SPRS User Guide –
SPRS Reason Code Edits

Sorted by Reason Code
F25–F08, LEG | F25, F24, F23, F22, F21, F20, F19, F18, F17, F16, F15, F14, F13, F12, F11, F10, F09, F08, LEG |
002–009 | 002, 003, 008, 009 |
010–012 | 010, 012 |
020–029 | 020, 021, 022, 023, A23, 024, 025, 026, 027, 028, 029 |
030–038 | 030, 031, 032, 033, 034, 035, 036, 037, 038 039 |
040–049 | 040, 041, 042, 043, 044, 046, A46, 047, 048, 049 |
050–057 | 050, 057 |
060–069 | 060, 063, 064, 065, 067, 068, 069 |
Sorted by Category and Description
Fiscal Year Conversion Record
F25 | Fiscal year conversion record |
F24 | Fiscal year conversion record |
F23 | Fiscal year conversion record |
F22 | Fiscal year conversion record |
F21 | Fiscal year conversion record |
F20 | Fiscal year conversion record |
F19 | Fiscal year conversion record |
F18 | Fiscal year conversion record |
F17 | Fiscal year conversion record |
F16 | Fiscal year conversion record |
F15 | Fiscal year conversion record |
F14 | Fiscal year conversion record |
F13 | Fiscal year conversion record |
F12 | Fiscal year conversion record |
F11 | Fiscal year conversion record |
F10 | Fiscal year conversion record |
F09 | Fiscal year conversion record |
F08 | Fiscal year conversion record |
Legislative Reallocation Codes – Sept. 1 Only
002 | Reallocation of classified position to a job class with a lower, higher, or the same minimum salary (at the same salary in the new group or minimum of the new group, whichever is higher). |
003 | Reallocation of classified position to a job class with a higher minimum salary with an increase of not more than 6.8 percent. |
Legislative Reclassification Codes – Sept. 1 Only
008 | Reclassification from line-item/unclassified position to classified position. |
009 | Reclassification from a classified position to line-item/unclassified position. |
Agency Reclassification Codes
022 | Reclassify classified position to a class with a higher minimum salary and the same salary/rate in new group or minimum of new group, whichever is higher (Sept. 1-Aug. 31). |
024 | Reclassify classified position to a class with a higher minimum salary with an increase of not more than 6.8 percent (Sept. 1-Aug. 31). |
026 | Reclassify classified position to a class with the same minimum salary/rate within any Schedule — lateral move (Sept. 1-Aug. 31). |
044 | Reclassify classified position to a class with a lower minimum salary/rate at the same salary/rate, not to exceed the maximum of the new lower salary group minimum (Sept. 1-Aug. 31). |
Employee Acquisition Codes
LEG | Legislatively authorized transfer in. No change in salary/rate. |
010 | Newly hired or rehired after a break in state service. |
012 | Interagency transfer in. |
Salary Action Codes
020 | Promotion of classified employee to a higher minimum salary group. |
021 | Demotion of classified employee is to a lower minimum salary group. |
023 | Demotion of classified employee to a lower minimum salary group (i.e., a reduction in force demotion with same or decreased salary/rate). |
A23 | Demotion of classified employee to a lower minimum salary group (i.e., voluntary, a demotion with same, decreased, or increased salary/rate). |
025 | Merit increase for classified employees (Schedules A/B). |
027 | Salary/rate reduction for disciplinary reasons for classified employees. |
028 | Salary/rate restoration after disciplinary reduction for classified employees. |
029 | Salary/rate, job class, work hours and employee type change for line-item exempt/unclassified employees. |
030 | Status change from line-item exempt/unclassified to classified (Sept. 1-Aug. 31). |
031 | Status change from classified to line-item exempt/unclassified (Sept. 1-Aug. 31). |
034 | Salary-level adjustment for certain job classes for classified employees (Schedules A/B). |
035 | One-time merit payment for classified employees. |
036 | Performance reward for classified employees of eligible agencies. |
039 | Emergency one-time merit for work performed during a natural disaster or other extraordinary circumstance. |
040 | Equity adjustment for classified employees. |
046 | Lateral move to a classification in a salary group with the same minimum salary with or without an increase in pay. |
A46 | Lateral move to the same job classification within an agency as a result of applying for the position. Salary must change. |
047 | Governor's not-to-exceed increase for line-item exempt employees. |
048 | Language interpreter services pay (LIS – agencies 537 and 539). |
049 | Salary-level adjustment increase for classified employees (Schedule C). |
Intra-Agency Multiple Employment Codes
032 | Intra-agency multiple employment start for classified and line-item exempt/unclassified employees. |
033 | Intra-agency multiple employment stop for classified and line-item exempt/unclassified employees. |
Temporary Assignment/Removal Codes
041 | Move to temporary assignment for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified employees. |
042 | Move from temporary assignment for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified employees. |
Employee Social Security Number Change Codes
037 | SSN change for classified line-item exempt/unclassified employees. |
Employee Information Change Codes
038 | Employee descriptive data for all employee types. |
043 | Leave without pay (LWOP) status change for all employee types. |
050 | Hourly position moving to salaried position (and vice versa) for classified and unclassified employees. |
Employee Termination Codes
057 | Resignation in lieu of involuntary separation. |
060 | Voluntary separation. |
063 | Termination at will. |
064 | Reduction in force. |
065 | Transfer to a different state agency/institution. |
067 | Dismissal for cause. |
068 | Retirement. |
069 | Death. |
Notational Conventions
The following table lists the notational conventions used throughout this guide.
