only one Summary Record.
- Payment Indicator must be W or space.
520 Record – Entitlements
The edits listed in this section apply to all entitlement codes.
Entitlement Codes must be authorized for agency use. See the SPRS Entitlement Code Table for authorized codes.
- Entitlement Gross Amount must equal Net Payment plus Employee Deductions within each Appropriation Year, PCA, and Object Code.
- Entitlement Code and Object Code must agree.
- Entitlement Gross Amount is required and must be numeric.
- Entitlement Actual Hours must be numeric.
- Entitlement Actual Days must be numeric.
Note: Total Entitlement Actual Hours and Entitlement Gross Amount must be consistent for Base Salary (BSY), Compensatory Time Pay (CTP), Lump Sum Sick Leave Pay (DSP), Lump Sum Death Vacation Pay (DVP), Lump Sum Vacation Pay (LSV), Stand By Pay (OCP), and Overtime Pay (OTP).
Entitlement Actual Hours and Entitlement Gross Amount on the submitted transactions will be combined with Entitlement Actual Hours and Entitlement Gross Amount on any Payment History records for the pay period. Entitlement Actual Hours and Entitlement Gross Amount are consistent when:
- Hours and Amount are both greater than zero,
- Hours and Amount are both less than zero, or
- Hours and Amount are both equal to zero.
This edit is not applied when the transactions submitted are for a period prior to the agency’s conversion to SPRS.
Note: Total Entitlement Actual Days and Entitlement Gross Amount must be consistent for Compensatory Per Diem (CPD).
Entitlement Actual Days and Entitlement Gross Amount on the submitted transactions will be combined with Entitlement Actual Days and Entitlement Gross Amount on any Payment History records for the pay period. Entitlement Actual Days and Entitlement Gross Amount are consistent when:
- Days and Amount are both greater than zero,
- Days and Amount are both less than zero, or
- Days and Amount are both equal to zero.
This edit is not applied when the transactions submitted are for a period prior to the agency’s conversion to SPRS.
Note: Lump Sum Payments that are not considered compensation are subject to all warrant hold statutes including child support. Non-compensation entitlements currently paid through SPRS that are subject to child support as well as other types of holds (e.g., student loan, delinquent taxes) are LSV, DSP, DVP, BMI, BMO, CAI, CAO, PDI and PDO.
Separation of Payments (Compensation and Non-compensation)
If entitlements such as LSV (lump sum vacation), DSP (death sick payment), DVP (death vacation payment) or travel payments are combined with such entitlements as base salary (BSY), or overtime (OTP) with the same payment sequence number, SPRS will determine if the employee is on hold, and if so, SPRS will reject the entire payment with an error indicating that the employee is on hold and that compensation and non-compensation payments need to be separated. The agency must submit the payments separately if any object within a payment sequence is or could become subject to hold and another component of the total payment is not subject to hold. A portion of a payment cannot be held, only the entire payment can be held.
Note: SPRS rejects multiple payments (i.e., payments with different pay sequence numbers or in different documents) for an employee within the same night’s processing if any of the payments are invalid. This rule applies to all payments, replacements and returned money, including transactions on a ‘SPRS Only’ document, but does not apply to cancellations. For example, if an employee is on hold and the agency submits several payments in the same night’s processing for that employee, one of which has compensation and non-compensation components, all payments to that employee will be rejected: the payment with the compensation and non-compensation components will be rejected and all other payments to that employee will be rejected.
Additional Edits
The edits listed in this section are additional edits for specific entitlement codes.
1XM (7017) – One-Time Merit Pay Code
The edits listed below apply to both original payments and replacements.
Employee must not be on LWOP (Reason Code 043) on Pay Period Start Date.
Employee must be classified on Pay Period Start Date.
Employee must have six continuous months of employment with the agency prior to Pay Period Start Date.
Pay Period Start Date must not be after the employee’s Termination Date.
