Calculating the Amount of Overtime Pay
Weekly Calculation Method
When calculating the hourly pay rate to be used for overtime payments for a nonexempt monthly salaried employee, an employer normally must use the weekly method:
- Multiply the monthly salary by 12 months.
- Divide by 52 weeks.
- Divide by the number of hours in a week the employee is expected to work to earn a full salary.
If an employee earns $2,000 per month and works 40 hours per week, the calculation is:
- $2,000 per month x 12 months = $24,000
- $24,000 divided by 52 weeks = $461.54
- $461.54 divided by 40 hours = 11.54 hourly rate
The employee is paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate multiplied by the number of overtime hours to be paid.
Monthly Calculation Method
An employer may use the monthly method to calculate the hourly salary rate by dividing the monthly salary by the number of work hours in the month, if the employer obtains the employee’s consent to this method before work is performed.
Employers cannot unilaterally require this method to be used.
Example 1:
If the employee earns $2,000 per month and works four hours per week in a month containing 160 work hours, and the agency has obtained the employee’s consent before the employee works the overtime, the calculation is:
$2,000 per month (monthly salary) divided by 160 (number of hours in the month) = $12.50 per hour.
The employee would be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate multiplied by the number of overtime hours to be paid.
Example 2:
If the month contained 184 hours, the calculation would be:
$2,000 per month divided by 184 = $10.87 per hour
The employee would be paid at one and one-half times the hourly rate multiplied by the number of overtime hours to be paid.
Effect of Multiple Positions on the Calculation
When an employee, in a single work week, works in two or more positions for which different non-overtime rates of pay have been established, the employee’s regular rate of pay for the week is the weighted average of the rates.
Compute the weighted average by dividing the employee’s total compensation for the week by the total number of hours worked.
This method does not apply if an employer and an hourly employee have agreed in advance that the employee’s overtime rate will be based on the pay rate for the type of work performed during the overtime hours.
An employee works 20 hours per week in a position that pays $30,000 annually and works 20 hours per week in a second position that pays $35,000 annually, with both positions covered under FLSA.
One week, the employee worked a total of 50 hours with no paid leave and no holidays (= 10 overtime hours). To compute the overtime rate of pay, we must use the weighted average to determine the regular rate of pay. In this case, the salaried employee is paid for a month with 160 work hours in the month.
The regular rate of pay is determined as $625.00 for the first job and $729.17 for the second job.
- Divide the sum ($625 + $729.17 = $1354.17) by 40 hours, for a rate of pay of $33.85 per hour.
- The hourly rate of overtime pay is 1.5 x $33.85, or $50.78 per hour.
- The employee is paid $507.80 in overtime pay ($50.78 x 10 hours overtime).
Current Regular Rate of Pay Versus Regular Rate of Pay When Overtime Earned
An employer that chooses to pay an employee for overtime hours worked instead of banking the hours must use the regular rate of pay at the time the employee earned the overtime.
However, an employer that waits to pay the overtime beyond what is reasonably necessary for the employer to compute and arrange for payment must treat the overtime as if it had been banked.
An employer that banks overtime hours and subsequently pays for those hours must use the employee’s regular rate of pay at the time the overtime is calculated. Regular rate of pay includes any special payments such as longevity, hazardous duty pay, benefit replacement pay, qualified bonus payments and other special payments.
However, an employer that pays for overtime hours on termination of employment must use the higher of the following regular rates of pay:
- The average regular rate of pay received by the employee during the last three years of employment.
– or – - The employee’s final regular rate of pay.
Note: The last three years of employment refers to the three-year period immediately before termination. If an employee’s last three years of employment are not continuous because of a break in service, the period of employment after the break is treated as new employment. The break, however, must have been intended to be permanent, and any banked overtime must have been cashed out at the time of initial separation.