This symbol denotes an action.
This symbol denotes a tip.
This symbol denotes a warning.
This symbol denotes a reference to another document.
This symbol denotes a reference to another chapter or topic in this guide.
This symbol denotes a 5:00 action reason code.
- SPRS Reason Codes TOC »
- F25
- F24
- F23
- F22
- F21
- F20
- F19
- F18
- F17
- F16
- F15
- F14
- F13
- F12
- F11
- F10
- F09
- F08
- 002
- 003
- 008
- 009
- 010
- 012
- 020
- 021
- 022
- 023
- A23
- 024
- 025
- 026
- 027
- 028
- 029
- 030
- 031
- 032
- 033
- 034
- 037
- 038
- 040
- 041
- 042
- 043
- 044
- 046
- 047
- 048
- 049
- 050
- 057
- 060
- 063
- 064
- 065
- 067
- 068
- 069
Fiscal Year Conversion Record
- Salary/rate must increase by 5 percent or a minimum of $3,000/year, except not applicable to line-item exempt or certain unclassified job classifications.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Fiscal year conversion record for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified positions.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Fiscal year conversion record for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified positions.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Fiscal year conversion record for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified positions.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Fiscal year conversion record for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified positions.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Fiscal year conversion record for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified positions.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Fiscal year conversion record for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified positions.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Fiscal year conversion record for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified positions.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Fiscal year conversion record for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified positions.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Fiscal year conversion record for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified positions.
- Salary/rate must increase by 2.5 percent for ERS contributing classified, unclassified or line-item exempt employees, except not applicable to Schedule C employees.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
- Salary/rate must increase by 2 percent or a minimum of $600/year, except not applicable to line-item exempt, unclassified, targeted job classifications or Schedule C employees.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
- Salary/rate must increase by one percent or a minimum of $600/year, except not applicable to line-item exempt, unclassified, targeted job classifications or Schedule C employees.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Fiscal year conversion record for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified positions.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539), if applicable.
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539), if applicable.
Fiscal year conversion record for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified positions.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539), if applicable.
- Employee must not be receivingĀ language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539), if applicable.
Fiscal year conversion record for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified positions.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539), if applicable.
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539), if applicable.
Fiscal year conversion record for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified positions.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539), if applicable.
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539), if applicable.
Fiscal year conversion record for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified positions (if eligible, may include legislative pay raise).
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Salary/rate must increase by 2 percent or a minimum of $600/year, except not applicable to line-item exempt, unclassified (board members and professional trainees at agencies 537 and 539) or Schedule C employees.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539), if applicable.
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539), if applicable.
Fiscal year conversion record for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified positions (if eligible, may include legislative pay raise).
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Salary/rate must increase by 2 percent or a minimum of $600/year, except not applicable to line-item exempt, unclassified (board members and professional trainees at Agency 537 and 539) or Schedule C employees.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539), if applicable.
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539), if applicable.
- SPRS Reason Codes TOC »
- F25
- F24
- F23
- F22
- F21
- F20
- F19
- F18
- F17
- F16
- F15
- F14
- F13
- F12
- F11
- F10
- F09
- F08
- 002
- 003
- 008
- 009
- 010
- 012
- 020
- 021
- 022
- 023
- A23
- 024
- 025
- 026
- 027
- 028
- 029
- 030
- 031
- 032
- 033
- 034
- 037
- 038
- 040
- 041
- 042
- 043
- 044
- 046
- 047
- 048
- 049
- 050
- 057
- 060
- 063
- 064
- 065
- 067
- 068
- 069
Legislative Reallocation Codes – Sept. 1 Only
Reallocation of classified position to a job class with a lower, higher or the same minimum salary (at the same salary in the new group or minimum of the new group, whichever is higher).
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Job class code must not change.
- Employee type on SPRS file must be classified.
- If old salary/rate is within the range of new salary group, the salary/rate must remain the same.
- If old salary/rate is below the minimum of the new salary group, the new salary/rate must be increased to the minimum of the new salary group.
- If the employee is moving from Schedule A or B to C, only requirement is that the employee must go to a higher or lower salary group minimum.
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
Reallocation of classified position to a job class with a higher minimum salary with an increase of not more than 6.8 percent.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Job class code must not change.
- Employee type on SPRS file must be classified.
- Salary/rate must increase. If not, use reason code 002.
- New salary group minimum must be greater than old salary group minimum.
- If employee moves to or within Schedule A or B and the old salary/rate is within the new salary group, the new salary/rate must increase up to 6.8 percent above the old salary/rate or up to the maximum salary/rate in the new salary group, whichever is lower.
- If employee moves to or within Schedule A or B and the old salary/rate is less than the new group minimum, the salary/rate must increase up to 6.8 percent above the new group minimum.
