SPRS User Guide –
SPRS Personnel Edits Personnel Batch/Transaction Status Layout
Updated: May 31, 2018 – View Changes
The purpose of this document is to list and define all of the SPRS Personnel Field Edits. Unless otherwise noted with a warning symbol, all edits listed in this document will generate fatal errors.
Table of Contents
Common Personnel Edits
- 001 - Batch/Document Header
- 200 - Social Security Number Change
- 210 - Employee Descriptive Information
- 220 - Employee Job Information
- 230 - Employee Entitlement Information
- 240 - Employee Deduction Information
- 250 - Employee Direct Deposit Information
- 999 - Batch Trailer
Notational Conventions
The following table lists the notational conventions used throughout this guide.
This symbol denotes an action.
This symbol denotes a tip.
This symbol denotes a warning.
This symbol denotes a reference to another document.
This symbol denotes a reference to another chapter or topic in this guide.
This symbol denotes an edit which is not applied when an entitlement amount is negative.
Common Personnel Edits
Agency Number
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Must not be zeros or blank.
- Agency must be on the HRIS agency table.
- Agency must have been converted to SPRS.
Batch Number
- Alphanumeric 8-byte field.
- Agency defined.
- Must not be zeros or blank.
Batch Type
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Value must be CAN (cancellation transactions), PAY (payroll transactions), or PER (personnel transactions).
Effective Date
- Numeric 8-byte field.
- Must be in CCYYMMDD format.
- Must not be blank.
- Must not be more than 45 days into the future, with the exception of the 240 Record — Employee Deduction Information, which can be up to 90 days into the future.
- Must not be after employee’s termination date.
- Must not be prior to the SPRS transfer date.
- Must not be prior to the employment date.
Reason Code
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Refer to the SPRS Reason Code Table for valid values.
Social Security Number
- Must be nine numeric digits.
- Must not be blank.
- Must not start with 000, 666 or any number greater than 899.
- Must not be "111-11-1111" or "333-33-3333" or "123-45-6789"
- The fourth and fifth digits must not be "00"
- The sixth through ninth digits must not be "0000"
001 Record – Batch/Document Header
Agency Date
- Numeric 8-byte field.
- Must be in CCYYMMDD format.
Batch Name
- Alphanumeric 12-byte field.
- Agency Defined.
Record ID
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Value for batch header must be 001.
200 Record – Social Security Number Change
Record ID
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Value for social security number change must be 200.
210 Record – Employee Descriptive Information
Agency Transferred From
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Agency must be on the HRIS agency table.
Agency Transferred To
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Agency must be on the HRIS agency table.
- Agency must have been converted to SPRS.
Benefit Replacement Pay Eligibility Indicator
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are:
Value Description Y Eligible and Leveling N Eligible and Not Leveling W Not eligible. - If employee retired from state employment on or after 6/1/05, BRP Indicator must be W (not eligible) upon reemployment. (Note: If employee retired from state employment on or after 6/1/05 and reemployment date is prior to 9/1/05, Y or N is valid until 9/1/05 if previous BRP Indicator was Y or N.)
- If employee retired from state employment prior to 6/1/05 and reemployment date is prior to 9/30/05 and break-in-service is not more than 12 months, Y (Yes) or N (No) is valid if previous BRP Indicator was Y (Yes) or N (No).
- If employee retired from state employment prior to 6/1/05 and returned to state employment prior to 9/30/05, or remained employed through their retirement date and BRP Indicator is Yes or No, but later terminates again and reemployment date is after 9/30/05, the BRP Indicator must be W (not eligible). The 30-day absence from state employment rule is not applicable in this situation.
- If employee terminated prior to 9/1/05 and reemployment date is on or after 9/30/05, BRP Indicator must be W (not eligible).
- If employee terminated prior to 9/1/05 and reemployment date is prior to 9/30/05, and break-in-service is not more than 12 months, Y or N is valid if previous BRP Indicator was Y or N.
- If employee terminated on or after 9/1/05, Y (Yes) or N (No) is valid if employee was previously Y (Yes) or N (No) and employee has not been terminated for 30 consecutive days or more.
- If Reason Code is 010, 012 or LEG, Y (Yes) is valid if hire date is 12/01/xxxx and Payroll Cycle is M (Monthly).
- If Reason Code is 012 or LEG, Y (Yes) is valid if hire date is 12/16/xxxx and Payroll Cycle is S (Semi-monthly).
