Lifetime Service Credit
Calculating Lifetime Service Credit
Calculating Lifetime Service Credit
The amount of lifetime service credit accrued by a state employee is the sum of the number of days served during each period of state employment. The employee gets one full day of credit for any part of a day served. Do not count the number of days in any full calendar month that the employee was on leave without pay. Count all days served in all previous periods of employment with the state.
An employee’s state effective service date is determined by counting backwards the total number of days served starting from the first day of the employee’s current continuous employment with the state.
Example calculation:
An employee hired on Aug. 5, 2012, has previously been employed by the state from Oct. 8, 2003, to Aug. 31, 2009, and had no periods on leave without pay (LWOP). The state effective service date is calculated as follows:
Prior State Service: |
10/8/2003 to 8/31/2009 |
Current Employment Date: |
8/5/2012 |
State Effective Service Date: |
9/11/2006 |
1. Add the number of days of prior employment: |
2,155 |
2. Subtract the number of days for full calendar month(s) of LWOP: |
0 |
3. Equals number of days served |
2,155 |
Adjusted State Effective Service Date: |
9/11/2006 |
Comparison With Retirement Service Credit
The amount of service credit an individual has accrued for retirement purposes can be different from the amount of lifetime service credit the individual has accrued for longevity pay purposes.
For example, when an individual purchases military service credit for retirement purposes, the purchase does not increase the amount of the individual’s lifetime service credit for longevity pay purposes.
Or when an employee terminates state employment and withdraws contributions to the retirement system, the retirement system may not include that time for retirement purposes until the employee repurchases the credit, but the time will count towards lifetime service credit for longevity pay.
Texas Government Code, Sections 659.046 and 661.904.