- Not valid for employee moving to or within Schedule C.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
- SPRS Reason Codes TOC »
- F25
- F24
- F23
- F22
- F21
- F20
- F19
- F18
- F17
- F16
- F15
- F14
- F13
- F12
- F11
- F10
- F09
- F08
- 002
- 003
- 008
- 009
- 010
- 012
- 020
- 021
- 022
- 023
- A23
- 024
- 025
- 026
- 027
- 028
- 029
- 030
- 031
- 032
- 033
- 034
- 037
- 038
- 040
- 041
- 042
- 043
- 044
- 046
- 047
- 048
- 049
- 050
- 057
- 060
- 063
- 064
- 065
- 067
- 068
- 069
Legislative Reclassification Codes – Sept. 1 Only
Reclassification from line-item/unclassified position to classified position.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Job class code must change.
- If moving to Schedule A or B, the new salary/rate must not exceed the old salary or the maximum of the new salary group, whichever is lower.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
Reclassification from a classified position to line-item/unclassified position.
- Effective date must be Sept. 1.
- Job class code must change.
- Job class code must be one authorized as line-item exempt or unclassified position for the agency.
- Salary/rate for line-item exempt must not exceed the not-to-exceed limit established in the General Appropriations Act (GAA), or the not-to-exceed limit modified by the governor.
- Salary/rate for unclassified must not exceed the not-to-exceed limit established in the GAA.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
- SPRS Reason Codes TOC »
- F25
- F24
- F23
- F22
- F21
- F20
- F19
- F18
- F17
- F16
- F15
- F14
- F13
- F12
- F11
- F10
- F09
- F08
- 002
- 003
- 008
- 009
- 010
- 012
- 020
- 021
- 022
- 023
- A23
- 024
- 025
- 026
- 027
- 028
- 029
- 030
- 031
- 032
- 033
- 034
- 037
- 038
- 040
- 041
- 042
- 043
- 044
- 046
- 047
- 048
- 049
- 050
- 057
- 060
- 063
- 064
- 065
- 067
- 068
- 069
Agency Reclassification Codes
Reclassify classified position to a class with a higher minimum salary and the same salary/rate in new group or minimum of new group, whichever is higher (Sept. 1-Aug. 31).
- Job class code must change.
- Employee type on SPRS file and on input transaction must be classified.
- Old salary group minimum must be less than the new salary group minimum.
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- If old salary/rate is within the range of new salary group, the salary/rate must remain the same.
- If old salary/rate is below the minimum of the new salary group, the new salary/rate must be increased to the minimum of the new salary group, and the employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043) unless the effective date is Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Reclassify classified position to a class with a higher minimum salary with an increase of not more than 6.8 percent (Sept. 1-Aug. 31).
- Job class code must change.
- Salary/rate must not decrease.
- New salary group minimum must be greater than old salary group minimum.
- If employee moves to or within Schedule A or B and the old salary/rate is within the new salary group, the new salary/rate must increase up to 6.8 percent above the old salary/rate or up to the maximum salary/rate in the new salary group, whichever is lower.
- If employee moves to or within Schedule A or B and the old salary/rate is less than the new group minimum, the salary/rate must increase up to 6.8 percent above the new group minimum.
- Not valid for Schedule C.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043), except on Sept. 1.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Reclassify classified position to a class with the same minimum salary/rate within any schedule – lateral move (Sept. 1-Aug. 31).
- Job class code must change.
- If employee moves from Schedule B to B, A/C to B, A to A, or B/C to A, there must not be a change in salary/rate.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Reclassify classified position to a class with a lower minimum salary/rate at the same salary/rate, not to exceed the maximum of the new lower salary group (Sept. 1-Aug. 31).
- Job class code must change.
- If new salary/rate is within a new salary group, the salary/rate must remain the same.
- If new salary/rate is above the salary group maximum, the new salary/rate must be decreased to the salary group maximum, and the employee must not be on LWOP unless the effective date is Sept. 1.
- New salary group minimum must be lower than current salary group minimum.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
- Employee may move to or within Schedule C provided the new salary group minimum is lower.
- SPRS Reason Codes TOC »
- F25
- F24
- F23
- F22
- F21
- F20
- F19
- F18
- F17
- F16
- F15
- F14
- F13
- F12
- F11
- F10
- F09
- F08
- 002
- 003
- 008
- 009
- 010
- 012
- 020
- 021
- 022
- 023
- A23
- 024
- 025
- 026
- 027
- 028
- 029
- 030
- 031
- 032
- 033
- 034
- 037
- 038
- 040
- 041
- 042
- 043
- 044
- 046
- 047
- 048
- 049
- 050
- 057
- 060
- 063
- 064
- 065
- 067
- 068
- 069
Employee Acquisition Codes
Legislatively authorized interagency transfer in. No change in salary/rate.
- Employee must not be active at the same agency; otherwise a fatal error will be issued.
Agency transferred to must not be the same as the agency transferred from; otherwise, a warning will be issued.
- Employee must be found in the agency transferred from; otherwise, a fatal error will be issued.
- Last employment transaction for employee at the losing agency must be a termination (reason code 065); otherwise, a warning will be issued.
- Last employment transaction for employee must be a termination (reason code 065) and the transfer effective date must not be more than one day after the termination effective date; a break in service is not allowed.
