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HRIS Reporting Requirements – Higher Education
Appendix D – Payment Transaction Types

Warrant/Direct Deposit Cancellation

Pay-Trans-Type: CA

Definition Cancel an employee’s entire warrant/direct deposit.
Submitted Payment – 83 Record
VOUCHER-NO-AGENCY Voucher number that contains the cancellation.
FISCAL-YEAR The fiscal year of the payroll that contains the cancellation.
DISTRB-LINE-NO Line number of the payroll that contains the cancellation.
JOB-NO Job number of the original payment being canceled.
TRANS-TYPE-ORG Pay transaction type of the original payment being canceled.
PAY-NO Pay number of the original payment being canceled.
PAY-AMT Payment amount is protected. Do not enter anything in this field.
PAY-PERIOD-EFF-DT Effective date of the original payment being canceled.
ORIG-FY Fiscal year of the original payment being canceled.
VOUCHER-NO-ORIG Voucher number of the original payment being canceled.
PAY-CANCEL-DT Effective date of the cancellation.
Original Payment 700.00
Original Entitlement 1000.00
Original Deductions 300.00
CA Payment 0.00
HRIS Payment* – 700.00
HRIS Entitlement* – 1000.00
HRIS Deduction* – 300.00
Total 0.00

Note: If a cancellation is the only payment in a voucher, the voucher’s transaction code must be 050 – Deposits of Receipts. This process is only used to submit a payroll voucher to cancel a payment. The process has the effect of processing a ‘negative payroll.’ But, since the VOUCHER AMOUNT field is protected for Pay-Trans-Type 050 and the PAY-AMT field is protected for Trans-Type CA, the voucher and payment records are processed in HRIS as zero amounts by default. HRIS then searches the payroll files for the previously posted payroll transactions, as referenced by the payment cancellation transactions, and generates and processes the adjusting entries as appropriate.

If the original warrant is the sum of two or more payments due to multiple jobs, a CA transaction must be submitted for each job.