Pay Period Start Date must be six months from the last Promotion (Reason Code 020), Merit Increase (Reason Code 025), Status Change from Line-Item Exempt (Reason Code 030), One-Time Merit Pay (1XM), Emergency One-Time Merit Pay (EXM), or Performance Bonus Pay (PBN).
Employee must not be in a disciplinary reduction (Reason Code 027) on Pay Period Start Date.
Employee must not be in a temporary assignment (Reason Code 041) on Pay Period Start Date.
- Job Number is required and must be active on the Pay Period Start Date.
- Multiple One-Time Merit payments within a six month period for the same employee must have the same Pay Period Start Date.
BIL (7035) – CPO Bilingual Capability Stipend Code
Employee’s job class code must be on Salary Schedule C on the Pay Period Start Date.
CPO Indicator must be Y on Pay Period Start Date.
Total Entitlement Actual Amount for the pay period shall not exceed $50.
- Job Number must be 000.
BMI (7110) – Per Diem: Board Members In-State-Cash Code
BMO (7130) – Per Diem: Board Members Out-of-State-Cash Code
BRC (7050) – Benefit Replacement Pay Catch Up Code
- For the retirement deduction and state match (Record ID 550 and 560) on BRC, the Retirement Code must equal E for the pay period used on the transaction.
- Job Number must be 000.
Note: Entitlement Code used to pay retroactive under/overpayments of Benefit Replacement Pay for the current fiscal year and two previous fiscal years (Appropriation Years).
BRM (7050) – Benefit Replacement Pay Miscellaneous Claim Code
- Transaction must be submitted on a SPRS Only document (USAS Indicator on Header record must equal S) following the miscellaneous claim payment in USAS.
- For the retirement deduction and state match (Record ID 550 and 560) on BRM, the Retirement Code must equal E for the pay period used on the transaction.
- Job Number must be 000.
Note: Entitlement Code used to record retroactive under/overpayments of Benefit Replacement Pay for the previous closed appropriation years (fiscal years prior to the current plus two previous fiscal years).
BRP (7050) – Benefit Replacement Pay Code
BSY (7001, 7002, 7003, 7004, 7005, 7006, 7007, 7016) – Base Salary Pay Code
Job Number is required.
- Amount reported for an hourly employee and any Payroll History for the Pay Period must not exceed the authorized Hourly Rate on personnel.
- Amount reported for a salaried employee and any Payroll History for the Pay Period must not exceed the authorized Base Salary on personnel.
- Entitlement Actual Hours reported plus any Payroll History for the Pay Period must not exceed the maximum BSY hours.
When paying Semi-Monthly employee in the current month, if Pay Period End Date is less than or equal to the Bi-Monthly Pay Period End Date on the USAS D62 profile, then the Pay Date must be greater than or equal to the Bi-Monthly Warrant Issue Date on the USAS D62 profile.
- When paying Semi-Monthly employee in the current month, if the Pay Period End Date is greater than the Bi-Monthly Pay Period End Date on the USAS D62 profile, then the Pay Date must be greater than or equal to the Monthly Warrant Issue Date on the USAS D62 profile.
- When paying Monthly employee in the current month, the Pay Period End Date must be greater than or equal to the Monthly Warrant Issue Date on the USAS D62 profile.
CAI (7108) – Per Diem: Administrative In-State Non-Overnight Meals
- Job Number must be 000.
CAO (7118) – Per Diem: Officer Out-Of-State Non-Overnight Meals
- Job Number must be 000.
CER (7035) – CPO Certification Level Stipend Code
Employee’s job class code must be on Salary Schedule C on the Pay Period Start Date.
CPO Indicator must be Y on Pay Period Start Date.
Employee must not receive both CER (CPO Certification Level Stipend) and EDL (CPO Education Level Stipend) during the same pay period.
Total Entitlement Actual Amount for the pay period shall not exceed $150.
- Job Number must be 000.