- If Reason Code is 012 or LEG, Y (Yes) is valid if hire date is not 12/01 or 12/16 but is the first working day of any other month and the indicator was Y (Yes) at the Transfer From Agency.
- If Reason Code is 038, Y (Yes) is valid if effective date is 12/01/xxxx and Payroll Cycle is M (Monthly).
- If Reason Code is 038, Y (Yes) is valid if effective date is 12/16/xxxx and Payroll Cycle is S (Semi-monthly).
- If Reason Code is 038, Y (Yes) is valid if the effective date of transfer is the first working day of the month and the indicator was a Y (Yes) at the Agency Transfer From.
- If Reason Code 038 and the BRP Indicator is changing from W (ineligible for BRP) to Y or N (eligible for BRP), or Y or N (eligible) to W (ineligible), and the change is otherwise valid, the effective date must be equal to the employee’s employment date or the earliest effective date in SPRS, if the employment date is prior to the history in SPRS.
- If BRP Indicator is Y (Yes) on file and the employee is returning from one full calendar month or more of LWOP, the BRP Indicator must change to N (No) on Reason Code 043 (returning from LWOP).
Birth Date
- Alphanumeric 8-byte field.
- Must be in CCYYMMDD format.
- Must be less than current year.
- Must be less than current year minus 14 (Employees must be 14 years old).
Citizenship Country
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Refer to the SPRS Country Code Table for valid values.
Citizenship Status
- Alphanumeric 2-byte field.
- Valid values are:
Value Description EA Temporary Worker Extraordinary Ability - Non-Immigrant NF Non-Resident Bona Fide Student NH Temporary Worker or Trainee - Non-Immigrant NJ Non-Resident Bona Fide Exchange Visitor NK Fiancee of Non-Immigrant NM Non-Resident Transmigrant NT Non-Resident Tourist NW Non-Resident Working Temporary Only RI Resident Immigrant (Green Card) Blank
Commissioned Peace Officer
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are Y (Yes), N (No), or Blank.
Effective Service Date
- Numeric 8-byte field.
- Must be in CCYYMMDD format.
- Must not be blank.
- If the employee is returning from one full calendar month or more of LWOP, the Effective Service Date must change on Reason Code 043-Off.
Employee Country/Zone Code
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Refer to the SPRS Country Code Table for valid values.
- If Employee Mailing State is --, Mailing Country must not be USA.
- On 069 or 038 Reason Codes following death, if any part of the address is changed (i.e. address 1, address 2, City, State, ZIP code, Country, or greater than spaces) then all address fields are mandatory.
Employee First Name
- 20-byte field.
- Must be left-justified.
- Valid values are A-Z, 0-9, hyphen, forward slash, open and close parentheses, ampersand, quotation mark, apostrophe, pound or space.
Employee Last Name
- 35-byte field.
- Must be left-justified.
- Valid values are A-Z, 0-9, hyphen, forward slash, open and close parentheses, ampersand, quotation mark, apostrophe, pound or space.
Employee Mailing Address 1
- 50-byte field.
- Must be left-justified.
- Valid values are A-Z, 0-9, hyphen, forward and backward slash, open and close parentheses, ampersand, quotation mark, apostrophe, pound, space, or asterisk.
Employee Mailing Address 2
- 50-byte field.
- Must be left-justified.
- Valid values are A-Z, 0-9, hyphen, forward and backward slash, open and close parentheses, ampersand, quotation mark, apostrophe, pound, space, or asterisk.
- An agency may send a “+” in the first byte of this field to blank it out.
Employee Mailing City
- Alphanumeric 28-byte field.
- City must be valid for the USA.
- City, State, and ZIP Code must be valid combination per VUPS_INFO01.
- On 069 or 038 Reason Codes following death, if any part of the address is changed (i.e. address 1, address 2, City, State, ZIP code, Country, or greater than spaces) then all address fields are mandatory.
- Must be left-justified.
- Valid values are A-Z, 0-9, hyphen, forward and backward slash, open and close parentheses, ampersand, quotation mark, apostrophe, pound, space, or asterisk.
- Must be found on the UPS table when country equals USA.
Employee Mailing State
- Alphanumeric 2-byte field.
- State must be valid for the USA.
- State must be -- for outside USA.
- City, State, and ZIP Code must be valid combination per VUPS_INFO01.
