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USPS Process Guide
Chapter 11: Cancellations & Reversals/Adjustments/Pending File Maintenance –

HTMU1, HTMMB – Processing Manual Pay Sets

Screens: HTMU1, HTMMB

The employee must have a status code of 01 (active), 02 (on leave), or 03 (termed but payment allowed) on H0BUS.

Note: If status code is 07, you must change the status to 03 on H0BUS.

Note: Use HTMU1 to:
  • Process returned moneys if you have received a personal check from an employee
  • Post payments issued outside USPS (manual payments)
  • Process refunds or adjustments to prior payments

Note: When entering an adjustment or refund on this screen, the employee's accumulators (H0A, H0B, H10, H0Z) are updated during the nightly batch cycle, regardless of the payroll run type. However, earnings history (H0H) for the transaction is not written until the next final regular (FR) or final supplemental (FS) payroll is processed. If a final regular (FR) or final supplemental (FS) payroll is not processed on the same night the HTMU1 was entered, the transactions go into the pending file until a final regular (FR) or final supplemental (FS) payroll is run. DO NOT delete these 400 through 6XX transactions from the pending file.

Note: During nightly batch processing, all returned money transactions are validated by agency and appropriation year against fund 9015. If sufficient funds are not available, the batch will not process and will be deleted from HTMU1. Accumulators will not be updated and the transaction(s) will not go to the pending file. Check Report 1009 (Employee Diagnostics Listing) for error messages. Once sufficient funds are available in fund 9015, the returned money transaction must be re-entered on HTMU1.

Step Action
1 Access HTMU1.
2 Enter I in the SUBCOMMAND field.
3 Enter the following fields as required:
Enter a new page number for each new screen of transactions.

503 Transaction/Row

Note: Enter the 503 transaction row to record the original payment information.

REF NO (Display)
A reference number which is automatically generated.
PYMT DT (Required)
Enter the date the original payment was issued. If adjusting more than one payment record, enter the latest payment issue date.
BEG DT/END DT (Required)
Enter the pay period begin and end date for the payment being adjusted. If adjusted payment covers more than one pay period, enter the begin and end dates as a range.
REAS (Optional)

A user-defined, alphanumeric value identifying the reason for the transaction. If processing a returned money transaction, enter reason code RM.

Note: When receiving a personal check from an employee, make sure the money has been deposited in the Treasury Operations Division using T-Code 188, PCA 99915, comptroller object 3790, appropriation 07738, and agency fund 9015 before processing an RM transaction on HTMU1. Otherwise, the transaction cannot pass through USAS.

OLD PMT NO (Optional)
The number of the check being adjusted.
NET (Required)

Enter the net amount of the refund/adjustment. Enter this field only if the adjustment indicator is P or M or the REASON CODE is RM (returned monies).

Note: All amount fields on this screen assume two decimal places.

+ (Adjustment Indicator) (Required on this row)
Enter the type of payment, reduction, or adjustment to be made. If net does not equal zero, enter P or M. If net equals zero, enter + or -. Enter the same set of indicators throughout the transaction set.
P Pays on the next regular payroll
M Subtracts from the next regular payroll
+ Adds this amount to the appropriate periods' net accumulators (does not generate a payment)
Subtracts this amount from the appropriate periods' accumulators (does not reduce a payment)

Note: An indicator of P or M affects payment to the employee and goes through USAS.

The + and indicators do not generate payment; they only adjust accumulators. They do, however, affect reporting totals for the tax period(s) that are indicated in the Y field. Be aware of this when entering adjustments for periods that have already been reported.

Y (Optional)
Indicates which tax period’s accumulators to adjust.
Blank field Year-, quarter-, and month-to-date accumulators (Default – this value is used in most cases)
Y Year-to-date accumulators only
Q Year- and quarter-to-date accumulators only
P Prior quarter accumulators only
C Year-to-date and prior quarter accumulators only

Note: Enter the same indicator in each Y field throughout this transaction set.

