SPA Process User’s Guide –
Chapter 8 – Inquiry Screens
Primary (Existing Property)
The Primary [Existing Property] (PAPROP) screen allows agencies to view information on active property.
- Access the Primary [Existing Property] (PAPROP) screen on the Main Menu.
- Verify the agency number in the
field. The SPA system automatically defaults to the user’s agency number. If data is maintained for more than one agency, a different agency number may be entered over the system-generated number. - Enter the property number in the
field. - Enter the component number in the
field. - Press
. The record appears on the screen.Note: Not all of the fields can be viewed on this screen. Some fields such as
can only be viewed on the Financial (Property Financial Data) screen.
Financial (Property Financial Data)
The Financial [Property Financial Data] (PAIVAL) screen allows agencies to view financial information on active property.
- Access the Financial [Property Financial Data] (PAIVAL) screen on the Main Menu.
- Verify the agency number in the
field. The SPA system automatically defaults to the user’s agency number. If data is maintained for more than one agency, a different agency number may be entered over the system-generated number. - Enter the property number in the
field. - Enter the component number in the
field. - Press Enter. The record requested appears on the screen.
Note: If the property number has multiple funds, use F7 to scroll forward or F8 to scroll back.
Debt Financed
Agency Head Responsibilities
The Debt Financed Inquiry (PADEBT) screen allows agencies to view information on active property financed by debt instruments.
- Access the Debt Financed Inquiry (PADEBT) screen on the Main Menu.
- Verify the agency number in the
field. SPA automatically defaults to the user’s agency number. If data is maintained for more than one agency, a different agency number may be entered over the system-generated number. - Enter the property number in the
field. - Enter the component number in the
field. - Press
. The record requested appears on the screen.
The Location of Property (PALOCA) screen allows agencies to view the active property’s location and the name of the person responsible for the property.
- Access the Location of Property (PALOCA) screen on the Main Menu.
- Verify the agency number in the
field. The SPA system automatically defaults to the user’s agency number. If data is maintained for more than one agency, a different agency number may be entered over the system-generated number. - Enter the property number in the
field. - Press Enter. The record requested appears on the screen.
Non-Financial History
The Non-Financial History Inquiry (PAHIST) screen allows agencies to view detailed information on non-financial changes and updates made to active property reported to SPA.
The screen displays the class code, class code description, component, transaction date, user ID, action description, previous value and change to for each non-financial transaction that took place.
- Access the Non-Financial History Inquiry (PAHIST) screen on the Main Menu.
- Verify the agency number in the
field. The SPA system automatically defaults to the user’s agency number. If data is maintained for more than one agency, a different agency number may be entered over the system-generated number. - Enter the property number in the
field. - Press Enter. The record requested appears on the screen.
The News Display (PANDIT) screen lists general SPA information including SPA User Group Meeting dates and agendas, SPA core classes and SPA staff information.
Note: PANEWS is the Banner Page screen that appears automatically when a user signs in to SPA. To access the News Display screen, press F1 or press Enter and access the screen from the main menu.
- Access the SPA News (PANDIT) screen on the Main Menu.
- Press F7 to move backwards, F8 to move forward.
Enter a page number you wish to recall and press Enter.
Disposed Property
The Disposed Property (PADISP) screen allows agencies to view property which has an assigned disposal method (soft [active] or hard [inactive]).
- Access the Disposed Property (PADISP) screen on the Main Menu.
- Enter the property number in the
field.Note: Component number is system-generated. If component is greater than 01, then tab to
field and enter that component number. - Press Enter. The disposed property record requested appears on the screen. If property was disposed with any of the surplus disposal methods, the surplus information entered during the disposal process is displayed on the lower half of the screen.
Note: The message Property Not Found will appear if the property number entered is incorrect or the property has not been disposed.
Class Code
The Class Code Inquiry (PACLAS) screen allows agencies to display class code information by any one of the following three ways:
- Insert the class code number in the
field and press Enter. - Use the search feature to find an appropriate class code using words that describe the asset.
- Scroll down the list of existing class codes using F8.
- Access the Class Code Inquiry (PACLAS) screen from the Main Menu.
- Enter X next to the class code and press Enter to view class code detail such as useful life, AFR category, GL account, surplus group, suggested comptroller object and depreciation indicator.
Serial/Description Search
The Serial Number/Description Search (PASERS) screen allows agencies to search for active and inactive property by serial number or description. Information displayed includes the property number, component, description, serial number and disposal method (if inactive).
- Access the Serial Number/Description Search (PASERS) screen on the Main Menu.