- If the first byte of
was Exempt or Unclassified at the losing agency, a change to the first byte of this field is allowed. - If the first byte of
was Classified at the losing agency, it must not change; otherwise, a fatal error will be issued. If no across-the-board legislative increase is authorized, salary/rate at the receiving agency must be the same as the losing agency.
- If employee was receiving maximum security pay (MSP) or language interpreter services pay (LIS), the salary on the LEG transaction must equal the pre-MSP or pre-LIS salary; otherwise, a fatal error will be issued.
- If the employee was on temporary assignment (reason code 041) at the time of the transfer, the gaining agency must submit on the LEG transaction the current salary for the employee and not submit the pre-temporary assignment salary; otherwise, a fatal error will be issued. The losing agency must process reason code 042 before the transfer to remove the employee from temporary assignment; the gaining agency cannot process reason code 042 with no reason code 041 on file for the gaining agency.
- If the employee was on disciplinary reduction (reason code 027) at the time of the transfer, the gaining agency must submit on the LEG transaction the current salary for the employee and not submit the pre-disciplinary reduction salary; otherwise, a fatal error will be issued. The losing agency must process reason code 028 before the transfer to remove the employee from disciplinary reduction; the gaining agency cannot process reason code 028 with no reason code 027 on file for the gaining agency.
Newly hired or rehired after a break in state service.
- Employee must not be active at the same agency.
- Eligibility indicator and job class must be valid for salary schedule (with or without increase) on transaction.
- If
contains a value, the job class code must be CP25 (compensatory per diem board member). - If job class code is not BD25 (board member) and the last transaction is for a retirement (reason code 068), the status attribute must be one of the following:
- 1 (Reemployed ERS, employee class, annuitant)
- 2 (Reemployed ERS, elected class, annuitant)
- 3 (Reemployed TRS annuitant)
- 4 (Reemployed ORP annuitant)
- 5 (Reemployed JRS1 annuitant)
- 6 (Reemployed JRS2 annuitant)
- Last reason code on the file must not be a termination (reason code 069).
If reason code 065 exists on SPRS/HRIS/USPS for the prior day, then the transaction will reject; otherwise, a warning will be issued.
If employee is being rehired at the same state agency/institution, there must be at least a one-day break in service between jobs; otherwise, a warning will be issued.
Interagency transfer in.
- Employee must not be active at the same agency; otherwise a fatal error will be issued.
- Agency transferred to must not be the same as the agency transferred from; otherwise, a fatal error will be issued.
- Employee must be found in the agency transferred from; otherwise, a fatal error will be issued.
Last employment transaction for employee at the losing agency must be a termination (reason code 065); otherwise, a warning will be issued.
Last employment transaction for employee must be a termination (reason code 065) and the transfer effective date must not be more than one day after the termination effective date; a break in service is not allowed; otherwise, a warning will be issued.
- SPRS Reason Codes TOC »
- F25
- F24
- F23
- F22
- F21
- F20
- F19
- F18
- F17
- F16
- F15
- F14
- F13
- F12
- F11
- F10
- F09
- F08
- 002
- 003
- 008
- 009
- 010
- 012
- 020
- 021
- 022
- 023
- A23
- 024
- 025
- 026
- 027
- 028
- 029
- 030
- 031
- 032
- 033
- 034
- 037
- 038
- 040
- 041
- 042
- 043
- 044
- 046
- 047
- 048
- 049
- 050
- 057
- 060
- 063
- 064
- 065
- 067
- 068
- 069
Salary Action Codes
Promotion of classified employee to a higher minimum salary group.
- Job class code must change.
- Employee type on SPRS file and on the input transaction must be classified.
- New salary group minimum must be higher than current salary group minimum.
- If employee moves from Schedule A to B, B to B, or C to B, new salary/rate must increase by at least 3.4 percent or increase to the minimum salary/rate of new salary group, whichever is higher.
- If employee moves from Schedule A to A, C to A, or B to A, and the old salary/rate is within the range of the new salary group, the salary/rate must increase by at least $30 per month for a full-time employee up to the maximum of the new pay group.
- If employee moves from Schedule C to C, A to C, or B to C, the new salary/rate may increase, decrease or stay the same.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Demotion of classified employee is to a lower minimum salary group.
- Job class code must change.
- Employee type on SPRS file and on the input transaction must be classified.
- New salary group minimum must be less than old salary group minimum.
- If employee moves from Schedule A to B, B to B, or C to B, new salary/rate must decrease at least by 3.4 percent.
- If employee moves from Schedule A to A, C to A, or B to A, new salary/rate must decrease by at least $30 per month for a full-time employee.
- Salary/rate must decrease.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Demotion of classified employee to a lower minimum salary group (i.e., a reduction in force demotion with same or decreased salary/rate).
- Job class code must change.
- Employee type on SPRS file and on the input transaction must be classified.
- New salary group minimum must be less than old salary group minimum.
- Salary/rate must not increase.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Demotion of classified employee to a lower minimum salary group (i.e., voluntary, a demotion with same, decreased, or increased salary/rate).
- Job class code must change.
- Employee type on SPRS file and on the input transaction must be classified.
- New salary group minimum must be less than old salary group minimum.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
- Salary/rate may remain the same, increase or decrease.
Merit increase for classified employees (Schedules A/B).
- Job class code must not change.
- Employee type on SPRS file must be classified.
