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SPA Process User’s Guide
Chapter 8 – Inquiry Screens

Primary (Existing Property)

The Primary [Existing Property] (PAPROP) screen allows agencies to view information on active property.


  1. Access the Primary [Existing Property] (PAPROP) screen on the Main Menu.
  2. Verify the agency number in the AGENCY field. The SPA system automatically defaults to the user’s agency number. If data is maintained for more than one agency, a different agency number may be entered over the system-generated number.
  3. Enter the property number in the PROP NO field.
  4. Enter the component number in the CPNT NO field.
  5. Press Enter. The record appears on the screen.

    Note: Not all of the fields can be viewed on this screen. Some fields such as FUND, ACQ METHOD and COMPT/AGY OBJ can only be viewed on the Financial (Property Financial Data) screen.