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Texas Payroll/Personnel Resource

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Position Classification Act Administration
Salary Schedules

Salary Schedule A

Salary Schedule A is used for jobs involving administrative support, maintenance, technical and paraprofessional jobs. An example would be a maintenance specialist job class series, which has five levels.

Example From Fiscal 2024 Salary Schedule A
Job Classification 
Job Classification
Pay Group Minimum Annual Salary Maximum Annual Salary
Specialist I
9041 A10 $27,910 $39,571
Specialist II
9042 A12 $30,840 $46,798
Specialist III
9043 A13 $32,439 $49,388
Specialist IV
9044 A15 $35,976 $55,045
Specialist V
9045 A17 $39,976 $61,399

Salary Schedule B

Salary Schedule B is used for professional and managerial jobs. An example of a job in this schedule is the manager job series I-VII.

Example From Fiscal 2024 Salary Schedule B
Job Classification 
Job Classification
Pay Group Minimum Annual Salary Maximum Annual Salary
Manager I 1600 B22 $54,614 $88,703
Manager II 1601 B23 $58,184 $94,913
Manager III 1602 B24 $62,004 $101,556
Manager IV 1603 B25 $66,259 $108,666
Manager V 1604 B26 $72,886 $123,267
Manager VI 1605 B27 $80,174 $135,594
Manager VII 1606 B28 $88,191 $149,155

Salary Schedule C

Salary Schedule C is used for law enforcement jobs. This salary schedule differs from the A and B schedules in that it allows for automatic increases based on years of service.

The agencies using this schedule maintain the criteria for these career ladders; each agency has the authority to determine the specific criteria required for an employee to move from one level to another.

For example, the trooper series at the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) starts at the DPS Academy as a trooper-trainee at a C1 pay group with an annual salary of $48,255, then at graduation and commission moves to a probationary trooper I at a C2 pay group with an annual salary of $52,441. The C3 pay group establishes salary increases for troopers based on years of service as defined by the agency. The annual salary range for a C3 is $62,715 – $93,414.

Example From Salary Schedule C Effective Sept. 1, 2023, to Aug. 31, 2024
Job Classification
Job Classification
Pay Group Years of Service Annual Salary
Trooper-Trainee 9920 C1 < 4 $48,255
Probationary Trooper I 9922 C2 < 4 $52,441
Trooper 9928 C3 < 4 $62,715
Trooper 9928 C3 ≥ 4 $76,452
Trooper 9928 C3 ≥ 8 $81,895
Trooper 9928 C3 ≥ 12 $85,513
Trooper 9928 C3 ≥ 16 $89,464
Trooper 9928 C3 ≥ 20 $93,414


Texas Government Code, Sections 654.002, 654.011, 654.012, 654.0125, 654.014, 654.038; General Appropriations Act, Article IX.