- Employees must not be on Schedule C.
- Employees on Schedule B must receive an increase of at least $0.01.
- Employees on Schedule A must receive at least a $30 per month increase for a full-time employee.
- Employee must have six continuous months of service with current agency to be eligible for a merit increase (excluding any full calendar months of LWOP; however, if LWOP is for military, these months are included).
- If employee is a legislatively mandated transfer (LEG), employee cannot receive a merit increase until six continuous months of service with a state agency (this includes the current and prior agency months of service and excludes any full calendar months of LWOP; however, if LWOP is for military, these months are included).
- In addition to and including six continuous months of service, an employee who moves from a line-item exempt position to a classified position (reason code 030) cannot receive a merit increase until six months after the status change.
- In addition to and including six continuous months of service, an employee is not eligible for a merit increase for six months after the effective date of a promotion (reason code 020), last merit increase (reason code 025), pay period start date of a one-time merit increase (entitlement 1XM on payroll, posted by SPRS on personnel as reason code 035), pay period start date of an emergency one-time merit increase (entitlement EXM on payroll, posted by SPRS on personnel as reason code 039) or pay period start date of a performance reward (entitlement PBN on payroll, posted by SPRS on personnel as reason code 036).
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee at agency 696 (TDCJ) must not be in job class code 4501, 4502, 4503, 4504, 4505, 4510, 4511, 4512, 4513, 4540, 4541, 4542, 4543, 4544, 8108, 8109, 8110, 8111, 8260, 8261, 8262 or 8263.
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Salary/rate reduction for disciplinary reasons for classified employees.
- Job class code must not change.
- Employee type on SPRS file must be classified.
- Salary/rate must decrease but not below minimum of salary group.
- Employees within Schedule C, groups 1, 2, 7 and 8, must not receive a step reduction.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
Salary/rate restoration after disciplinary reduction for classified employees.
- Job class code must not change.
- Employee type on SPRS file must be classified.
- Salary/rate may be fully or partially restored to original salary/rate and must not be greater than the original salary/rate.
- Salary/rate must not decrease.
- Effective date of disciplinary reduction (reason code 027) and restoration (reason code 028) must not be the same.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
Salary/rate, job class, work hours, and employee type change for line-item exempt/unclassified employees. Not valid for class code BD25 (board member).
- Employee type on SPRS file and the input transaction must be line-item exempt/unclassified.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043) if salary/rate is changing.
- Job class code for line-item exempt/unclassified employee must not change if not specified for the agency.
- Job class code must not change from CP25 (compensatory per diem board member) to a non-board member position or vice versa.
- Salary/rate must not change if salary/rate exceeds the not-to-exceed limit in the GAA or the not-to-exceed limit modified by the governor (for line-item exempt employees).
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
Status change from line-item exempt/unclassified to classified (Sept. 1-Aug. 31).
- Job class code must change.
- Employee type on SPRS file must be line-item exempt/unclassified.
- Employee type on input transaction must be classified.
- If the employee type on the SPRS file is line-item exempt (first character of the employee type is E) and the old salary/rate is below the minimum of the new salary group, the new salary/rate cannot be increased to the minimum of the new salary group. The transaction is not allowed.
- If the employee type on the SPRS file is unclassified (first character of the employee type is U) and the old salary/rate is below the minimum of the new salary group, the new salary/rate must be at the minimum of the new salary group.
- If the old salary/rate is above the maximum of the new salary group, the new salary/rate must be within the range of the new salary group.
- If the old salary/rate is within the range of the new salary group, the salary/rate may decrease or remain the same within the range.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
Status change from classified to line-item exempt/unclassified (Sept. 1-Aug. 31).
- Employee type on SPRS file must be classified.
- Employee type on input transaction must be line-item exempt/unclassified
- Job class code must change and new job class code must be an authorized line-item exempt/unclassified position for the agency.
- Salary/rate must not exceed the not-to-exceed limit in the GAA or the not-to-exceed limit modified by the governor (for line-item exempt employees).
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Salary-level adjustment for certain job classes for classified employees (Schedules A/B).
- Employee type on SPRS file must be classified.
- Employees at agency 537 or 539, on both Schedules A and B, must receive a salary/rate increase not to exceed 6.8 percent above old salary/rate. New salary/rate must not exceed the maximum of the salary group.
- Employees at agency 537 or 539 who are no longer eligible for maximum security pay must receive a decrease back to the salary/rate before the increase.
- Employees at agency 696 on Schedule A (4501, 4502, 4503, 4504, 4505, 8108, 8109, 8110, 8111, 8260, 8261, 8262 and 8263) and on Schedule B (4510, 4511, 4512, 4513, 4540, 4541, 4542, 4543 and 4544) are eligible for salary-level adjustments upward, but not above the maximum of the salary group.
- Employees on Schedule C are not eligible.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Employee at agency 696 (TDCJ) must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
Note: Reason code 034 for an employee at agency 537 (DSHS) or 539 (DADS) is allowed while on temporary assignment.
- Employee at agency 696 (TDCJ) must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Note: Reason code 034 for an employee at agency 537 (DSHS) or 539 (DADS) is allowed while in a disciplinary reduction.
