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USAS Deposit Default Processing

FPP Q.006

Deposit Default Coding Block Elements

Agencies must have the following deposit coding block elements established in USAS:

  • An active D23 Fund Profile for default fund 9000 for the current fiscal year.
  • An active 26 Program Cost Account (PCA) Profile for 99900 set up to infer fund 9000, appropriation 00000 and the current appropriation year (AY).

USAS uses this default deposit coding block for failed D and F deposit documents. Without this coding block, the deposit correction errors off and is not able to post to the agency.

If the agency requires an agency object code, Agency Object 3000 must be established and active on the D11 Agency Object Profile.

Note: Agency staff only has inquiry access on the 26 Program Cost Account (PCA) Profile for PCAs 99900 to 99999. These PCAs are centrally controlled. If you attempt to modify a PCA in this range, you will receive the error code D7A – Centrally Controlled PCA. If you need modification of a PCA in this range, contact your agency’s appropriation control officer (ACO).