400 Transaction Row

Note: Enter the 400 transaction row to record hours and compensation for regular, shift, and overtime pay.

ST/LOC (Optional)
Overrides the employee’s STATE and LOCAL fields established on H0BUD.
DPT SEC (Optional)
Overrides the last five characters of the organization code assigned to the position on HNPU1.
OT (Required)
Enter a value indicating whether the transaction is regular pay, overtime, or comp time.
0 Regular pay (default)
1 Hours and amount entered are for overtime pay
2 Hours and amount entered are for compensatory pay
SH (Optional)
Indicates the shift to which the payment pertains. To record both regular and shift pay, enter two 400 transactions.
0 Regular hours and pay accumulators (default)
1 Regular hours and pay accumulators
2 Second shift hours and pay accumulators
3 Third shift hours and pay accumulators

Note: Do not enter SH field with an overtime transaction.

DATE FROM/TO (Optional)
The begin/end date of the pay period that processes this 400 transaction.
HOURS (Optional)
The number of regular or overtime hours to adjust with the manual pay. Calculates as regular, overtime, or comp time based on the value in the OT field. If hours are entered in this field and the SH field contains 2 or 3, only the shift hours are updated.
The amount of regular, shift, overtime, or comp pay being adjusted.

Defaults to the current primary PCA (or index) and position, but you may override this value.

Note: If this transaction is to be coded to more than one labor distribution code, an entry for each code must be made. Make additional entries on HTMU2 or HTMM3.

+ (Adjustment Indicator) (Required)
Enter the type of payment, reduction, or adjustment to be made. If net does not equal zero, enter P or M. If net equals zero or if REASON CODE is RM, enter + or . Enter the same set of indicators throughout the transaction set.
P Pay on the next regular payroll
M Subtracts from the next regular payroll
+ Adds this amount to the appropriate periods' net accumulators (does not generate a payment)
Subtracts this amount from the appropriate periods' accumulators (does not reduce a payment)
Y (Optional)
Indicates which tax period's accumulators to adjust.
Blank field Year-, quarter-, and month-to-date accumulators (default – this value is used in most cases)
Y Year-to-date accumulators only
Q Year- and quarter-to-date accumulators only
P Prior quarter accumulators only
C Year-to-date and prior quarter accumulators only

500 Transaction Row

ST/L (Optional)

Enter this field only if payments were made in the wrong state or locality (if income taxes apply), and the payment needs to be moved to the correct state or locality.

The first two digits designate the state code and the second two digits designate the local taxing district. These codes are established and maintained on H0BUD and H0ATX. See Appendix K – Local, State, and Federal Codes for valid values.

Note: If an employee was paid and taxed in the wrong state and/or locality, two pages of transactions must be created. One page must contain the incorrect state/local code that was reported, using the indicator, and the other page must contain the correct taxing district(s) using the + indicator.

FIT (Optional)

The amount of federal income tax to be withheld from this payment.

Note: If payment is being made outside of regular pay (on a supplemental), withholding FIT from the payment and entering a P indicator in the + field is allowed. If the payment/adjustment is added to the regular pay, entering taxes is not required. The system includes this payment as taxable income when calculating FIT.

OASDI (Optional)
The amount of OASDI tax to be withheld from this payment.
HI (Optional)

The amount of Medicare tax to be withheld from this payment.

Note: If the employee is active, entering the tax fields is not required. This manual pay set adjusts OASDI and Medicare wages, and the taxes self adjust on the next regular pay. If the employee is terminated, entering values in the tax fields is recommended.

SIT (Optional)
The amount of state income tax to withhold from this payment.
LOCAL (Optional)
The amount of local tax to withhold from payment, if applicable.
GROSS (Required if pays are entered)
Enter the gross amount which must equal the amount of the adjustment. When entering on HTMU1, HTMU2 and HTMU3, the entire gross goes on HTMU1. The gross amounts on HTMU2 and HTMU3 default from HTMU1.
+ (Adjustment Indicator) (Required on this row)
Enter the same indicator as entered in the 503 row.