- Enter the serial number in the
field or a description of the property in theDESCR:
field. - Press Enter to retrieve information. If there is a large number of records, you may have to wait several seconds for SPA to process the request.
User Access
The Search User Access (PAUSER) screen allows agencies to search for their SPA users by agency number, name or user ID. See Chapter 3 for access and designated title descriptions.
- Access the Search User Access (PAUSER) screen on the Main Menu.
- Enter the user’s name in the
field or user ID in theSEARCH USER ID
field.Note: If nothing is entered in either field, all users for the agency appear.
- Press Enter. The screen displays all users that fit the search criteria.
Note: A message at the bottom of the screen gives the total number of users/records found.
Property Totals
The Property Totals (PATOTS) screen allows agencies to view property broken out by component number, fund number, description, fund value, component value and total property value.
- Access the Property Totals (PATOTS) screen on the Main Menu.
- Enter the property number in the corresponding field.
- Press Enter. The screen displays all properties that fit the search criteria.
Financial History
The Financial History Inquiry (PAFHST) screen allows agencies to view detailed financial information on transactions made to property reported to SPA.
The screen displays the component, fund, user ID, effective date, transaction date, action code, amount of change and the property balance.
An action code appears in the ACTN
field to explain the type of transaction: A, C, D, E, F, G, I, P, R, S, T, V, X or Y. For detailed definitions of action codes, press F1 (Help) or see Appendix.
- Access the Financial History Inquiry (PAFHST) screen on the Main Menu.
- Verify the agency number in the
field. The SPA system automatically defaults to the user’s agency number. If you maintain data for more than one agency, a different agency number may be entered over the system-generated number. - Enter the property number in the
field. - Enter a sort option in the
field. Sort options that are available are:C=CPNT
(fund number),E=EFF DATE
(effective date)- If nothing is entered in the SORT field, the sort will be by effective date (
), oldest to newest.
- Press Enter. The financial history appears on the screen. The screen displays each financial transaction by the sort you chose.
Certification (of Physical Inventory)
The Certification [of Physical Inventory] (PACERT) screen allows agencies to view, by fiscal year, the information they have reported to the Comptroller’s office using the Certification of Physical Inventory Conducted by Agency form (#73-283).
- Access the Certification of Physical Inventory (PACERT) screen on the Main Menu.
- Enter the fiscal year (i.e. 2006) in the
field. - Press Enter. The information from your physical inventory which you reported on Form #73-283 appears.
Governing and Dependent Agencies
The Governing Agencies (PAGOVT) screen allows agencies to view their dependent agency(s), if any and allows the Comptroller’s SPA functional staff to update the table. The user maintaining data for multiple agencies will be set up with a User Code of 1 within the second level of security in SPA.
- Access the Governing Agencies (PAGOVT) screen on the Main Menu.
Your agency number is system-generated and appears in the
field.Note: The SPA system automatically defaults to your agency number. All agency numbers are validated against the USAS Agency Profile (D02).
The screen automatically displays dependent agencies that your agency governs.
Note: If your agency is not a governing agency, the message Governing Agency Does Not Exist appears and no dependent agencies will appear.
Order Download
The Order Extract Download (PARFEX) screen allows agencies to order download extracts of their raw data in five different formats. Agencies can order all five; but not more than once daily. The file extracts are downloaded through the EFT process and each extract includes a header and trailer record. Please contact your SPA analyst to verify that the agency is set up to receive EFTs.
The person performing the download commands must have User ID and security for FTP access in addition to online access.
- All Active Property File Extract Format – contains only active property, current through the end of the day the extract is ordered in SPA (700 byte).
- All Active Property Plus Current and One Prior FY Disposals File Extract Format – contains inactive property for the current and the previous fiscal years, plus all active property in SPA (700 byte).
- All Active and Inactive Property File Extract Format – contains all inactive and active property in SPA (700 byte).
If more than one Active and/or Inactive File Extract is ordered, the extracts will be in the same dataset separated by a header and trailer record.
- All Property in Disposal Methods 05, 06 and 07 File Extract Format – contains surplus information on property currently in disposal methods 05, 6b, 7a and 7b (850 byte).
- Asset Balances File Extract Format – contains asset balances to help with the SPA reconciliation and compilation of the Capital Asset Note for the AFR.
- Access the Order Extract Download (PARFEX) screen on the Main Menu.
- Enter X beside the download extract(s) you are requesting.
- Press Enter. The message Extract Has Been Ordered appears. Your extract will be available for download only (through the EFT process) on the following day.