SPA Process User’s Guide –
Chapter 8 – Inquiry Screens
Governing and Dependent Agencies
The Governing Agencies (PAGOVT) screen allows agencies to view their dependent agency(s), if any and allows the Comptroller’s SPA functional staff to update the table. The user maintaining data for multiple agencies will be set up with a User Code of 1 within the second level of security in SPA.
- Access the Governing Agencies (PAGOVT) screen on the Main Menu.
Your agency number is system-generated and appears in the
field.Note: The SPA system automatically defaults to your agency number. All agency numbers are validated against the USAS Agency Profile (D02).
The screen automatically displays dependent agencies that your agency governs.
Note: If your agency is not a governing agency, the message Governing Agency Does Not Exist appears and no dependent agencies will appear.