CLO (7001, 7002, 7003, 7004, 7005, 7006, 7007, 7016) – Clothing Allowance
Authorization must have been previously submitted on 230 Record (Personnel) for employee.
- Job Number must be 000.
CON (7001, 7002, 7003, 7004, 7005, 7006, 7007, 7016) – Continuing Education Code
Authorization must have been previously submitted on 230 Record (Personnel) for employee.
- Job Number must be 000.
CPD (7025) – Per Diem: Compensatory (Board Members) Code
Entitlement Gross Amount must match the Daily Flat Rate multiplied by the number of CPD Entitlement Actual Days.
Must be submitted for Board Members only.
- Job Number is required.
CPI (7031) – Child Protective Services Investigative Pay Code
Authorization must have been previously submitted on 230 Record (Personnel) for employee.
Total Entitlement Actual Amount for the fiscal year must not exceed $5,000. (This edit expires 8/31/2007.)
Total Entitlement Actual Amount for the month must not exceed $416.67. (This edit is effective 9/01/2007.)
- Job Number must be 000.
CSS (7031) – Cost of Living Salary Supplement Code
CTP (7019) – Compensatory Time Pay Code
- Job Number must be 000.
DHS (7046) – Food Stamp Program Bonus Pay Code (no longer used)
Authorization must have been previously submitted on 230 Record (Personnel) for employee.
- Job Number must be 000.
DSP (7024) – Lump Sum Death Sick Leave Pay Code
069 Reason Code must exist on personnel (30-day wait following Effective Date of 069 Reason Code is not required).
Six months of Continuous Service Indicator on personnel must be Y.
- Mail Code must be SP3.
Entitlement Actual Hours submitted and SPRS DSP Payroll History must not exceed 336.
- Job Number must be 000.
DVP (7024) – Lump Sum Death Vacation Pay Code
069 Reason Code must exist on personnel (30-day wait following Effective Date of 069 Reason Code is not required).
Six months of Continuous Service Indicator on personnel must be Y.
- Mail Code must be SP3.
- Job Number must be 000.
EDL (7035) – CPO Education Level Stipend Code
Employee’s job class code must be on Salary Schedule C on the Pay Period Start Date.
CPO Indicator must be Y on Pay Period Start Date.
Employee must not receive both CER (CPO Certification Level Stipend) and EDL (CPO Education Level Stipend) during the same pay period.
Total Entitlement Actual Amount for the pay period shall not exceed $150.
- Job Number must be 000.
EXM (7017) – Emergency One-Time Merit Pay Code
The edits listed below apply to both original payments and replacements.
Employee must not be on LWOP (Reason Code 043) on Pay Period Start Date.
Employee must be classified on Pay Period Start Date.
Employee must have six continuous months of employment with the agency prior to Pay Period Start Date.
Pay Period Start Date must not be after the employee’s Termination Date.
Employee must not be in a disciplinary reduction (Reason Code 027) on Pay Period Start Date.
Employee must not be in a temporary assignment (Reason Code 041) on Pay Period Start Date.
- Job Number is required and must be active on the Pay Period Start Date.
FFC (7012) – FFCRA Paid Sick Care (effective 04/01/2020)
- Job Number must be 000.
FFL (7012) – FFCRA FMLA Paid Leave (effective 04/01/2020)
- Job Number must be 000.
FFQ (7012) – FFCRA Paid Sick Quarantine (effective 04/01/2020)
- Job Number must be 000.
FIR (7031) – Fire Brigade Pay Code
Authorization must have been previously submitted on 230 Record (Personnel) for employee.
- Job Number must be 000.
HAZ (7020) – Hazardous Duty Pay Code
Hazardous Duty Indicator on personnel must be Y.
If submitted for the pay period that includes the employee’s month of hire, the Employment Date must be on or before the first working day of that month.
Employee must not be on LWOP for the entire month.
The monthly amount for Hazardous Duty Pay must not exceed $300 for employees in correctional officer positions at TDCJ. (This edit is effective 9/01/2007.)
