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SEFA Tutorial

Lesson 4: Overview of the SEFA Web Application


The timeline/deadlines are available on the AFR Reporting Requirements’ SEFA – Timeline page. Agencies that have federal activity to report must enter and certify SEFA data and certify in the SEFA web application by the applicable deadlines.

Note: Agencies that do not report federal activity are not required to certify in the SEFA web application.

If a deadline is missed, contact your financial reporting analyst to certify on your agency’s behalf.

SEFA Deadlines

Date Deadline Purpose
Sept. 1 Initial certification Begin balancing and coordinating activity records
Sept. 2-26 Pass-through reconciliation Coordinate and balance transactions in USAS*
Sept. 28 Pass-through certification Web application deadline
Nov. 1 Final certification Direct revenue reported**

*In order to certify by Sept. 28, all USAS transactions must be entered, released and correct by close of business on Sept. 26. If the Sept. 26 falls on a weekend, all transactions must be entered by close of business on the prior Friday (error free) or the transactions will not process until Monday’s cycle.

** The deadline for GR consolidated agencies (GCAs) is Oct. 1.

Next: Access