Note: A value is always required in this field of the 500 row, even if every other field on this transaction row is blank.

Y (Optional)
Enter the same indicator as entered in the 503 row.

550 Transaction/Row

NO (Required)
Enter the payroll deduction number to be adjusted. Deduction numbers are defined on H0VCD.
AMT (Required)

Enter the deduction amount to be adjusted.

Note: This field holds amounts up to $999.99. Multiple entries are required if the amount exceeds $999.99.

+ (Adjustment Indicator) (Required)
Enter the same indicator as entered in the 503 row.

Note: If an adjustment was entered for subdeduction numbers 14, 21, 48, 50, 58, 59, 60, or 67, the system automatically links to HNYUA. Enter R in the SUBCOMMAND field and then enter the override dollar amount. Press Enter to complete the process and link back to HTMU1.

Note: Only one manual payset with subdeduction adjustments for an employee is allowed until the payroll has finalized and the transaction has processed.

Y (Optional)
Enter the same indicator as entered in the 503 and 500 rows.

6XX Transaction/Row

SP NO (Required)
Enter the special pay number to be paid, recouped, or adjusted. Special pay numbers are defined on H0WCP.
ST/LOC (Optional)
The same state or local code(s) as entered in the 500 row.
DPT/SEC (Optional)
Overrides the last five characters of the organization code assigned to the position on HNPU1.
DATE FROM (Optional)
The beginning date of the pay period that processes this 600 transaction. Enter this date only if this date is different from the 503 transaction ending date on this screen.
DATE TO (Optional)
The ending date of the pay period that processed this 600 transaction. Enter this date only if it is different from the 503 transaction ending date on this screen.
SP PAY HOURS (Optional)
Enter only if the special pay is based on hours.
SP PAY AMOUNT (Required)

Enter the dollar amount of the special pay.

Note: This field holds amounts up to $999.99. Multiple entries are required if the amount exceeds $999.99.

Defaults to the current primary PCA (or index) and position, but you may override this value.
+ (Adjustment Indicator) (Required)
Enter the same indicator as entered in the 503 and 500 rows.
Y (Optional)
Enter the same indicator as entered in the 503 and 500 rows.

Press Enter to process the transaction.

Note: To make additional adjustments to this record, go to HTMU2 and HTMU3.

5 Access HTMMB to verify the transaction is in balance. If the record does not balance, check the values in all the fields, then go back to HTMU1 and make corrections. The transaction cannot process until it is balanced.

Note: USPS agencies for which the Comptroller’s fiscal, (agency 902) makes payments for settlements, grievances, etc., have had taxes paid on their behalf as part of the payment. These taxes and payments must be reported on the agency’s 941 and on the employee’s W-2. Agency 902 does not provide IRS or SSA information other than the amount being sent and the federal ID number of your agency.

Agency 902 sends a copy of the payroll voucher to USPS staff who then enters the payroll voucher into USPS so that it is included on your agency’s USPS 941 worksheet and the employee’s accumulators that are necessary for W-2 production.

Before entering the manual payset:

  • confirm that the recipient of the payment is a current or former employee who has received a payment through USPS at the agency
  • make sure that the H0BUS employee status is 1, 2 or 3.

Once the manual payset has been processed, USPS accumulators are updated so that the W-2 records reflect the additional tax and wage payments and the USPS-produced 941 worksheet (report 58) figures reflect that the taxes for this payment have already been paid to IRS.

Note: If the recipient has not received any payments through USPS, then this person can be hired into USPS, so the manual payset can be entered.

The agency must use unclassified job class PD25 and pay table 2, so that the agency’s FTE counts will not be affected. The person should be entered as time card required.

Once the person is hired, follow the directions in the preceding note. After hiring, the person can be terminated with a termination date the same as the employment date.