- Job Number must be 000.
INC (7030) – State Employee Incentive Pay Code (no longer used)
- Job Number must be 000.
LGB – One-Time Legislative Bonus
The edits listed below apply to both original payments and replacements.
Employee must be continuously employed at the agency from 03/31/2009 through 08/01/2009.
Employee’s annualized base salary (based on all active positions) as of 08/01/2009 must not exceed $100,000 for full or part-time employees.
Employee must not be in a Salary Schedule C position on 08/01/2009.
Employee must be classified or unclassified.
Eligible full-time employees will be paid $800.00. Eligible part-time employees will be paid a pro rata amount based on their authorized FTE or the number of scheduled work hours per week divided by 40.
Payments should be issued on Aug. 31, 2009.
LOG (7022) – Longevity Pay Code
Effective 09-01-2005, if employee retired prior to 6-1-2005 and returned to state employment on or before 8-31-2005, LOG is payable at the amount for which the employee was eligible as of 8-1-2005. If employee retired from state employment on or after 6-1-2005, or if employee retired prior to 06-01-2005 but returned to state employment as a return-to-work retiree after 8-31-2005, LOG is not payable upon reemployment. (Note: If employee retired from state employment on or after 6-1-2005 and reemployment date is prior to 9-1-2005, LOG is payable until 9-1-2005.)
If a return-to-work retiree received both longevity pay and hazardous duty pay immediately before 9-1-2005, the return-to-work retiree is only eligible for the amount of longevity that he or she was receiving immediately before 9-1-2005, regardless if the return-to-work retiree moves to a position that is not subject to hazardous duty pay. If the return-to-work retiree received only hazardous duty pay immediately before 9-1-2005, he or she is ineligible for longevity pay after 9-1-2005, even though he or she might move to a position that is not subject to hazardous duty pay.
If submitted during the employee’s month of hire, the Employment Date must be on or before the first working day of the month.
Using the Effective Service Date on file, SPRS shall verify the Entitlement Actual Amount for the Pay Period Start Date and if the employee’s total months of service is:
- Equal to or greater than 24 but less than 48, Longevity Amount must not exceed $20,
- Equal to or greater than 48 but less than 72, Longevity Amount must not exceed $40,
- Equal to or greater than 72 but less than 96, Longevity Amount must not exceed $60,
- Equal to or greater than 96 but less than 120, Longevity Amount must not exceed $80,
- Equal to or greater than 120 but less than 144, Longevity Amount must not exceed $100,
- Equal to or greater than 144 but less than 168, Longevity Amount must not exceed $120,
- Equal to or greater than 168 but less than 192, Longevity Amount must not exceed $140,
- Equal to or greater than 192 but less than 216, Longevity Amount must not exceed $160,
- Equal to or greater than 216 but less than 240, Longevity Amount must not exceed $180,
- Equal to or greater than 240 but less than 264, Longevity Amount must not exceed $200,
- Equal to or greater than 264 but less than 288, Longevity Amount must not exceed $220,
- Equal to or greater than 288 but less than 312, Longevity Amount must not exceed $240,
- Equal to or greater than 312 but less than 336, Longevity Amount must not exceed $260,
- Equal to or greater than 336 but less than 360, Longevity Amount must not exceed $280,
- Equal to or greater than 360 but less than 384, Longevity Amount must not exceed $300,
- Equal to or greater than 384 but less than 408, Longevity Amount must not exceed $320,
- Equal to or greater than 408 but less than 432, Longevity Amount must not exceed $340,
- Equal to or greater than 432 but less than 456, Longevity Amount must not exceed $360,
- Equal to or greater than 456 but less than 480, Longevity Amount must not exceed $380,
- Equal to or greater than 480 but less than 504, Longevity Amount must not exceed $400,
- Equal to or greater than 504, Longevity Amount must not exceed $420.
