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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

Interfund Activity

RTI Tables for Interfund/Interagency Transactions
RTI Table 4

Accrued Pass-Through Decrease with Reversal

Important: All agencies and universities must use the RTI process for fiscal year-end entries. The T-codes presented in this table may be used for funds in the state treasury and local funds.

Receiving Agency (Agency B)

  1. At fiscal year-end, if Agency B expended less than it received, Agency B must initiate the accrual process and notify Agency A of the pass-through revenue decrease.
  2. Agency B must use Doc Type T, PDT T and Batch Type 2 on the initiating ITV, using the RTI number provided by Agency A.
  3. Choose one of the following revenue COBJs:
    • 3971 – Federal Pass-Through Revenue, Non-operating
    • 3978 – Federal Pass-Through Revenue, Operating
    • 3725 – State Grant Pass-Through Revenue, Non-operating
    • 3842 – State Grant Pass-Through Revenue, Operating
  4. The ITV posts a reduction to accrued pass-through revenue and a due to other agencies with reversal for Agency B.

Disbursing Agency (Agency A)

  1. Agency A must set up an RTI profile on the USAS 55 screen and provide the RTI number to Agency B for entry on the initiating ITV. For more information on establishing an RTI, see 55 (550) Recurring Transaction Profile in the USAS Coding Instructions.
  2. Choose one of the following expenditure COBJs:
    • 7971 – Federal Pass-Through Expenditure, Non-operating
    • 7978 – Federal Pass-Through Expenditure, Operating
    • 7614 – State Grant Pass-Through Expenditure, Non-operating
    • 7615 – State Grant Pass-Through Expenditure, Operating
  3. The initiating ITV by Agency B (described above) posts a reduction to accrued pass-through expenditure and a due from other agencies with reversal for Agency A. If the transaction is a federal pass-through, Agency A must decrease the federal revenue amount to match the expenditure amount to be recorded in SEFA. This Additional Entry for Agency A is shown below.

T-codes 761 and 762 are system-generated to reverse the accruals. If the T-code 483 entry is backdated into a previous period (month or fiscal year), the reversing 761 and 762 T-codes generate in the current period. An entry backdated into 20CY with an effective date of 08/31/CY generates a reversing entry in the following fiscal year.

Note: When choosing a COBJ to increase the pass-through revenue or expenditure, choose the COBJ used on the original transfer.


RTI T-Code Setup on the 55 Screen System-Generated
484   0284 Due From Other Agencies**
5501 Expenditure Control – Accrued** 
  Generated to Reverse Accrued Pass-Through Expenditure and Reverse Due From
5501 Expenditure Control – Accrued**
0284 Due From Other Agencies** 
** Correct AGL post on this transaction


T-Code Entered on ITV Entry Screen System-Generated
483   5001 Revenue Control – Accrued*
1050 Due To Other Agencies* 
  760 1050 Due To Other Agencies*
5001 Revenue Control – Accrued* 5001 Revenue Control – Accrued**
1050 Due To Other Agencies** 
  Generated to Reverse Due To and Reverse Accrued Pass-Through Revenue
1050 Due To Other Agencies**
5001 Revenue Control – Accrued** 
** Correct AGL post on this transaction

Additional Entry for Agency A

Agency A must reduce the federal revenue amount to match the expenditure amount to be recorded in SEFA. This can be done by debiting revenue and crediting either unearned revenue or federal receivable (as long as the federal receivable is not an overall negative amount).

Seq No Batch Type Doc Type Eff Date Fin Agy TC R AY PCA COBJ* Amount** Vendor # AGL Input GL USAS D23 Fund
To Decrease Federal Revenue and Record Unearned Revenue or Decrease a Federal Receivable
(1) 5 or 4 U 0831CY XXX 658 R XX XXXXX XXXX $ XX.XX N/A N/A *** XXXX
* Use the COBJ that was originally used to receive the federal funds.
** Use the amount that was recorded on the RTI above.
*** Use GL 1046 to record Unearned Revenue or GL 0241 to decrease a Federal Receivable.

Accounting effect of entry:

Debit Credit
(1) To Decrease Federal Revenue and Record Unearned Revenue or Decrease a Federal Receivable    
  5100 GAAP Revenue Offset $ XX.XX  
  1046 Unearned Revenue (Input GL)   $ XX.XX
  0241 Federal Receivable (Input GL)   $ XX.XX

Note: T-code 658R automatically reverses with T-code 630R using the current system management date. Therefore, the accrual to decrease the federal receivable and revenue is reversed in the following fiscal year.