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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities



In compliance with Texas Government Code, Section 2101.011, and the requirements set forth in HB 4510, annual submission of agencies’ Annual Financial Report (AFR) to the Comptroller’s office is required by:

  • Nov. 1 — for agencies submitting their unaudited AFR.
  • Nov. 20 — for institutions of higher education submitting their unaudited AFR.
  • Dec. 15 — for full reporting agencies (including institutions of higher education) submitting their audited AFR.

The Comptroller’s office requires GR consolidated agencies to submit their unaudited AFR by Oct. 1.

See the List of Agencies with Independent Audits Required by Statute.

If an agency or an institution of higher education chooses to undergo a non-statutorily-required financial statement audit for its AFR, it must submit its intention to do so with a signed letter on agency letterhead from the agency executive director or head of the university system. See Agency Audit Letter of Intent on the Templates & Sample Exhibits page. The letter must state the agency’s intention of undergoing the audit and the name of the CPA firm that will be conducting the audit. This required documentation is due to the Comptroller’s office each fiscal year no later than close of business on Sept. 15. Email the agency's letter of intent to

Agencies must consult with the State Auditor’s office when procuring audit services. See the State Auditor’s Audit Delegation Request.

Failure to complete the intended audit will result in an out-of-compliance audit finding for the agency during the ACFR consolidation process. Such requests in the future will not be granted and the agency will be required to become a statutorily-required audited agency in order to be exempt from the Nov. 1 deadline (Nov. 20 deadline for institutions of higher education).

Texas Government Code, Section 2101.0376, authorizes the Comptroller to impose an administrative penalty against any agency whose failure to meet the deadline results in the Comptroller’s office publishing an incomplete or late ACFR. In addition, any agency that fails to comply with the reporting requirements may be included in the State Auditor’s Statewide Management Letter.

Or click on the headings below to open a topic individually.

All GR Consolidated Agency Deadlines [+]

Submission Requirement Web Link All GR
Consolidated Agencies
Federal schedule initial pass-through acknowledgement, if applicable (via the web application) SEFA 07/01
GASB 14/39 – Component Unit Questionnaire GASB 14/39/80/90 – Component Unit Questionnaire 08/15
GASB 47 – Termination Benefits Questionnaire GASB 47 – Termination Benefits Questionnaire 08/15
GASB 49 – Pollution Remediation Obligations Questionnaire GASB 49 – Pollution Remediation Obligations Questionnaire 08/15
GASB 69 – Government Combinations and Disposals of Government Operations Questionnaire GASB 69 – Government Combinations and Disposals of Government Operations 08/15
GASB 70/99 – Financial Guarantees Questionnaire GASB 70/99 – Financial Guarantees 08/15
GASB 94 – Public-Public or Public-Private Partnership Arrangements (PPP) and Availability Payment Arrangements (APA) Questionnaire GASB 94 08/15
GASB 31/72 – Fair value of investments entered in USAS (used for the Cash Report) Note 3, USAS Transaction Entries 09/14
Interfund activities entered in USAS Interfund Activity Confirmation Form 09/26
State Pass-Through Reporting certification (via the web application) SPTR 09/28
Binding encumbrance and payables information entered in USAS (APS 018) Binding Encumbrances 09/30
Annual Financial Report Submission N/A 10/01
Bond Reporting System certification (via the web application) BRS 10/01
Component Unit & Related Organizations (via the web application) CURO 10/01
Deposit and Investment Note Submission System certification (via the web application) DINSS 10/01
Other Notes and Disclosures (via the web application) ONDSS 10/01
Lease Note Submission System certification (via the web application) LNSS 10/01
Long-Term Liability Note certification (via the web application) LTLN 10/01 via Financial Reporting section
Restatement Note Submission System (via the web application) RNSS 10/01
Capital Asset Note Submission System certification (via the web application) CANSS 10/01 via Financial Reporting section
General Revenue Reconciliation certification (via the web application) GR Reconciliation 10/01 via Financial Reporting section
Global Certification – Disclosure, USAS and interagency activity certification (via the web application) ANRC 10/15
Post-period Subsequent Events (via the web application) ONDSS 01/14

