December, 2020
Mileage Reimbursement Rate Decreases Jan. 1 [posted 12/29/20]
Effective Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2021, the maximum mileage reimbursement rate for state employee travel in a personal vehicle will decrease to 56 cents per mile (down from 57.5 cents in 2020). This rate is consistent with the Internal Revenue Service’s standard mileage rate.
See Current Rates or Transportation: Mileage in Personal Vehicle in Textravel for more information.
Note: State agencies may adopt an internal policy with a rate that is lower than the maximum; however, the agency must distribute the policy before its employees begin any travel under the lower rate.
New CAPPS IAM Platform [posted 12/11/20]
A new Identity Access Management (IAM) platform for CAPPS will go live in April 2021; the TxT (Texas by Texas) Digital Identity Solution (TDIS) is the overall system that will be implemented for most state government systems, and IAM is the CAPPS-specific implementation of TDIS for the CAPPS environments. All CAPPS Central agencies must participate.
Important Dates:
- Jan. 26, 2021: The CAPPS Combined User Group Meeting hosts an IAM project review and demonstration.
- Feb. 16 - March 22, 2021: Agencies begin user acceptance testing.
- April 12, 2021: CAPPS IAM goes live.
Agency Level 1 support staff may contact the CAPPS help desk with questions or concerns.
Reminder — Warrant Distribution in December [posted 12/11/20]
The Comptroller’s office will be closed Wednesday, Dec. 23; however, Payment Services will distribute warrants from 8-10 a.m. There will be no warrant distribution Dec. 24-25.
The Comptroller’s office will also be closed Thursday, Dec. 31; however, Payment Services will distribute warrants from 8-10 a.m. There will be no warrant distribution Jan. 1, 2021.
See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements and the System Outages and Holidays calendar for more information.
Reminder — Direct Deposit Reversal Request Deadline Changed [posted 12/11/20]
Due to the New Year’s Day holiday, the deadline to submit Direct Deposit Reversal Request form (74-191) for payroll reversals has been changed to 10 a.m. on Dec. 31.
Reminder — USAS/TINS File Submission [posted 12/11/20]
If you need to submit a USAS or TINS batch file on a weekend or holiday, see the USAS/TINS Input Record File Submission Schedule.
Reminder — Direct Deposit Settlement Dates [posted 12/11/20]
To determine the direct deposit settlement date of a payment, you must exclude federal holidays when financial institutions are closed; no direct deposit activity occurs on those days. Agencies must account for these dates to ensure prompt payment and avoid late payment interest.
See the System Outages and Holidays calendar for federal holidays with no scheduled USAS cycles.
Update Contact Information for ACA 1094-C and 1095-C by Dec. 31 [posted 12/07/20]
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) requires employers to offer affordable health insurance that provides minimum essential coverage to their full-time (and full-time equivalent) employees and their dependents or incur tax penalties.
The Comptroller’s office has updated ACA 1094-C and 1095-C Reporting Requirements (FPP F.039) for calendar year 2020. Agencies should review this guidance for how it affects your agency. Your agency is responsible for 1094-C and 1095-C reporting.
USPS and CAPPS Central agencies are required to update 1094-C and 1095-C contact information by Dec. 31.
Warrant Distribution in December [posted 12/04/20]
The Comptroller’s office will be closed on Wednesday, Dec. 23; however, Payment Services will distribute warrants from 8-10 a.m. There will be no warrant distribution on Dec. 24-25.
The Comptroller’s office will also be closed on Thursday, Dec. 31; however, Payment Services will distribute warrants from 8-10 a.m. There will be no warrant distribution on Jan. 1, 2021.
See Payment Distribution for warrant pickup requirements and the System Outages and Holidays calendar for more information.
Direct Deposit Reversal Request Deadline Changed [posted 12/04/20]
Due to the New Year’s Day holiday, the deadline for submission of the Direct Deposit Reversal Request form (74-191) for payroll reversals has been changed to 10 a.m. on Dec. 31.
USAS/TINS File Submission [posted 12/04/20]
If you need to submit a USAS or TINS batch file on a weekend or holiday, see the USAS/TINS Input Record File Submission Schedule.
Direct Deposit Settlement Dates [posted 12/04/20]
To determine the direct deposit settlement date of a payment, you must exclude federal holidays when financial institutions are closed; no direct deposit activity occurs on those days. Agencies must account for these dates to ensure prompt payment and avoid late payment interest.
See the System Outages and Holidays calendar for federal holidays with no scheduled USAS cycles.
Reminder — First Quarter Veteran Workforce Summary Reports Due [posted 12/04/20]
Dec. 15 is the maintenance and corrections deadline for the fiscal 2021 first quarter Veteran Workforce Summary Reports (Sept. 1 to Nov. 30). Copies of the quarterly reports will be sent via electronic file transfer (EFT) on Dec. 16. The online quarterly report acknowledgment form (with required complaint reporting included) will be available Dec. 16 and must be submitted by Dec. 23.
See Veteran Workforce Summary Reports and Veteran Complaint Reporting (FPP F.038) for more information.
Reminder — New Local Funds Reporting Requirements Due [posted 12/04/20]
State agencies that receive, spend or administer revenue held outside the state's treasury (local funds) are required to submit financial data on those funds to the Comptroller’s office.
Fiscal 2021 projected data must be submitted by Dec. 11 using the updated Excel reporting spreadsheet provided in Requirements for Local Operating Funds and Associated Local Funds (FPP S.009).
See additional reporting requirements per the GAA (Art. IX, Sec. 17.09) in the Agency Requirements section of FPP S.009.