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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities


Reporting Requirements

Issued: Sept. 1, 1993
FPP A.036

Except where otherwise specifically stated on this website, all references to “agency” or “agencies” refer to any agency, university or component unit that has an “agency number.” The state of Texas fiscal year begins Sept. 1 of the calendar year and runs through Aug. 31 of the following calendar year.

Latest Updates

The AFR website is now updated on a continual basis, instead of an annual release for each reporting period. The following table displays all content changes to this website made after April 1, 2024.

2024 Updates Table

The following table displays all content changes to this website. Updates critical to the reporting requirements (policies/procedures) are indicated with highlighted rows.

Date Updates
07/26/2024 Removed the General Revenue Reconciliation web application.

Updated the Capitalization Threshold table for fiscal 2024 and fiscal 2025.

07/16/2024 Added GASB 99 requirements for “other derivative instruments” information in Note 7. Also relocated some Note 7 content to various sections within the Note 7 sub-navigation menu.
06/28/2024 Updated the FA Control Field dates, after which the prior-year transactions are not allowed to post to USAS.
06/27/2024 Opened the annual GASB Questionnaires. Added a new GASB 70 and 99 Questionnaire (superseding last year’s GASB 70 Questionnaire) and added a new GASB 94 Questionnaire.
06/27/2024 Updated Note 27-Public-Private and Public-Public Partnerships with disclosure requirements for LNSS.
06/27/2024 Updated the FA Control Field dates, after which the prior-year transactions are not allowed to post to USAS.
06/25/2024 Opened the AFR web applications for the current fiscal year entry.
06/19/2024 Updated Instructions for the ANRC Web Application with new deadlines.
05/31/2024 Expanded Note 30 – Financial Guarantees to include exchange or exchange-like financial guarantees.
05/31/2024 Added Exchange and Exchange-Like Financial Guarantees in the menu of the Specialized Accounting tab.
05/22/2024 Added the new Public-Private and Public-Public Partnership Installment Receivable (Excel) on the Annual Financial Report Working Papers page.
05/22/2024 Updated guidance for Note 14–Adjustments to Beginning Net Position, Fund Balances or Fund Net Position.
05/02/2024 Updates Deadlines for AFR submission.
05/02/2024 Added a template for Agency Audit Letter of Intent on the Template & Sample Exhibits page.
05/02/2024 Updated the submission requirements for Full Reporting Agencies.

Fiscal 2023 Reporting Period [+]

Fiscal 2022 Reporting Period [+]

Fiscal 2021 Reporting Period [+]