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Mid-Day Validation Process
Output Results

If the Agency Submits a… Then… Agency Action
2 TIN and
TINS finds a corresponding 7 TIN,
TINS checks the status of the TIN and/or mail code and
Returns the 7 TIN in the output file.
If the TIN and/or mail code status is active:
The agency must use the 7 TIN according to the rules outlined in the Payee Number Matrix.
If the TIN and/or mail code status is inactive:
The agency should contact Payment Services or submit a Payee Change Request form (74-157) to request reactivation of the TIN or mail code.

If the mail code was inactivated during the monthly mail code cleanup inactivation process, agencies can submit a mid-day input file to request reactivation as long as the Address Indicator is not Blank.
2 TIN and
TINS cannot find a match to a corresponding 7 TIN,
TINS validates the nine-digit number against the federal validation criteria for SSNs or ITINs. If the number is valid:
The agency receives a message that a payee master and mail code setup is required. The agency must follow up with a payee master and mail code setup via online or batch.

TINS will also create a 7 TIN and return it in the output file. This will be the 7 TIN reserved for that payee after the agency submits the payee master and mail code setup.
If the number is invalid:
The agency receives a message to that effect and must then research the correct SSN or ITIN for the payee.
1 TIN (for an EIN) and
TINS finds it,
TINS checks the status of the TIN and/or mail code. If the TIN and/or mail code status is active:
The agency can issue a payment to the payee.
If the TIN and/or mail code status is inactive:
The agency should contact Payment Services or submit a Payee Change Request form (74-157) to request reactivation of the TIN or mail code.

If the mail code was inactivated during the monthly mail code cleanup inactivation process, agencies can submit a mid-day input file to request reactivation as long as the Address Indicator is not Blank.
1 TIN (for an EIN) and
TINS cannot find it,
TINS validates the nine-digit number against the federal validation criteria for EINs. If the number is valid:
The agency receives a message that a payee master and mail code setup is required. The agency must follow up with a payee master and mail code setup via online or batch.
If the number is invalid:
The agency receives a message to that effect and must then research the correct EIN for the payee.
Request Type A to reactivate a mail code, TINS checks if the Address Indicator is not Blank and if the mail code was invalidated during the monthly cleanup inactivation process. If the mail code meets the criteria:
TINS reactivates the mail code.
If the mail code does not meet the criteria:
The agency receives a message to that effect and should contact Payment Services or submit a Payee Change Request form (74-157) to request reactivation of the mail code.

Note: Agencies can also submit 3 or 7 TINs in the mid-day validation file to determine the TIN and/or mail code status.