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TINS Direct Deposit

Lesson 4: Notification of Change and Returned Money

TINS Reports

Daily reports

These daily TINS reports are available to agencies to follow up on direct deposit actions for employees, vendors and annuitants. Each report shows:

  • Direct deposit setups
  • Changes
  • Cancellations
  • System-generated NOC changes

Agencies must get in touch with their agency reports contact to arrange for report delivery.

The three reports are created by payee type:

  • TAS87340 — Employees (payroll)
  • TAS87350 — Vendors (bills)
  • TAS87360 — Annuitants (retirees)

Each department within an agency should be given the report that corresponds to their area of responsibility. Staff can then use the report to confirm direct deposit actions they take process properly.

Example - new setup NOC

If a new setup was done for a payee and it is reflected on Monday's report as a new setup, it is possible that a NOC could be sent back through the system by the payee's bank within a day or two and the agency would then see an entry under NOC changes for that payee.

Example - missing new setup NOC

You are expecting to see a new setup reflected on the report but it is not there. This indicates the agency's transaction did not process. Viewing the PMTHIS screen would confirm transaction failure if you see an exception code in the EXCEP column.

Exception codes

For a complete list of TINS exception codes, see the TINS Codes new window section of TexPayment Resource.

Sample agency reports

See the Report Titles and Numbers new window section of TexPayment Resource for samples of agency TINS reports TAS87340, TAS87350 and TAS87360.

Next: TINS PMTHIS Screen