- On 069 or 038 Reason Codes following death, if any part of the address is changed (i.e. address 1, address 2, City, State, ZIP code, Country, or greater than spaces) then all address fields are mandatory.
- Must be found on the UPS table when country equals USA.
Employee Mailing Zip Code
- Numeric 12-byte field. Must not contain a dash.
- Zip Code must be valid for the USA.
- City, State, and ZIP Code must be valid combination per VUPS_INFO01.
- On 069 or 038 Reason Codes following death, if any part of the address is changed (i.e. address 1, address 2, City, State, ZIP code, Country, or greater than spaces) then all address fields are mandatory.
- Must be found on the UPS table when country equals USA.
Employee Middle Name
- 20-byte field.
- Must be left-justified.
- Valid values are A-Z, 0-9, hyphen, forward slash, open and close parentheses, ampersand, quotation mark, apostrophe, pound or space.
- An agency may send a “+” in the first byte of this field to blank it out.
FICA Exempt Index
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are Y (Yes), N (No).
Leave Without Pay Indicator
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are:
Value Description Y Regular M Military W Worker's Compensation D Disciplinary P Parental F FMLA N or Blank Not on Leave Without Pay
Processing Sequence ID
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Agency defined (optional field).
Race (Mandatory)
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are:
Value Description I American Indian or Alaskan Native A Asian B Black H Hispanic P Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander W White M Two or more races
Record ID
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Value for employee descriptive information must be 210.
Release Address
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are Y (Yes), N (No), or Blank.
- If Agency Number is 696, Release Address must be N.
- If CPO Indicator is Y (Yes), the Release Address must be N.
- If employee was a prior employee of Agency 696 (TDCJ), Release Address must be N.
- If employee was a prior employee of Agency 302 (OAG) and worked in a protected division, Release Address must be N.
Release Home Phone
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are Y (Yes), N (No), or Blank.
- If Agency Number is 696, Release Home Phone must be N.
- If CPO Indicator is Y (Yes), the Release Home Phone must be N.
- If employee was a prior employee of Agency 696 (TDCJ), Release Home Phone must be N.
- If employee was a prior employee of Agency 302 (OAG) and worked in a protected division, Release Home Phone must be N.
Release Social Security Number
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are Y (Yes), N (No), or Blank.
- If Agency Number is 696, Release Social Security Number must be N.
- If CPO Indicator is Y (Yes), the Release Social Security Number must be N.
- If employee was a prior employee of Agency 696 (TDCJ), Release Social Security Number must be N.
- If employee was a prior employee of Agency 302 (OAG) and worked in a protected division, Release Social Security Number must be N.
Release Family Information
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are Y (Yes), N (No), or Blank.
- If Agency Number is 696, Release Family Information must be N.
- If CPO Indicator is Y (Yes), the Release Family Information must be N.
- If employee was a prior employee of Agency 696 (TDCJ), Release Family Information must be N.
- If employee was a prior employee of Agency 302 (OAG) and worked in a protected division, Release Family Information must be N.
Release Emergency Contact
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are Y (Yes), N (No), or Blank.
- If Agency Number is 696, Release Emergency Contact must be N.
- If CPO Indicator is Y (Yes), the Release Emergency Contact must be N.
- If employee was a prior employee of Agency 696 (TDCJ), Release Emergency Contact must be N.
- If employee was a prior employee of Agency 302 (OAG) and worked in a protected division, Release Emergency Contact must be N.
Retirement Code
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- If retirement code is E for a new hire or transfer, employee must be eligible for participation in retirement.
- If retirement code is C for a new hire or transfer, employee must be eligible for participation in ERS and LECOS retirement.
- If retirement code is X, employee must be a return-to-work retiree previously retired from ERS prior to 09/01/2009.
- If retirement code is R or S, employee must be a return-to-work retiree previously retired from ERS on or after 09/01/2009.
- If retirement code is S for a new hire or transfer, employee must be in a LECOS position.
- If Reason Code 038, and retirement code is changing from M or X to E or C; E, C or M to X; or X to M, and the change is otherwise valid, the effective date must be equal to the employee's employment date or the earliest effective date in SPRS, if the employment date is prior to the history in SPRS.
- If Reason Code 038, and retirement code is changing to R or S from any other retirement code, and the change is otherwise valid, the effective date must be equal to the employee’s employment date or the earliest effective date in SPRS, if the employment date is prior to the history in SPRS.