One-time merit payment for classified employees (SPRS automatically posts this reason code on personnel when a 1XM entitlement payment is processed in payroll).
- Job class code must not change. Pay group must not change.
- Employee type on SPRS file must be classified.
- Employee must have six continuous months of service with current agency to be eligible for a one-time merit payment (excluding any full calendar months of LWOP; however, if LWOP is for military, these months are included).
- If employee is a legislatively mandated transfer (LEG), employee cannot receive a one-time merit payment until six continuous months of service with a state agency (this includes the current and prior agency months of service and excludes any full calendar months of LWOP; however, if LWOP is for military, these months are included).
- In addition to and including six continuous months of service, an employee who moves from a line-item exempt position to a classified position (reason code 030) cannot receive a one-time merit payment until six months after the status change.
- In addition to and including six continuous months of service, an employee is not eligible for a one-time merit payment for six months after the effective date of a promotion (reason code 020), last merit increase (reason code 025), pay period start date of a one-time merit payment (entitlement 1XM on payroll, posted by SPRS on personnel as reason code 035), or pay period start date of a performance reward (entitlement PBN on payroll, posted by SPRS on personnel as reason code 036).
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee at agency 696 (TDCJ) must not be in job class code 4501, 4502, 4503, 4504, 4505, 4510, 4511, 4512, 4513, 4540, 4541, 4542, 4543, 4544, 8108, 8109, 8110, 8111, 8260, 8261, 8262 or 8263.
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 529, 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be in salary/rate reduction (reason code 027).
Performance reward for classified employees of eligible agencies (SPRS automatically posts this reason code on personnel when a PBN entitlement payment is processed in payroll).
- Total entitlement gross amount for the fiscal year must not exceed 6.8 percent of the annual salary at the time of the first PBN for the fiscal year.
- Employee type on SPRS file must be classified.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
Emergency one-time merit payment for classified employees (SPRS automatically posts this reason code on personnel when an EXM entitlement payment is processed in payroll).
- Job class code must not change. Pay group must not change.
- Employee type on SPRS file must be classified.
- Employee must have six continuous months of service with current agency to be eligible for an emergency one-time merit payment (excluding any full calendar months of LWOP; however, if LWOP is for military, these months are included).
- If employee is a legislatively mandated transfer (LEG), employee cannot receive an emergency one-time merit payment until six continuous months of service with a state agency (this includes the current and prior agency months of service and excludes any full calendar months of LWOP; however, if LWOP is for military, these months are included).
- In addition to and including six continuous months of service, an employee who moves from a line-item exempt position to a classified position (reason code 030) cannot receive an emergency one-time merit payment until six months after the status change.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee at agency 696 (TDCJ) must not be in job class code 4501, 4502, 4503, 4504, 4505, 4510, 4511, 4512, 4513, 4540, 4541, 4542, 4543, 4544, 8108, 8109, 8110, 8111, 8260, 8261, 8262 or 8263.
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 529, 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be in salary/rate reduction (reason code 027).
Equity adjustment for classified employees.
- Employee type on SPRS file and input transaction must be classified.
- Salary/rate must increase.
- Job class code must not change.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
Lateral move to a classification in a salary group with the same minimum salary group with or without an increase in pay.
- Job class code must change.
- Salary may increase by not more than 3.4 percent, decrease or remain the same.
- Employee must not be on Schedule C.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043) if the salary is changing.
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Lateral move to the same job classification within an agency as a result of applying for the position. Salary must change.
- Job class code cannot change.
- Salary must change.
- Employee must not be on Schedule C.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Governor’s not-to-exceed increase for line-item exempt employees.
- Employee type on SPRS file must be line-item exempt.
- Job class code must not change.
- Salary/rate must increase.
- New salary/rate must be greater than the maximum set in the GAA for the position.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
Note: Use reason code 047 only when the salary/rate is being increased over the not-to-exceed amount in the GAA. If the salary/rate is being increased up to the maximum allowed in the GAA, then use reason code 029.
Language interpreter services pay (LIS) – Agencies 537, 539.
- Valid only for agencies 537 and 539.
- Employee type on SPRS file must be classified.
- Job class code must not change.
- For employees on Schedule A receiving language interpreter services pay, the salary/rate must increase at least $30 per month for a full-time employee.
- If the employee is no longer eligible for language interpreter services pay, the employee must receive an equivalent decrease back to the salary/rate before the increase.
- For employees on Schedule B receiving language interpreter services pay, the salary/rate must increase by 3.25 percent. If the employee is no longer eligible for language interpreter services pay, the employee must receive an equivalent decrease back to the salary/rate before the increase.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
Salary-level adjustment increase for classified employees (Schedule C).
- Employee type on the SPRS file must be classified.
- Salary/rate may increase or stay the same for Schedule C, groups 03, 04, 05, 06, 07 or 08.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
- Job class code cannot change.
- Salary group minimum must remain the same.
- SPRS Reason Codes TOC »
- F25
- F24
- F23
- F22
- F21
- F20
- F19
- F18
- F17
- F16
- F15
- F14
- F13
- F12
- F11
- F10
- F09
- F08
- 002
- 003
- 008
- 009
- 010
- 012
- 020
- 021
- 022
- 023
- A23
- 024
- 025
- 026
- 027
- 028
- 029
- 030
- 031
- 032
- 033
- 034
- 037
- 038
- 040
- 041
- 042
- 043
- 044
- 046
- 047
- 048
- 049
- 050
- 057
- 060
- 063
- 064
- 065
- 067
- 068
- 069
Intra-Agency Multiple Employment Codes
Intra-agency multiple employment start for classified and line-item exempt/unclassified employees.