All Unaudited Full Reporting Agency Deadlines [+]

Submission Requirement Web Link All Unaudited Full
Federal schedule initial pass-through acknowledgement, if applicable (via the web application) SEFA 07/01
GASB 14/39 – Component Unit Questionnaire GASB 14/39/61/80 – Component Unit Questionnaire 08/15
GASB 47 – Termination Benefits Questionnaire GASB 47 – Termination Benefits Questionnaire 08/15
GASB 49 – Pollution Remediation Obligations Questionnaire GASB 49 – Pollution Remediation Obligations Questionnaire 08/15
GASB 69 – Government Combinations and Disposals of Government Operations Questionnaire GASB 69 – Government Combinations and Disposals of Government Operations 08/15
GASB 70/99 – Financial Guarantees Questionnaire GASB 70/99 – Financial Guarantees 08/15
GASB 94 – Public-Public or Public-Private Partnership Arrangements (PPP) and Availability Payment Arrangements (APA) Questionnaire GASB 94 08/15
GASB 31/72 – Fair value of investments entered in USAS (used for the Cash Report) Note 3, USAS Transaction Entries 09/14
Interfund activities entered in USAS Interfund Activity Confirmation Form 09/26
Federal Schedule Pass-Through certification (via the web application) SEFA 09/28
State Pass-Through Reporting certification (via the web application) SPTR 09/28
Capital Asset Note Submission System certification (via the web application) CANSS 10/20
Binding encumbrance and payables information entered in USAS Binding Encumbrances 10/30
Capital Asset Note Submission System certification – consolidated university systems (via the web application) CANSS 11/01
General Revenue Reconciliation certification (via the web application) GR Reconciliation 11/01 via Financial Reporting section
Federal Schedule final certification (via the web application) SEFA 11/01
Statement of Cash Flows certification (via the web application) SOCF 11/01
Annual financial report submission N/A 11/01
Bond Reporting System certification (via the web application) BRS 11/01
Component Unit & Related Organizations (via the web application) CURO 11/01
Deposit and Investment Note Submission System certification (via the web application) DINSS 11/01
Other Notes and Disclosures (via the web application) ONDSS 11/01
Lease Note Submission System certification (via the web application) LNSS 11/01
Long-Term Liability Note certification (via the web application) LTLN 11/01
Restatement Note Submission System (via the web application) RNSS 11/01
Global Certification – Disclosure, USAS and interagency activity certification (via web the application) ANRC 11/01
Post-period Subsequent Events (via the web application) ONDSS 01/14

All Unaudited Institutions of Higher Education Deadlines [+]

