Table of Contents
General Provisions A – P
- Availability and Delivery of Payroll Warrants
- Correcting Underpayments of Compensation
- Dual or Multiple Employments
- Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
- Electronic Funds Transfer – Direct Deposit
- Pay Cards for Payroll
- General Responsibilities of State Agencies, Their Officers and Employees
- Holidays
- Leave Without Pay; Leave of Absence
- Legislatively Mandated Transfer
- Lifetime Service Credit
- Line-Item Exempt Positions
- Method and Frequency of Payroll
- Nepotism
- Officer Declining Remuneration
- Overpayments
- Partial Payment Calculations
- Pay as It Applies to Part-Time Employees
- Payment of Compensatory Time Earned During a Declared Disaster or Emergency
- Payment of Compensatory Time for Emergency Services Personnel
- Payment of Final Wages to the Estates of Deceased Employees
- Payments to Estates of Deceased Employees
- Payroll Due Dates and Direct Deposit Deadlines
- Position Classification Act Administration
General Provisions Q – Z
- Reallocation or Reclassification to a Different Salary Group and Job Classification
- Required Documentation
- Restrictions on Certain Actions Involving Executive Head of a State Agency
- Retired State Employees Who Resume State Employment
- Retroactive Pay
- Salary Adjustments for State Agency Employees
- Promotions (Reason Code 020)
- Demotions (Reason Codes 021, 023, A23)
- Merit Increases and Payments (Reason Codes 025, 035)
- Emergency Merit, Disciplinary Reductions, Restorations (Reason Codes 039, 027, 028)
- Line-Item Exempt Employees/Positions Salary Changes (Reason Code 029)
- Changes for Line-Item Exempt/Unclassified and Classified Positions (Reason Codes 029, 030, 031 )
- Equity Adjustments and Lateral Transfers (Reason Codes 040, 046, A46)
- Salary Adjustments (Reason Codes 034 and 049)
- Salary of Administrative Head of State Agency
- Salary Cap
- Salary Limited to Maximum Group Rate
- Salary Supplement for Employees Working in Washington, D.C.
- Salary Supplementation
- Selective Service Registration
- Severance Pay
- State of Texas Employment History Application
- Temporary Assignments
- Training and Education
- Types of Payroll Documents
- Warrant Cancellations and Direct Deposit Cancellations and Reversals
- Warrant Hold
Agency-Specific Provisions
- Certification Pay, Education Pay, and Bilingual Pay
- Clothing and Cleaning Allowances
- Compensatory Per Diem
- Corporal Pay – Texas Department of Public Safety
- Differential Payments – Texas Military Department
- Supplemental Pay for Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired and School for the Deaf
- Employees of the Legislative Branch
- Evening, Night or Weekend Shift Salary Differential
- Fire Prevention/Safety Pay
- Goods and Services Provided to Employees
- Hardship Station Incentives
- Hazardous Duty Pay
- TxDOT Hazardous Duty Pay
- Housing
- Incentives, Enhanced Compensation and Expenses for High-Performing Employees of the Comptroller’s Office
- Maximum Security and Behavioral Management Unit Salaries
- Payment for Compensatory or Holiday Time
- Permanent School Fund Bonus
- Salary Provisions for Certain Employees of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department
- Special Provisions Equal to Salaries Paid by the Austin Independent School District (AISD)
- Stand-By/On-Call Pay
- SNAP Performance Payments
- Supplemental Pay for Certain Judges
- Compensatory Time/Overtime for the Officers of the Department of Public Safety (DPS) of the State of Texas
- Supplemental Pay From a County or Municipality – Department of Family and Protective Services
- Texas Juvenile Justice Department Hazardous Duty Pay
- Tips (Gratuities)
- Veterans Award
Non-Salary Payments
- Benefit Replacement Pay for State Agencies
- Financial Incentives – Wellness Programs
- Longevity Pay
- Lump-Sum Payment of Accrued Vacation Time
- Lump-Sum Payment of Accrued Vacation and Sick Time for Deceased Employees
- Overtime
- Recruitment and Retention Bonuses
- Reimbursement of Meal Expenses During Non-Overnight Travel
Voluntary Deductions
- Charitable Contributions
- Credit Union Deductions
- Background
- Deduction Authorization
- Deduction Change, Cancellation, Enrollment on Transfer and Refunds
- Wages to Support Deductions
- Payments to Credit Unions by the Comptroller’s Office or Institutions of Higher Education
- Detail Reports
- Other Considerations
- Canceled Payments of Salary or Wages
- Administrative Fee
- Additional Resources
- Deferred Compensation Plans
- Employee Organization Membership Fees
- Insurance Plans
- Permanent Life Insurance Premium Deductions
- Purchasing Retirement Service Credit
- Savings Bonds Purchases
- Supplemental Optional Benefits Programs
- Texas Prepaid Higher Education Tuition Program
- Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan
- The Texas Tuition Promise Fund
- Texas 529 College Savings Plans
- Multiple Contracts in Multiple Plans
- Deduction Authorization
- Interagency Transfers
- Timing of Deductions
- Salary or Wages to Support a Deduction
- Alterations, Cancellations and Effective Date of Deduction Authorization
- Payments of Deductions
- Detail Reports
- Refunding Excessive Payments of Amounts Deducted
- Learn More
- Tobacco User Premium Differential Deductions
- Voluntary Retirement Plan Contributions