- Pay cycle for each job must be the same.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Not valid if job class code on SPRS file or on input transaction is BD25 (board member) or CP25 (compensatory per diem board member).
Intra-agency multiple employment stop for classified and line-item exempt/unclassified employees.
- Employee must have more than one active job.
- Job cannot be stopped if future effective dated transactions exist in SPRS.
- SPRS Reason Codes TOC »
- F25
- F24
- F23
- F22
- F21
- F20
- F19
- F18
- F17
- F16
- F15
- F14
- F13
- F12
- F11
- F10
- F09
- F08
- 002
- 003
- 008
- 009
- 010
- 012
- 020
- 021
- 022
- 023
- A23
- 024
- 025
- 026
- 027
- 028
- 029
- 030
- 031
- 032
- 033
- 034
- 037
- 038
- 040
- 041
- 042
- 043
- 044
- 046
- 047
- 048
- 049
- 050
- 057
- 060
- 063
- 064
- 065
- 067
- 068
- 069
Temporary Assignment/Removal Codes
Move to temporary assignment for classified, line-item exempt and unclassified employees.
- First byte of
on file and on input transaction must be the same. - Salary/rate may remain the same minimum salary/rate or move to a higher minimum salary/rate.
- Job class code must change.
- Salary/rate must not decrease.
- New salary group minimum must not be lower than old salary group minimum.
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Employee must not be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be in disciplinary reduction (reason code 027).
Move from temporary assignment for classified, line-item exempt, and unclassified employees.
- First byte of
on file and on input transaction must be the same. - Job class code must change.
- Salary/rate must not increase.
- Salary/rate must be restored back to the equivalent original salary/rate based on hours.
- Employee must currently be on temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- Employee must not be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Employee must not be receiving language interpreter services pay (reason code 048, agencies 537 and 539).
- Employee must not be receiving maximum security pay (reason code 034, agencies 537 and 539).
- Salary group, salary/rate, job class code and FLSA indicator must be the same as before the temporary assignment (reason code 041).
- SPRS Reason Codes TOC »
- F25
- F24
- F23
- F22
- F21
- F20
- F19
- F18
- F17
- F16
- F15
- F14
- F13
- F12
- F11
- F10
- F09
- F08
- 002
- 003
- 008
- 009
- 010
- 012
- 020
- 021
- 022
- 023
- A23
- 024
- 025
- 026
- 027
- 028
- 029
- 030
- 031
- 032
- 033
- 034
- 037
- 038
- 040
- 041
- 042
- 043
- 044
- 046
- 047
- 048
- 049
- 050
- 057
- 060
- 063
- 064
- 065
- 067
- 068
- 069
Employee Social Security Change Codes
SSN change for classified line-item exempt/unclassified employees.
- Old SSN must exist on system.
- New SSN cannot already exist.
- SPRS Reason Codes TOC »
- F25
- F24
- F23
- F22
- F21
- F20
- F19
- F18
- F17
- F16
- F15
- F14
- F13
- F12
- F11
- F10
- F09
- F08
- 002
- 003
- 008
- 009
- 010
- 012
- 020
- 021
- 022
- 023
- A23
- 024
- 025
- 026
- 027
- 028
- 029
- 030
- 031
- 032
- 033
- 034
- 037
- 038
- 040
- 041
- 042
- 043
- 044
- 046
- 047
- 048
- 049
- 050
- 057
- 060
- 063
- 064
- 065
- 067
- 068
- 069
Employee Information Change Codes
Employee descriptive data for all employee types.
- Agency number and agency transferred to must not be the same.
- Agency number and agency transferred from must not be the same.
- Salary/rate must not change.
- Must not be used to change LWOP indicator from D, F, P, W or Y to Military, or from M to Y, D, P, F or W.
- Must be used to change LWOP indicator from D, F, P, W or Y to D, F, P, W or Y.
- Continuous service indicator must not change to Y if the employee is currently on non-military LWOP.
Leave without pay (LWOP) status change for all employee types.
- LWOP indicator must be valid (e.g., F for FMLA).
- Employee must not already be on LWOP (reason code 043).
- Effective date must not be after the employee's termination date.
- Reversal of reason code 043 must not be submitted if there are future dated employee descriptive transactions on file. The future dated transactions must be reversed before reversal of reason code 043.
- Reason code 043 must not be submitted if there are any future dated salary actions, except when one of the following reason codes and conditions is met (including reversals of reason code 043):
- Fxx, XXX, 001, 002, 003, 008, 009, 033, 037, 038
- 022, 024, 044 on Sept. 1
- 026 if no salary/rate change
- 029 or 046 if no salary/rate change
- If the employee is returning from at least one full calendar month of LWOP and the BRP indicator is Y, BRP indicator must be changed to N.
- If the employee is returning from at least one full calendar month of non-military LWOP, the effective service date must change.