Note: If the employee is not receiving Hazardous Duty Pay (HAZ_DUTY_IND = N), and the Entitlement Actual Amount for Longevity Pay is less than the amount the employee is entitled ($20, $40, $60, etc.), a warning message will be issued.
LSV (7023) – Lump Sum Vacation Pay Code
Employee must be terminated.
Employee must have been terminated for at least 30 days prior to the Payment Date unless reemployed in one of the following job classes:
- SAD1 at agency 401
- BD25, CP25 or PD25 at any agency
- EXCS at agency 323 or 327
Six Months of Continuous Service Indicator on personnel must be Y.
Employee must not be an Interagency Transfer (065 Reason Code) unless transferring to Agency 101 or 102.
Employee must not be re-employed within 30 days from termination, unless re-employed by Agency 101 or 102.
- Job Number must be 000.
NHB (7047) – New Hire Bonus Code
- Authorized entitlement must be set up on personnel prior to payment (set up by CPA staff following submission of documentation).
- Employee must not be on LWOP on the Payment Date.
- Employee must be classified on the Pay Period Start Date.
- The total amount of NHB cannot exceed $5,000 for each authorized payment.
- The Pay Period Start Date must equal the employee’s authorized entitlement date on file.
- The Payment Date cannot be after the employee’s termination date.
- Job Number must be 000.
OTP (7021) – Overtime Pay Code
- Job Number must be 000.
PBN (7048) – Performance Bonus Pay/Enhanced Compensation Award Code
The edits listed below apply to both original payments and replacements.
- Job Number is required and must be active on Pay Period Start Date.
Employee must be in a classified position for the job reported on the transaction on the Pay Period Start Date.
Employee must not be on LWOP on the Pay Period Start Date.
- Pay Period Start Date must not be after the employee’s Termination Date.
- Total Entitlement Gross Amount for the fiscal year must not exceed 6.8 percent of the Annual Salary at the time of the first PBN for the Fiscal Year.
PDI (7107) – Per Diem: Employee In-State-Cash Code
PDO (7117) – Per Diem: Employee Out-of-State-Cash Code
RIP (7075) – Retirement Incentive Pay Code (no longer used)
- Personnel authorization not required (authorization will be set up by a file transfer from the Employees Retirement System).
- Employee must be terminated with Reason Code 068 – Retirement.
- Employee’s termination month/year on SPRS must equal the retirement month/year on the ERS file.
- Retirement date must be on or after 08/31/2003 (Effective Date of Reason Code 068 must be on or after 08/01/2003) and on or before 08/31/2005.
- Pay Period Start Date must equal the employee’s termination/retirement date (Effective Date of Reason Code 068).
- Employee may only receive one retirement incentive payment.
- AY on the payment transaction must be greater than 03 and less than 05.
- Deduction Code ERS not allowed on RIP.
- State Match Contribution Code STR not allowed on RIP.
- Entitlement Code BRP not allowed with RIP.
- Job Number must be 000.
SHD (7031) – Shift Hours Differential Code
Authorization must have been previously submitted on 230 Record (Personnel) for employee.
- Job Number must be 000.
SNP (7046) – SNAP Program Bonus
Authorization must have been previously submitted on 230 Record (Personnel) for employee.
- Job Number must be 000.
SRB (7047) – Staff Retention Bonus Code
Fiscal Year of Pay Period Start Date must be the same as the Appropriation Year.
Employee must not be on LWOP on the Payment Date.
Employee must be classified.
Employee must not receive more than one Staff Retention Bonus per year per agency.
Payment Date must be greater than or equal to 12 months following the Pay Period Start Date.
Pay Period Start Date must be greater than or equal to 09/01.
- Pay Period Start Date is the date on which the contract was signed (beginning of the twelve-month contract period).
Authorized entitlement must be setup on personnel prior to payment (setup by CPA staff following submission of paperwork).
Total Entitlement Gross Amount with Pay Period Start Date prior to 9/1/2005 must not be greater than $3,000.