Submission Requirement Web Link All Unaudited Institutions of Higher Education
Federal schedule initial pass-through acknowledgement, if applicable (via the web application) SEFA 07/01
GASB 14/39 – Component Unit Questionnaire GASB 14/39/61/80 – Component Unit Questionnaire 08/15
GASB 47 – Termination Benefits Questionnaire GASB 47 – Termination Benefits Questionnaire 08/15
GASB 49 – Pollution Remediation Obligations Questionnaire GASB 49 – Pollution Remediation Obligations Questionnaire 08/15
GASB 69 – Government Combinations and Disposals of Government Operations Questionnaire GASB 69 – Government Combinations and Disposals of Government Operations 08/15
GASB 70/99 – Financial Guarantees Questionnaire GASB 70/99 – Financial Guarantees 08/15
GASB 94 – Public-Public or Public-Private Partnership Arrangements (PPP) and Availability Payment Arrangements (APA) Questionnaire GASB 94  08/15
GASB 31/72 – Fair value of investments entered in USAS (used for the Cash Report) Note 3, USAS Transaction Entries 09/14
Interfund activities entered in USAS Interfund Activity Confirmation Form 09/26
Federal Schedule Pass-Through certification (via the web application) SEFA 09/28
State Pass-Through Reporting certification (via the web application) SPTR 09/28
Capital Asset Note Submission System certification (via the web application) CANSS 10/20
Binding encumbrance and payables information entered in USAS Binding Encumbrances 10/30
Capital Asset Note Submission System certification – consolidated university systems (via the web application) CANSS 11/01
General Revenue Reconciliation certification (via the web application) GR Reconciliation 11/01 via Financial Reporting section
Federal Schedule final certification (via the web application) SEFA 11/01
Statement of Cash Flows certification (via the web application) SOCF 11/20
Higher Education Unaudited Annual Financial Report submission N/A 11/20
Bond Reporting System certification (via the web application) BRS 11/20
Component Unit & Related Organizations (via the web application) CURO 11/20
Deposit and Investment Note Submission System certification (via the web application) DINSS 11/20
Other Notes and Disclosures (via the web application) ONDSS 11/20
Lease Note Submission System certification (via the web application) LNSS 11/20
Long-Term Liability Note certification (via the web application) LTLN 11/20
Restatement Note Submission System (via the web application) RNSS 11/20
Global Certification – Disclosure, USAS and interagency activity certification (via web the application) ANRC  11/20
Post-period Subsequent Events (via the web application) ONDSS 01/14

All Audited Agencies (Including Institutions of Higher Education) Deadlines [+]

Submission Requirement Web Link All Audited Agencies
Federal schedule initial pass-through acknowledgement, if applicable (via the web application) SEFA 07/01
GASB 14/39 – Component Unit Questionnaire GASB 14/39/61/80 – Component Unit Questionnaire 08/15
GASB 47 – Termination Benefits Questionnaire GASB 47 – Termination Benefits Questionnaire 08/15
GASB 49 – Pollution Remediation Obligations Questionnaire GASB 49 – Pollution Remediation Obligations Questionnaire 08/15
GASB 69 – Government Combinations and Disposals of Government Operations Questionnaire GASB 69 – Government Combinations and Disposals of Government Operations 08/15
GASB 70/99 – Financial Guarantees Questionnaire GASB 70/99 – Financial Guarantees 08/15
GASB 94 – Public-Public or Public-Private Partnership Arrangements (PPP) and Availability Payment Arrangements (APA) Questionnaire GASB 94 08/15
GASB 31/72 – Fair value of investments entered in USAS (used for the Cash Report) Note 3, USAS Transaction Entries 09/14
Interfund activities entered in USAS Interfund Activity Confirmation Form 09/26
Federal Schedule Pass-Through certification (via the web application) SEFA 09/28
State Pass-Through Reporting certification (via the web application) SPTR 09/28
Binding encumbrance and payables information entered in USAS Binding Encumbrances 10/30
Capital Asset Note Submission System certification – consolidated university systems (via the web application) CANSS 11/01
General Revenue Reconciliation certification (via the web application) GR Reconciliation 11/01 via Financial Reporting section
Federal Schedule final certification (via the web application) SEFA 11/01
Statement of Cash Flows certification (via the web application) SOCF 12/01
Bond Reporting System certification (via the web application) BRS 12/01
Component Unit & Related Organizations (via the web application) CURO 12/01
Deposit and Investment Note Submission System certification (via the web application) DINSS 12/01
Other Notes and Disclosures (via the web application) ONDSS 12/01
Lease Note Submission System certification (via the web application) LNSS 12/01
Long-Term Liability Note certification (via the web application) LTLN 12/01
Restatement Note Submission System (via the web application) RNSS 12/01
Global Certification – Disclosure, USAS and interagency activity certification (via web the application) ANRC 12/01
Audited Annual Financial Report N/A 12/15
Post-period Subsequent Events (via the web application) ONDSS 01/14