Lifetime Service Credit
Special Circumstances
Leave Without Pay
An employee who is on leave without pay for an entire calendar month does not accrue lifetime service credit for that month.
Simultaneously Holding More Than One Position
An individual who is dually employed accrues lifetime service credit for only one of the positions.
Hazardous Duty Pay
The lifetime service credit of an individual for longevity pay purposes does not include the period served in any position that requires the performance of hazardous duty, if that position entitles the individual to receive hazardous duty pay.
The lifetime service credit of an individual includes the period served in a position that requires the performance of hazardous duty but does not entitle the individual to receive hazardous duty pay.
During the one year that a state employee serves in a hazardous duty position before becoming eligible or entitled to receive hazardous duty pay, the employee accrues lifetime service credit for longevity pay purposes. However, the lifetime service credit used to calculate the amount of longevity pay received by the employee while receiving hazardous duty pay does not include the one year waiting period.
See Hazardous Duty Pay for more detailed information.
Employees Who Work Less Than a Full Year Under a Formal Written Contract
An individual who works for a state agency under a formal written contract for less than 12 months each year accrues 12 months of lifetime service credit each year if the individual is constantly under contract during the months the individual does not work.
The individual is constantly under contract if the individual’s contract for the next work period is entered into before the end of the existing work period, even though the individual will not work during the interim period.
Accrual of Lifetime Service Credit for Certain Military Service
If an individual left a position that accrued lifetime service credit to serve in the military and if the individual was reemployed with the state after completing that service in accordance with any applicable federal or state veterans’ reemployment law, then the individual accrued lifetime service credit during that time.
Texas Government Code, Sections 659.046 and 661.904.