- If Reason Code 038, and retirement code is changing from R or S to any other retirement code, and the change is otherwise valid, the effective date must be equal to the employee’s employment date or the earliest effective date in SPRS, if the employment date is prior to the history in SPRS.
- If Reason Code 038, and retirement code is changing to S, employee must be in a LECOS position.
- If board member class code is CP25, retirement code must be X.
- Valid values are:
Value Description E ERS C LECOS L LRS M ERS - Maximum amount contributed N Subject to waiting period for ERS (inactive 09/01/2014) O ORP P ESO Q Subject to waiting period for ERS and LECOS retirement (inactive 09/01/2014) R Return-to-work retiree surcharge for ERS retirement S Return-to-work retiree surcharge for ERS and LECOS X Exempt 1 JRS Plan 1 2 JRS Plan 2 3 JRS Plan 1 - Maximum amount contributed 4 JRS Plan 2 - Maximum amount contributed 5 LECOS - Maximum amount contributed 6 LRS - Maximum amount contributed 7 ESO - Maximum amount contributed
Note: If board member class code is BD25, retirement code must be blank.
Reversal Indicator
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are Y (Yes), N (No), or Blank.
- Value for reversal indicator must be record number.
- If Effective Date is prior to SPRS Conversion Date, Reversal Indicator must not be Y (Yes).
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are Male or Female.
Six Months Continuous Service Indicator
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are Y (Yes) N (No) or Blank.
- Six Months Continuous Service Indicator and the Effective Service Date must be consistent (e.g., If 6 Month Indicator is Y (Yes), the Effective Service Date must be greater than or equal to 6 months prior to the current processing date).
SP3 Name
- 50-byte field.
- A-Z, 0-9, hyphen, forward and backward slash, open and close parentheses, ampersand, quotation mark, apostrophe, pound, asterisk, or left-justified.
Status Attribute Code
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Values are system assigned.
Veteran Indicator
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are Y (Yes), N (No), or U (Unknown).
Veteran Preference Indicator
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are:
Value Description V Veteran W Surviving spouse (not remarried) O Orphan of veteran who was killed on active duty U Unknown N Not eligible S Spouse of active-duty member H Disabled veteran’s spouse who is primary source of income
220 Record – Employee Job Information
Assigned Work Hours
- Must be a numeric value (1-40) per job.
- Must be less than 40 hours if the third byte of Employee Type is P.
- Must be valid based on employee type.
County Code Work
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Refer to the SPRS Texas State County Codes Table for valid State County Codes within Texas and the SPRS State Abbreviations and State County Codes Table for valid County Codes outside of Texas.
Daily Flat Rate
- Numeric 9-byte field with five decimal places.
- If mandatory for reason code submitted, required for Board Members who receive compensatory per diem. Field will be protected for employees with Salary Type 1 (Hourly) or 2 (Salaried).
EEO Function Code
- Numeric 2-byte field.
- Valid values are:
Value Description 1 Financial Administration 2 Streets/Highways 3 Public Welfare 4 Police Protection 5 Fire Protection 6 Natural Resources 7 Hospital/Sanatoriums 8 Health 8 Health 9 Housing 10 Community Development 11 Corrections 12 Utilities/Transportation 13 Sanitation/Sewage 14 Employment Securities 15 Other
EEO Job Category
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are:
Value Description A Officials/Administrators C Administrative Support E Elected Officials M Service/Maintenance O Elected Officials’ Staff P Professionals Q Paraprofessionals R Protective Services S Skilled Craft T Technicians
Employee Type
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Valid values are:
Value Description CRF Classified Regular Full-time CRP Classified Regular Part-time CTF Classified Temporary Full-Time CTP Classified Temporary Part-time ERF Exempt Regular Full-time ERP Exempt Regular Part-time URF Unclassified Regular Full-time URP Unclassified Regular Part-time UTF Unclassified Temporary Full-time UTP Unclassified Temporary Part-time
FLSA Indicator
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are Y (Yes) or N (No).
Hazardous Duty Indicator
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are Y (Yes), N (No), or Blank.
- To be authorized for hazardous duty pay, employee must be employed on the first working day of the month and the indicator must be Y (Yes) on the first working day of the month.
- Only Agency 696 should be reporting a Y (Yes) for the Hazardous Duty Indicator field.
- Must be consistent with the Effective Service Date (i.e., the Hazardous Duty Indicator cannot be equal to Y (Yes) unless it is effective on or after the first of the month following 12 months of State service).
