Mid-Day Validation Process
Message Codes and Descriptions
The following message codes and descriptions will be used in the output file when agencies submit input files for the TINS mid-day validation process.
Message Code | Message | Action Required |
000 | No Detail Data to Process | Resubmit the input file with detail data according to the File Layouts (login required) |
001 | TIN Must Be 11 Digits | Resubmit the record with an 11-digit TIN. |
004 | First Digit of TIN/Hold Number Must Be 1, 2, 3 or 7 | Resubmit the record with the corrected TIN. |
005 | Check Digit Is Incorrect for TIN/Hold Number | Resubmit the record with the correct check digit from the Check Digit Calculator (login required) or Check Digit Algorithms (login required). |
006 | Invalid Agency Number | Resubmit the input file with a valid agency number. |
101 | Mail Code for This TIN Not Found on File | Submit a new mail code setup before payments can be issued. |
700 | Master Setup Required | Submit a payee master and mail code setup before payments can be issued. Note: This message applies when a valid 1, 2, 3 or 7 TIN is submitted where the:
701 | Master Setup Required For Reserved 7 TINs | Submit a payee master and mail code setup before payments can be issued. The payee master setup requires the SSN or ITIN, which will be set up with the 7 TIN that was returned in the output file. Note: This message applies when a valid 2 TIN is submitted where the:
708 | No Header Submitted | Submit the header record according to the File Layouts (login required). |
709 | Submitted Number Invalid. TIN Not Found | Obtain a valid EIN, SSN or ITIN from the payee and resubmit the record or submit a payee master and mail code setup in TINS. Note: This message applies when the submitted 1 or 2 TIN does not meet the federal validation criteria. |
710 | Master Active. Mail Code Inactive | Contact Payment Services or submit a Payee Change Request form (74-157) to request reactivation of the TIN or mail code. If the mail code was inactivated during the monthly mail code cleanup inactivation process, agencies can submit a mid-day input file to request reactivation as long as the Address Indicator is not Blank. |
711 | Master and Mail Code Inactive | Contact Payment Services or submit a Payee Change Request form (74-157) to request reactivation of the TIN and mail code. |
712 | Master Inactive. Mail Code Not Found | Contact Payment Services or submit a Payee Change Request form (74-157) to research reactivation of the TIN. If the TIN is reactivated, submit a mail code setup before payments can be issued. |
713 | TIN Inactive | Contact Payment Services or submit a Payee Change Request form (74-157) to research reactivation of the TIN. |
714 | No Trailer Submitted | Resubmit the input file with the trailer according to the File Layouts (login required) |
715 | Trailer Record Count Not Equal Records Received/Processed | Resubmit the corrected file. |
716 | TIN and Mail Code Active | Payments may be issued to the TIN and mail code. |
717 | TIN Active | Payments may be issued to the TIN. |
719 | Mail Code Cannot Be Reactivated | Indicates reactivation was requested for a mail code NOT inactivated during the monthly cleanup inactivation process. Contact Payment Services or submit a Payee Change Request form (74-157) to request reactivation of the mail code. |
720 | Mail Code Address Invalid, Mail Code Cannot Be Reactivated | Indicates reactivation was requested for a mail code inactivated during the monthly cleanup inactivation process, BUT the Address Indicator has a value of Blank. Contact Payment Services or submit a Payee Change Request form (74-157) to research reactivation of the mail code. |
Note: The mid-day mail code reactivation input file request is optional. Agencies may continue to call Payment Services or submit a PCR to request reactivation of mail codes.