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SPA Process User’s Guide
Chapter 8 – Inquiry Screens

Order Download

The Order Extract Download (PARFEX) screen allows agencies to order download extracts of their raw data in five different formats. Agencies can order all five; but not more than once daily. The file extracts are downloaded through the EFT process and each extract includes a header and trailer record. Please contact your SPA analyst to verify that the agency is set up to receive EFTs.

The person performing the download commands must have User ID and security for FTP access in addition to online access.

  1. All Active Property File Extract Format – contains only active property, current through the end of the day the extract is ordered in SPA (700 byte).
  2. All Active Property Plus Current and One Prior FY Disposals File Extract Format – contains inactive property for the current and the previous fiscal years, plus all active property in SPA (700 byte).
  3. All Active and Inactive Property File Extract Format – contains all inactive and active property in SPA (700 byte).

If more than one Active and/or Inactive File Extract is ordered, the extracts will be in the same dataset separated by a header and trailer record.

  1. All Property in Disposal Methods 05, 06 and 07 File Extract Format – contains surplus information on property currently in disposal methods 05, 6b, 7a and 7b (850 byte).
  2. Asset Balances File Extract Format – contains asset balances to help with the SPA reconciliation and compilation of the Capital Asset Note for the AFR.


  1. Access the Order Extract Download (PARFEX) screen on the Main Menu.
  2. Enter X beside the download extract(s) you are requesting.
  3. Press Enter. The message Extract Has Been Ordered appears. Your extract will be available for download only (through the EFT process) on the following day.