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Direct Deposit Processing
Direct Deposit Mail Codes

Direct deposit instructions are tied to a mail code.

Existing Mail Codes

  • Payees can have multiple mail codes with different account information for each. Some payees choose to receive certain payments by direct deposit and others by warrant.
  • Always be sure you are using the right mail code before making a payment.
  • Custodial agencies are responsible for maintaining their own direct deposit mail codes and should work with their payees to keep the information up to date.

New Mail Codes

  • Look up the payee’s number in TINS to double-check whether the payee has a TIN Master Record and/or existing direct deposit instructions.
  • Review the information on the form to see if it matches any of the payee’s existing mail codes.
  • Resolve any problems by talking to the payee before proceeding.
  • If no TIN for your payee exists, a master record needs to be set up on the Payee Master Level Setup (PMSTUP) screen.
    • If your agency does online entry, then the master record and direct deposit can be set up on the same day.
    • If your agency does batch processing, the TIN and one mail code will have to be set up at least one day prior to setting up direct deposit.

Note: As noted in the direct deposit legal citations, governmental entities are required to receive recurring state payments by direct deposit. New mail codes for a city or county need to include direct deposit instructions.