Total Entitlement Gross Amount with Pay Period Start Date greater than or equal to 9/1/2005 must not be greater than $5,000.
- Job Number must be 000.
SSC (7001, 7002, 7003, 7004, 7005, 7006, 7007, 7016) – County Supplemental Pay
Authorization must have been previously submitted on 230 Record (Personnel) for employee.
- Job Number must be 000.
SUP (7031) – Salary Supplementation Pay Code
Authorization must have been previously submitted on 230 Record (Personnel) for employee.
- Job Number must be 000.
UPD (7031) – Unit Pay Differential
- Job Number must be 000.
530 Record – Benefits
The edits listed in this section apply to all benefits.
Benefit Codes must be authorized for agency use. See the SPRS Benefit Code Table for valid codes.
- Benefit Value must be numeric.
Additional Edits
The edits listed in this section are additional edits for specific benefit codes.
NPI – Board Members In-State/Non-Cash Code
NPO – Board Members Out-Of-State/Non-Cash Code
540 Record – Net Payments
The edits listed in this section apply to all net payments.
Mail Code must be SP1 or SP2 for active employees.
Mail Code must be SP3 following an employee’s death.
- Payee Name must contain valid characters (i.e., A–Z, 0–9, hyphen, forward slashes, open and close parentheses, ampersand, quotation mark, apostrophe or pound) and must be left-justified.
- Net Pay Amount is required and must be numeric.
- Net Pay Amount must be less than zero for Return Money Transactions.
- Net Pay Amount must be greater than or equal to zero if not for Return Money Transactions.
- For Returned Money Transactions, funds in Fund 9015 must be sufficient.
550 Record – Deductions
The edits listed in this section apply to all Deduction Codes.
Deduction Codes must be authorized for agency use. See the SPRS Deduction Code Table for authorized deductions.
Deduction Codes that require personnel authorization must have been previously submitted on 240 Record (Personnel) for employee. See the SPRS Deduction Code Table for authorized codes.
- Deduction Amount is required and must be numeric.
- Deduction Sequence Number must be numeric and greater than 000.
- Deduction Vendor Name must contain valid characters (i.e., A–Z, 0–9, hyphen, forward slashes, open and close parentheses, ampersand, quotation mark, apostrophe or pound) and must be left-justified.
- Deduction Vendor ID must contain numeric values in bytes 1–11 and must start with 1, 2, or 3.
- Multiple Vendor IDs must not be submitted for the same Deduction Code/Deduction Sequence Number.
- Deduction Vendor ID for all Deduction Codes except Recoup Overpayment of Compensation (PRD) 401K Contribution (401), Roth 401K Contribution (R01) and 401K Loan (LON) is mandatory and must be valid.
- Deduction Vendor ID and Deduction Vendor Name are protected fields on Recoup Overpayment of Compensation (PRD), 401k Contribution (401), 401k Loan (LON) and Roth 401k Contribution (R01).
Note: Sort Sequence (optional) must contain at least four characters and must contain valid characters (i.e., A–Z, 0–9, hyphen, spaces).
Note: Location Code (optional) must contain valid characters (i.e., A–Z, 0–9, hyphen, spaces).
Additional Edits
The edits listed in this section are additional edits for specific Deduction Codes.
CCD – Charitable Contributions Code
- Maximum number of unique Deduction Vendors in a Pay Period must not exceed 3.
CHI – Child Support
- VENDOR NAME will not be required for SDD transactions. It will still be required for all other deductions.
- VENDOR NAME will be redefined to capture SDD information, namely CASE ID, CAUSE NUMBER and MEDICAL SUPPORT INDICATOR.
- For TXCSDU SDD transactions, either CASE ID (left justified) or CAUSE NUMBER (left justified) or both must be submitted.
- For non TXCSDU SDD transactions CASE ID (left justified) must be submitted, CAUSE NUMBER may be submitted for information.
