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Texas Payroll/Personnel Resource

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Agency-Specific Provisions
Compensatory Per Diem


A board member may be eligible to receive compensatory per diem payments for service as a member of the board.

Determining Eligibility

Each state agency with a board must determine:

  • Which members are eligible.
  • The applicable per diem amount.
  • The reimbursable number of days.

Unless otherwise stated in the enacting legislation of the state board, commission, etc., the per diem amount is set by the General Appropriations Act — currently set at $30 per day of service on the board.

Who may not receive the per diem

A member of the Legislature who serves on a board by virtue of the member’s office as a legislator may not receive a per diem payment.

A full-time employee (paid with appropriated funds) may not receive both a salary and compensatory per diem for concurrent service as a state employee and a board or commission member.


Texas Government Code, Sections 659.031-033; General Appropriations Act, Article IX, Section 5.07.