Processing Supplemental Appropriations and Reductions
Instructions for Processing AY23/AY24 Supplemental Appropriation Transactions
USAS Instructions
Step | Action |
1 | Verify the appropriation number (38XXX, where XXX is the number in SB 30) assigned as the receiving account for the supplemental budget has been created on the Appropriation Number Profile (20) screen with the designated AY, COBJs and effective date. |
2 | Agencies must establish program cost accounts (PCAs) that infer the direct strategy (program code) for which the appropriation will be established. Multiple PCAs may be established for an appropriation, if combinations of direct strategies, program codes and funding sources are needed. Create a PCA on the Program Cost Account Profile (26) screen with the following elements:
3 | Establish supplemental budgets in appropriation 38XXX using coding block 3a or 3b: |
3a | Committed appropriation
–OR– |
3b | Collected appropriation
4 | Email copies of all vouchers to your ACO who will then approve the batch in USAS. |
CAPPS Instructions
CAPPS agencies that track Appropriation 38XXX in CAPPS will need to follow the USAS instructions above. A manual budget entry can then be entered into CAPPS for the original expenditure budget.