- CASE ID can be up to 20 characters in length, and any combination of alphanumeric characters is acceptable except for asterisk and backward slash.
- CAUSE NUMBER can be up to 15 characters in length and any combination of alphanumeric characters is acceptable except for asterisk and backward slash.
- MEDICAL SUPPORT INDICATOR will be required. Valid values are Y, N or blank; if left blank, the field will default to Y for yes.
DDP – Dental Discount Program (inactive effective 09/01/2019)
- Dental Discount Program deduction not valid for non-salaried Board and Commission Members.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be C.
EL4 – LECOS Retirement – Employee Portion – Group 4 (effective 09/01/2022)
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be C.
ER4 – ERS Retirement – Employee Portion – Group 4 (effective 09/01/2022)
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be E.
ERL – LECOS Retirement – Employee Portion (effective 09/01/2013)
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be C.
ERS – ERS Retirement – Employee Portion
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be E.
ES4 – Elected State Official Retirement – Employee Portion – Group 4 (effective 09/01/2022)
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be P.
ESO – Elected State Official Retirement – Employee Portion
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be P.
FIC – Social Security Tax Withholding Code
FIC amount must not be greater than $0.00 if FICA Exempt Indicator on personnel is Y.
INS – Insurance Code
- Insurance deduction not valid for non-salaried Board and Commission Members.
JR1 – Judicial Retirement Plan 1 – Employee Portion
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be 1.
JR2 – Judicial Retirement Plan 2 – Employee Portion
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be 2.
JRF – Judicial Retirement Plan 1 State Retirement Fee
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be 1 or 3.
LE4 – LECOS Retirement Supplement – Employee Portion – Group 4 (effective 09/01/2022)
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be C.
LEC – LECOS Retirement Supplement – Employee Portion
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be C.
LR4 – Legislative Retirement – Employee Portion – Group 4 (effective 09/01/2022)
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be L.
LRS – Legislative Retirement – Employee Portion
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be L.
ORP – ORP Retirement – Employee Portion
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be O.
TRS –Teacher Retirement – Employee Portion
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be T.
560 Record – State Matches
The edits listed in this section apply to all state match codes.
- State Match code must be authorized for agency use.
- State Match Sequence Number must be numeric and greater than 0.
- State Match Vendor Name must contain valid characters (i.e., A–Z, 0–9, hyphen, forward and backward slash, open and close parentheses, ampersand, quotation mark, apostrophe, pound, space, asterisk (not in first byte), and percent sign (not in first byte)).
- State Match Vendor ID must contain numeric values in bytes 1–11.
- State Match Amount is required and must be numeric.
- State Match Code and Object Code must agree.
- Multiple Vendor IDs must not be submitted for the same State Match Code/State Match Sequence Number.
Note: Sort Sequence, if provided, must contain at least four characters and must contain valid characters (i.e., A–Z, 0–9, hyphen, spaces).
Note: Location Code, if provided, must contain valid characters (i.e., A–Z, 0–9, hyphen, spaces).
Additional Edits
The edits listed in this section are additional edits for specific state match codes.
FIM (7043) – Social Security Employer Match Code
FIM amount must not be greater than $0.00 if FICA Exempt Indicator on personnel is Y.
- State Match Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
LRW (7033) – LECOS Return-to-Work Retiree Surcharge – Agency Portion (effective 09/01/2009)
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be S.
PHC (7042) – Payroll Health Insurance Contribution (effective 09/01/2011)
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
- Base Salary for pay period must be greater than zero.
- Invalid for Non-Salaried Board and Commission Members.
PRC (7040) – LECOS Payroll Retirement Contribution – Agency Portion (effective 09/01/2013)
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be C.
PRE (7040) – ERS Payroll Retirement Contribution – Agency Portion (effective 09/01/2013)
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be E.
PRL (7040) – Legislative Payroll Retirement Contribution – Agency Portion
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be L.
PRR (7040) – ERS Return-to-Work Retiree Payroll Retirement Contribution – Agency Portion (effective 09/01/2013)
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be R.