- During a continuous period of LWOP, must not be used to change the LWOP indicator from D, F, P, W or Y to D, F, P, W or Y.
- During a continuous period of LWOP, must be used to return from military LWOP and resume non-military LWOP on the same effective date with new LWOP indicator D, F, P, W or Y.
- During a continuous period of LWOP, must be used to return from non-military LWOP (LWOP indicator = D, F, P, W or Y) and resume non-military LWOP on the same effective date with new LWOP indicator = M.
Hourly position moving to salaried position (and vice versa) for classified and unclassified employees.
- Salary type must change.
- Salary/rate must not change.
- Employee type must not change.
- Assigned work hours must not change.
- SPRS Reason Codes TOC »
- F25
- F24
- F23
- F22
- F21
- F20
- F19
- F18
- F17
- F16
- F15
- F14
- F13
- F12
- F11
- F10
- F09
- F08
- 002
- 003
- 008
- 009
- 010
- 012
- 020
- 021
- 022
- 023
- A23
- 024
- 025
- 026
- 027
- 028
- 029
- 030
- 031
- 032
- 033
- 034
- 037
- 038
- 040
- 041
- 042
- 043
- 044
- 046
- 047
- 048
- 049
- 050
- 057
- 060
- 063
- 064
- 065
- 067
- 068
- 069
Employee Termination Codes
Resignation in lieu of involuntary separation.
- Last reason code on SPRS file must not be termination (reason codes 057, 060, 063-065, 067-069).
- Future dated transactions must not be on the SPRS file.
- Termination date must not be more than 45 days in the future.
- Termination date must not be before employment date.
- If the employee is on non-military LWOP and has been for one or more full calendar months at the time of termination, the effective service date must change on the transaction.
Voluntary separation.
- Last reason code on SPRS file must not be termination (reason codes 057, 060, 063-065, 067-069).
- Future dated transactions must not be on the SPRS file.
- Termination date must not be more than 45 days in the future.
- Termination date must not be before employment date.
- If the employee is on non-military LWOP and has been for one or more full calendar months at the time of termination, the effective service date must change on the transaction.
Termination at will.
- Last reason code on SPRS file must not be termination (reason codes 057, 060, 063-065, 067-069).
- Future dated transactions must not be on the SPRS file.
- Termination date must not be more than 45 days in the future.
- Termination date must not be before employment date.
- If the employee is on non-military LWOP and has been for one or more full calendar months at the time of termination, the effective service date must change on the transaction.
Reduction in force.
- Last reason code on SPRS file must not be termination (reason codes 057, 060, 063-065, 067-069).
- Future dated transactions must not be on the SPRS file.
- Termination date must not be more than 45 days in the future.
- Termination date must not be before employment date.
- If the employee is on non-military LWOP and has been for one or more full calendar months at the time of termination, the effective service date must change on the transaction.
Transfer to a different state agency/institution.
- Last reason code on SPRS file must not be termination (reason codes 057, 060, 063-065, 067-069).
- Future dated transactions must not be on the SPRS file.
- Agency transferred to and agency submitting the transaction must not be the same.
- Termination date must be the day before the effective date of reason code LEG at the gaining agency.
- Termination date must not be more than 45 days in the future.
- Termination date must not be before employment date.
- If the employee is on non-military LWOP and has been for one or more full calendar months at the time of termination, the effective service date must change on the transaction.
Dismissal for cause.
- Last reason code on SPRS file must not be termination (reason codes 057, 060, 063-065, 067-069).
- Future dated transactions must not be on the SPRS file.
- Termination date must not be more than 45 days in the future.
- Termination date must not be before employment date.
- If the employee is on non-military LWOP and has been for one or more full calendar months at the time of termination, the effective service date must change on the transaction.
- Last reason code on SPRS file must not be termination (reason codes 057, 060, 063-065, 067-069).
- Future dated transactions must not be on the SPRS file.
- Termination date must not be more than 45 days in the future.
- Termination date must not be before employment date.
- If the employee is on non-military LWOP and has been for one or more full calendar months at the time of termination, the effective service date must change on the transaction.
- Last reason code on SPRS file must not be termination (reason codes 057, 060, 063-065, 067-069).
- Future dated transactions must not be on the SPRS file.
- Effective date must not be in the future.
- Termination date must not be before employment date.
- SPRS Reason Codes TOC »
- F25
- F24
- F23
- F22
- F21
- F20
- F19
- F18
- F17
- F16
- F15
- F14
- F13
- F12
- F11
- F10
- F09
- F08
- 002
- 003
- 008
- 009
- 010
- 012
- 020
- 021
- 022
- 023
- A23
- 024
- 025
- 026
- 027
- 028
- 029
- 030
- 031
- 032
- 033
- 034
- 037
- 038
- 040
- 041
- 042
- 043
- 044
- 046
- 047
- 048
- 049
- 050
- 057
- 060
- 063
- 064
- 065
- 067
- 068
- 069
Date | Updates |
09/29/2023 | Added new reason codes to reflect the acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session |
01/13/2023 | Added reason code F23 effective 09/01/2022 |
10/12/2021 | Added reason code F21 effective 09/01/2020; F22 effective 09/01/2021 |
08/29/2019 | Added reason code F20 effective 09/01/2019; F19 effective 09/01/2018 |