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Mid-Day Validation Process
Message Codes and Descriptions

The following message codes and descriptions will be used in the output file when agencies submit input files for the TINS mid-day validation process.

Message Code Message Action Required
000 No Detail Data to Process Resubmit the input file with detail data according to the File Layouts (login required)
001 TIN Must Be 11 Digits Resubmit the record with an 11-digit TIN.
004 First Digit of TIN/Hold Number Must Be 1, 2, 3 or 7 Resubmit the record with the corrected TIN.
005 Check Digit Is Incorrect for TIN/Hold Number Resubmit the record with the correct check digit from the Check Digit Calculator (login required) or Check Digit Algorithms (login required).
006 Invalid Agency Number Resubmit the input file with a valid agency number.
101 Mail Code for This TIN Not Found on File Submit a new mail code setup before payments can be issued.
700 Master Setup Required

Submit a payee master and mail code setup before payments can be issued.

Note: This message applies when a valid 1, 2, 3 or 7 TIN is submitted where the:

  • EIN in the 1 TIN or SSN/ITIN in the 2 TIN meets the federal validation criteria
  • 3 TIN has a valid check digit
  • 1, 2, 3 or 7 TIN is not in TINS
701 Master Setup Required For Reserved 7 TINs

Submit a payee master and mail code setup before payments can be issued. The payee master setup requires the SSN or ITIN, which will be set up with the 7 TIN that was returned in the output file.

Note: This message applies when a valid 2 TIN is submitted where the:

  • SSN/ITIN in the 2 TIN meets the federal validation criteria
  • 7 TIN is on file or has been created and reserved
  • Payee master and mail code record is not in TINS
708 No Header Submitted Submit the header record according to the File Layouts (login required).
709 Submitted Number Invalid. TIN Not Found

Obtain a valid EIN, SSN or ITIN from the payee and resubmit the record or submit a payee master and mail code setup in TINS.

Note: This message applies when the submitted 1 or 2 TIN does not meet the federal validation criteria.

710 Master Active. Mail Code Inactive Contact Payment Services or submit a Payee Change Request form (74-157) to request reactivation of the TIN or mail code. If the mail code was inactivated during the monthly mail code cleanup inactivation process, agencies can submit a mid-day input file to request reactivation as long as the Address Indicator is not Blank.
711 Master and Mail Code Inactive Contact Payment Services or submit a Payee Change Request form (74-157) to request reactivation of the TIN and mail code.
712 Master Inactive. Mail Code Not Found Contact Payment Services or submit a Payee Change Request form (74-157) to research reactivation of the TIN. If the TIN is reactivated, submit a mail code setup before payments can be issued.
713 TIN Inactive Contact Payment Services or submit a Payee Change Request form (74-157) to research reactivation of the TIN.
714 No Trailer Submitted Resubmit the input file with the trailer according to the File Layouts (login required)
715 Trailer Record Count Not Equal Records Received/Processed Resubmit the corrected file.
716 TIN and Mail Code Active Payments may be issued to the TIN and mail code.
717 TIN Active Payments may be issued to the TIN.
719 Mail Code Cannot Be Reactivated Indicates reactivation was requested for a mail code NOT inactivated during the monthly cleanup inactivation process.

Contact Payment Services or submit a Payee Change Request form (74-157) to request reactivation of the mail code.
720 Mail Code Address Invalid, Mail Code Cannot Be Reactivated Indicates reactivation was requested for a mail code inactivated during the monthly cleanup inactivation process, BUT the Address Indicator has a value of Blank.

Contact Payment Services or submit a Payee Change Request form (74-157) to research reactivation of the mail code.

Note: The mid-day mail code reactivation input file request is optional. Agencies may continue to call Payment Services or submit a PCR to request reactivation of mail codes.