Hourly Rate
- Numeric 9-byte field rounded to five decimal places.
- If mandatory for reason code submitted, required for hourly employees on Schedule A, B and C, exempt and unclassified. Field will be protected for employees with Salary Type 2 (Salaried) or 7 (Daily Flat Rate).
- Hourly rate must be within the range for the Salary Group (not below the minimum or above the maximum).
- If hourly exempt employee, hourly rate must not exceed the Not-to-Exceed amount specified in the General Appropriations Act or the Not-to-Exceed amount authorized by the Governor.
- If hourly unclassified employee, hourly rate must not exceed the Not-to-Exceed amount specified in the General Appropriations Act.
Job Classification Code
- Alphanumeric 4-byte field.
- Must be a valid four-character value associated with the position title from the Position Classification Plan, exempt Classification Table, or other Unclassified Position table.
Job Number
- Numeric 3-byte field.
- Agency defined.
- Valid values are from 001 – 999.
- Must not be blank.
- Value 000 is only allowable on employee entitlement or deduction related transactions.
- Values may not be reused during an employment period.
Location Code
- Alphanumeric 7-byte field.
- Must contain valid characters (i.e., A-Z, 0-9, hyphen, spaces).
- An agency may send a “+” in the first byte of this field to blank it out.
Payroll Cycle
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are:
Value Description blank Board Member (BD25) M Employee paid monthly S Employee paid semi-monthly; Salary Authorized Base is reported as half monthly salary or hourly rate (inactive 09/01/2016) T Employee paid semi-monthly; Salary Authorized Base is reported as full monthly salary or hourly rate (active 09/01/2016) - For employees with multiple jobs within the same agency, the payroll cycle for each job must be the same.
- If Payroll Cycle is Semi-Monthly, employee must be classified in Salary Schedule 1A and below Salary Group 12.
Processing Sequence ID
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Agency defined (optional field).
Record ID
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Value for employee job information must be 220.
Reversal Indicator
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are Y (Yes), N (No), or Blank.
- If Effective Date is prior to SPRS Conversion Date, Reversal Indicator must not be Y (Yes).
Salary Authorized Base
- Numeric 9-byte field truncated to two decimal places.
- If mandatory for reason code submitted, required for salaried employees on Schedule A, B and C, exempt and unclassified employees. Field will be protected for employees with Salary Type 1 (Hourly) or 7 (Daily Flat Rate).
- Salary must be within the range for the Salary Group (not below the minimum or above the maximum).
- Agency must report the full-time monthly salary by Job Number for full-time employees (Assigned Work Hours = 40) and the proportionate salary for part-time employees (Assigned Work Hours < 40).
- If Payroll Cycle is ‘S’emi-monthly, Salary Authorized Base must be equal to one-half of the full-time monthly salary or one-half of the part-time monthly salary.
- If salaried exempt employee, salary must not exceed the Not-to-Exceed amount specified in the General Appropriations Act or the Not-to-Exceed amount authorized by the Governor.
- If salaried unclassified employee, salary/rate must not exceed the Not-to-Exceed amount specified in the General Appropriations Act.
Salary Step
- Alphanumeric 2-byte field.
- Valid values for Salary Schedule C are: 01 for Salary Groups C1 and C2; 01-06 for Salary Group C3 and 01-05 for Salary Groups C4 through C8.
- Field not required for employees on Salary Schedule A and B, exempt or unclassified employees.
Salary Type
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are:
Value Description 1 Hourly 2 Salaried 7 Daily Flat Rate (for Board Members who receive Compensatory Per Diem)
Unit Number
- Alphanumeric 5-byte field.
- Agency defined field.
- An agency may send a “+” in the first byte of this field to blank it out.
230 Record – Employee Entitlement Information
Action Code
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are:
Value Description A Add (used to add entitlements to the database) Note: After an entitlement has been added, another ‘A’dd action with an earlier effective date can be submitted provided the amount/rate is the same as the original ‘A’dd. If the earlier effective dated ‘A’dd action also requires a correction to the amount/rate, a ‘C’hange action can be submitted.
C Change (used to change existing data) D Delete (used to delete future effective dated entitlement transactions) S Stop (used on personnel entitlement transactions to end entitlements)
Note: If any future entitlements exist on the table, they will be deleted when the ‘Stop’ action is processed. If future entitlements are still valid, the agency will need to resubmit them to SPRS.