PRS (7040) – LECOS Return-to-Work Retiree Payroll Retirement Contribution – Agency Portion (effective 09/01/2013)
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be S.
PRV (7040) – Elected State Official State Retirement Fee
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be P.
SFC (7032) – LECOS State Retirement Fee (effective 09/01/2013)
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be C.
SFE (7032) – Elected State Official Payroll Retirement Contribution – Agency Portion
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be P.
SFL (7032) – Legislative Retirement Fee
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be L.
SHS (7041) – State Match Health Saving Account (effective 09/01/2016)
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
SKP (7041) – State Contribution for Skip Insurance Code
- If no BSY reported for the Pay Period, the LWOP indicator must be F for the pay period.
- State Match Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
- Invalid for Non-Salaried Board and Commission Members.
SLS (7033) – LECOS Return-to-Work Retiree Surcharge – State Portion (effective 09/01/2013)
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be S.
STC (7032) – LECOS Retirement Contribution – State Portion (effective 09/01/2013)
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be C.
STF (7032) – ERS State Retirement Fee
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be E.
STG (7032) – Legislative Retirement Contribution – State Portion
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be L.
STH (7041) – State Contribution for Insurance Code
- If no BSY reported for the Pay Period, the LWOP indicator must be F for the pay period.
- State Match Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
- Invalid for Non-Salaried Board and Commission Members.
STJ (7032) – Judicial Retirement Plan 2 – State Portion
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be 2 or 4.
STL (7032) – LECOS Retirement Supplement – Agency Portion (effective 09/01/2009)
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be C.
STO (7041) – State Opt-Out Credit (effective 09/01/2006)
- If no BSY reported for the Pay Period, the LWOP indicator must be F for the pay period.
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
- Invalid for Non-Salaried Board and Commission Members.
STP (7086) – ORP Retirement – State Portion
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be O.
STR (7032) – ERS State Retirement Contribution – State Portion
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be E.
STS (7033) – ERS Return-to-Work Retiree Surcharge (effective 09/01/2009)
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be R.
STV (7032) – Elected State Official Retirement Contribution – State Portion
- Vendor ID is mandatory and must be valid.
Employee’s Retirement Code on personnel must be P.
590 Record – Replacement Payments
The edits listed in this section apply to all replacement payments.
- Payment Number Original and Document Number Original are required.
- Replacement Payment transactions are not allowed if the USAS Indicator is S (SPRS Only Documents).
- Original Payment must be found in SPRS Payroll History based on the Agency, SSN, Document Number Original, and Payment Number Original.
- Replacement payments not allowed for deceased employees when original payment was made to SP1 or SP2.
- Payment Date from SPRS Payroll History of the original payment must not be more than two fiscal years in the past.
- Payment must be canceled in SPRS Payroll History (Cancellation may occur in the same processing night).
- Returned Money Transactions and zero net payments cannot be replaced.
999 Record – Batch/Document Trailer
- Entitlement Total must equal sum of all entitlements.
- Benefit Total must equal sum of all benefits.
- Net Payment Total must equal sum of all net payments.
- Deduction Total must equal sum of all deductions.
- State Match Deduction Total must equal sum of all state match deductions.
- Actual number of records/transactions in the batch must match the Record Count in the trailer.
Date | Updates |
05/12/2023 | Added deduction codes related to Employees Retirement System Group 4 (EL4, ER4, LE4, ES4 and LR4) effective Sept. 1, 2022 |
05/08/2020 | Added entitlement codes FFC (FFCRA Paid Sick Care), FFL (FFCRA FMLA Paid Leave) and FFQ (FFCRA Paid Sick Quarantine) |
08/29/2019 | Inactivated deduction code DDP (Dental Discount Program) effective Sept. 1, 2019 |
09/01/2016 | Added SHS (State Match Health Saving Account) as a new state match code effective Sept. 1, 2016 |