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HRIS Reporting Requirements – Higher Education
Appendix D – Payment Transaction Types

Deduction Refund

Pay-Trans-Type: DR

Definition Refund of an amount that was overpaid to a specific deduction. This should go on a regular voucher so there is enough money in the deduction being refunded to cover the amount being refunded.
Submitted (+) Payment – 83 Record
(–) Deduction – 87 Record
Gross = Net (Overpayment Amount)
VOUCHER-NO-AGENCY Voucher number that contains the refund.
FISCAL-YEAR The fiscal year of the payroll that contains the deduction refund.
DISTRB-LINE-NO Line number of the payroll in which the refund is included.
JOB-NO Job number of the original payment to which the refund applies.
DED-SEQ-NO Sequence number of original deduction
TRANS-TYPE-ORG Pay transaction type of the original payment being adjusted.
PAY-NO Pay number of the original payment to which the refund applies.
PAY-PERIOD-EFF-DT Effective date of the original payment to which the refund applies.
ORIG-FY The fiscal year of the original payment to which the refund applies.
VOUCHER-NO-ORIG Voucher number of the original payment to which the refund applies.
PAY-AMT Refund amount.
PAY-CANCEL-DT Effective date of the refund.
Example An employee overpays his insurance by $7.00. The agency must submit a DR payment record to refund the difference of an overpayment. The payroll that includes the refund must have enough insurance deduction funds to cover the refund amount plus all negative deductions. The payroll will consist of a payment record with the overpayment of $7.00. The deduction record will reflect the refund (–) of the overpaid deduction of $7.00.
DR Payment 7.00
DR Deduction – 7.00