Child Protective Investigation Stipend (CPI) Code
- If Effective Date is 9/1/05, Reason Code F06 must not include a pay raise.
- If Effective Date is 9/1/06, Reason Code F07 must not include a pay raise.
Cost of Living Salary Supplements (CSS) Code
- Entitlement authorized amount must not be greater than $1,200.00.
Entitlement Authorized Amount
- Numeric 9-byte field with two decimal places.
- Must submit an amount or rate based on the entitlement code, but not both. Refer to the Personnel Input Record Layout (login required) document.
Entitlement Authorized Rate
- Numeric 5-byte field with five decimal places.
- Must submit an amount or rate based on the entitlement code, but not both. Refer to the Personnel Input Record Layout (login required) document.
Entitlement Code
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Refer to the SPRS Entitlement Code Table for valid values and to determine which entitlement codes require personnel authorization setup prior to payment.
Record ID
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Value for employee entitlement information must be 230.
240 Record – Employee Deduction Information
Action Code
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are:
Value Description A Add (used to add new deductions to the database) Note: After a deduction has been added, another ‘A’dd action with an earlier effective date can be submitted provided the amount/rate is the same as the original ‘A’dd. If the earlier effective dated 'A'dd action also requires a correction to the amount/rate, a ‘C’hange action can be submitted.
C Change (used to change existing data) D Delete (used to delete future effective dated deduction transactions) S Stop (used on personnel deduction transactions to end deductions)
Note: If any future deductions exist on the table, they will be deleted when the ‘Stop’ action is processed. If future deductions are still valid, the agency will need to resubmit them to SPRS.
Charitable Contributions (CCD) Code
- Deduction authorized amount must not be less than $2.00.
College Savings Plan (CSP) Code
- Deduction authorized amount must not be less than $15.00.
Deduction Authorized Amount
- Numeric 9-byte field with two decimal places.
- Value must not be zero.
- If value is greater than zero, the Action Code and Deduction Code fields must not be blank.
- If value is greater than zero, the Deduction Authorized Rate field must not be greater than zero. Refer to the Personnel Input Record Layout (login required) document for mandatory and protected fields.
Deduction Authorized Rate
- Numeric 5-byte field with five decimal places.
- If the Deduction Code field contains a valid value, then either the Deduction Authorized Amount or the Deduction Authorized Percent must be reported.
- Must not be greater than 09999 (99.99%).
- If Deduction Authorized Rate is reported, the Deduction Authorized Amount must not be greater than zero. If value is greater than zero, the Deduction Authorized Rate field must not be greater than zero. Refer to the Personnel Input Record Layout (login required) document for mandatory and protected fields.
Deduction Code
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Refer to the SPRS Deduction Code Table for valid values and to determine which deduction codes require personnel authorization setup prior to payment.
Deduction Sequence Number
- Numeric 3-byte field.
- Must be greater than zero.
- Must not be blank.
- Required even with only one occurrence.
- Must be unique per active Deduction Code with an Action Code of A (Add).
Insurance (INS) Code
- Deduction Code not valid for non-salaried Board and Commission members.
Record ID
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Value for employee deduction information must be 240.
250 Record – Employee Direct Deposit Information
Action Code
- Alphanumeric 1-byte field.
- Valid values are:
Value Description A Add (used to add new direct deposit information to the database) C Change (used to change existing data) S Stop (used to close existing direct deposit information)
Bank Account Number
- Alphanumeric 17-byte field.
- Valid characters: A-Z, 0-9, hyphen, space.
- Employee may have two direct deposit accounts (but they can use two banks)
- Must not contain decimal points.
Bank Account Type
- Numeric 2-byte field.
- Valid values are 22 (checking) or 32 (savings).
Bank Transit Number
- Numeric 9-byte field.
- Value must be found on TINS Financial Institutions table.
Mail Code
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Valid values for direct deposit are SP1 or SP2. SP3 is not valid for Direct Deposit.
Record ID
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Value for employee direct deposit information must be 250.
999 Record – Batch Trailer
Record Count
- Numeric 8-byte field.
- Must equal total records submitted in the batch including header and trailer.
Record ID
- Alphanumeric 3-byte field.
- Value for the batch trailer must be 999.
Date | Updates |
09/29/2023 | Added new veteran preference indicators to reflect the acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session |
05/31/2018 | Modified personnel edits due to system processing changes required by agencies that have recently converted to SPRS |