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Processing Supplemental Appropriations and Reductions

FPP A.047

Instructions for Processing AY23 Reduction Transactions

USAS Instructions

Step Action
1 Verify the appropriation number (38XXX, where XXX is the number in SB 30) assigned as the receiving account for the supplemental budget has been created on the Appropriation Number Profile (20) screen with the designated AY and effective date. This appropriation number should match the number that was provided to the agency on the crosswalk.
2 Agencies must establish program cost accounts (PCAs) that infer the direct strategy (program code) from which the reduction will be transferred. Multiple PCAs may be established for the reduction account, if combinations of direct strategies, program codes and funding sources are needed.

Create a PCA on the Program Cost Account Profile (26) screen with the following elements:
  • AGENCY = assigned three-digit number
  • APPN YEAR = 23
  • TYPE = D
  • TITLE = SB 30 Reduction Account
  • PROGRAM CODE = XXXX (Same as direct strategy where reduction is originally appropriated in the GAA.) This program code must roll up to the strategy listed on the crosswalk that was provided by the ACO
  • PCA Group = PCA group number(s) should be added to any PCA that will have significant disaster events as outlined in FPP K.014
  • AGY BUD PRG LEVEL IND = This value (0–9) should be the same for all PCAs within an appropriation year (AY)
  • APPN NUMB = 38XXX (Appn Reduction SB 30 Sec XX)
  • FUND = D23 Fund that infers the correct GR or GR-D Appropriated Fund


How to Transfer Budget into Appn 38XXX

Process committed budget transfer using the following coding instructions:
  • Batch Type 1
  • Doc Type A
  • T-code 012 (appropriation transfers out for each appropriation to be reduced)
  • T-code 018 (appropriation transfers into Appn 38XXX)
3b Process collected budget transfer using the following coding instructions:
  • Batch Type 1
  • Doc Type A
  • T-codes 015 and 012 (appropriation transfers out for each appropriation to be reduced)
  • T-codes 018 and 021 (appropriation transfers into Appn 38XXX)
Also, for a collected budget, process cash or revenue transfers using the following coding instructions:
  • Batch Type 5
  • Doc Type J
If cash was received as revenue, use:
  • T-code 406 (comptroller object 3970) for appropriations where revenue was received


  • T-code 405 (comptroller object 3970) into Appn 00000
If cash was received as a cash operating transfer, use:
  • T-code 404 (comptroller object 7968) for the appropriation where the operating transfer was received


  • T-code 403 (comptroller object 3968) into Appn 00000


  • If cash was originally transferred into the direct strategy from Appn 00000, a document may be entered to reverse the original transfer back to Appn 00000.
4 Email copies of processed transfer vouchers to your ACO.
Note: Your ACO will process reductions in Appn 38XXX using the following coding block:

Committed appropriation reduction:

  • Batch Type 1
  • Doc Type B
  • T-code 001R

Collected appropriation reduction:

  • Batch Type 1
  • Doc Type B
  • T-code 001R
  • T-code 003R

CAPPS Instructions

In addition to the USAS instructions above, CAPPS agencies that track Appropriation 38XXX in CAPPS have two options:

  • Make the USAS entries directly into USAS using the coding block shown above. Then do manual general ledger journal entries into CAPPS for the Revenue and Cash transfers using a manual (MAN) T-code. A manual budget transfer entry can be done in Commitment Control.


  • Make the general ledger journal entry into CAPPS using the coding block shown above for the Revenue and Cash transfers. After the budget entry is done in USAS, a manual budget entry can be done in Commitment Control.

For CAPPS questions, please contact your agency’s CAPPS support staff. Authorized agency support staff may contact the CAPPS Help Desk at (512) 463-2277 for additional assistance.