When Night/Evening/Weekend Shift Differential Pay Must Be Included in the Regular Rate of Pay
If an employee earns overtime while working the night, evening or weekend shift, the night/evening/weekend shift differential must be included in the regular hourly rate for calculation of overtime pay.
If the employee is on a rotating shift, the overtime must be calculated for each period the employee worked and the appropriate shift rate must be included in the calculation.
If an employee works the evening shift the second week of the month and the employee works overtime that week, the overtime pay rate must include the evening shift differential.
When Payments in the Form of Goods and Facilities Must Be Included in the Regular Rate of Pay
When an employer makes a payment to an employee in the form of goods or facilities regarded as part of wages, the reasonable cost to the employer or the fair value of the goods or of furnishing the facilities must be included in the employee’s regular rate of pay.
Other Types of Payments That Must Be Included in the Regular Rate of Pay
Special payments must be included in the regular rate of pay for the calculation of overtime pay, including:
- Longevity pay
- Hazardous duty pay
- Benefit replacement pay
- Housing emoluments
- Other special payments
Bonuses Included/Not Included in the Regular Rate of Pay
Discretionary Bonuses
Per the FLSA, the regular rate of an employee’s pay does not include sums paid in recognition of services performed during a given period, if both the fact that payment is to be made and the amount of the payment are determined at the sole discretion of the employer at or near the end of the period and are not the result of any contract, agreement or promise causing the employee to expect the payments regularly.
The Department of Labor has ruled that a discretionary bonus is excluded from the regular rate. For a bonus to be excluded, the employer must retain discretion both as to the fact of payment and as to the amount until a time quite close to the end of the period for which the bonus is paid.
The amount of the bonus must be determined without promise or agreement by the employer. The employee must have no contract right, express or implied, to any amount.
An employer that promises in advance to pay a bonus has abandoned the employer’s discretion with regard to the bonus.
Bonuses Included in the Regular Rate of Pay
The following bonus types would not be excluded from the regular rate of pay:
- Any bonus promised to an employee at hire.
- A bonus announced to employees to induce them to work more efficiently or to remain employed with the employer.
- An attendance bonus or a bonus for quality and accuracy of work.
When a bonus is considered part of an employee’s regular rate of pay, no difficulty arises in computing overtime compensation if the bonus covers only one weekly pay period.
The amount of the bonus is merely added to the employee’s other earnings and the total divided by total hours worked.
When Calculations of a Bonus Are Deferred Over a Period Longer Than a Workweek
Under many bonus plans, however, calculations of the bonus are deferred over a period longer than a workweek. In that case, the employer may disregard the bonus when computing the employee’s regular rate of pay until the amount of the bonus is determined.
When the amount of the bonus is determined, the amount must be apportioned back over the workweeks of the period during which the bonus is said to have been earned.
The employee must then receive an additional amount of compensation for each workweek the employee worked overtime during the period, equal to one-half of the hourly rate of pay allocable to the bonus for that week multiplied by the number of statutory overtime hours worked during the week.
If it is impossible to allocate a bonus among the workweeks of the period in proportion to the amount of the bonus actually earned each week, some other reasonable and equitable method of allocation must be adopted.
For example, it may be reasonable and equitable to assume the employee earned an equal amount of bonus each week of the period to which the bonus relates. Or, if there are facts that make it inappropriate to assume equal bonus earnings for each workweek, it may be reasonable and equitable to assume the employee earned an equal amount of the bonus each hour of the pay period.
Recruitment or Retention Bonus
The Comptroller’s office believes that a recruitment or retention bonus must be included in the regular rate of pay as this type of bonus is paid under a contract between an agency or institution of higher education and the recipient of the bonus.
One-Time Merit Payment or Performance Reward
The Comptroller’s office believes that a one-time merit payment is not included in the regular rate of pay as the payment satisfies the criteria for exclusion listed in this policy statement.
For the same reason, the Comptroller’s office believes that a performance reward is not included in the regular rate of pay.
Texas Government Code, Sections 659.015, 659.017; Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29.