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SPA Process User’s Guide
Chapter 8 – Inquiry Screens

Non-Financial History

The Non-Financial History Inquiry (PAHIST) screen allows agencies to view detailed information on non-financial changes and updates made to active property reported to SPA.

The screen displays the class code, class code description, component, transaction date, user ID, action description, previous value and change to for each non-financial transaction that took place.


  1. Access the Non-Financial History Inquiry (PAHIST) screen on the Main Menu.
  2. Verify the agency number in the AGENCY field. The SPA system automatically defaults to the user’s agency number. If data is maintained for more than one agency, a different agency number may be entered over the system-generated number.
  3. Enter the property number in the PROPERTY field.
  4. Press Enter. The record requested appears on the screen.