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USAS User’s Manual
Chapter 13 – Reporting

Overview of Reporting

About this Chapter

This chapter explains USAS reporting capabilities and the procedures for requesting specific reports.

Reporting Standards

USAS reports follow a standardized format to make reported data easier to read. The following are standard features:

  • Control Key-identifies individual reports. The control key for a report is printed in the upper left corner. It consists of the report number, agency number, requestor, and request number. This information can be used to look up the request on the 91 Report Request Profile. In addition to the Control Key, this section of the report also displays some of the level option criteria that was entered on the 91 Report Request Profile.
  • Report Header-shows agency number, level of reporting, date, cycle, fiscal year, fiscal month, agency name (except statewide reports), report title, report period, percent of year elapsed, and page number.
  • Page Break Indicators-display name, value, and title for data elements reported on separate pages. Page Break Indicators are listed below the Report Header.
  • Column Headings-contain data element names for each detail report column.
  • Detail Lines-contain actual financial data at the balance or transaction level and titles for some coding elements.
  • Subtotals and Totals-contain totals of the financial information presented in the detail lines. Subtotals and Totals are indicated by an asterisk (*).

A picture of the DAFR7410 report

DAFR7410 999 MARK 01 12  95  AGY  RJE  R582  2(ORG) 0(PRG)  (  ) 4(FND)  (  )  (  )  RUN DATE:08/19/95 TIME:17:18 USAS
CYCLE: 08/19/95 11:29 0901  CFY: 95   CFM: 12 LCY: 94   LCM: 09 FICHE: 999 95    0001   0001          0900

                                                       GOLDEN COMMISSION (999)
                                                    AGENCY BUDGET ACTIVITY SUMMARY
 PERCENT of YEAR ELAPSED: 100%                        REPORT PERIOD= AUGUST FY= 95                            PROD SYSTEM
 **********************************************************************************************************PAGE 1
                                                          CASH REVENUE/            PRE-ENCUMB     REMAINING   PERCENT

 3000      ESTABLISH BUDGET CASH                .00         1,431.91        .00                    1,431.91-     .00 
  *TOTAL REVENUE                                .00         1,431.91        .00                    1,431.91-     .00
 0303      SUBSCRIPTTIONS, PERIODICALS/I        .00           380.00        .00      .00             380.00-     .00
  *TOTAL EXPENDITURE                            .00           380.00        .00      .00             380.00-     .00
  *FUND                 0001                    .00           380.00        .00      .00             380.00-     .00

Remote Print

Remote Print will enable each agency to print and distribute its own reports.

Reports for remote printing will be delivered to the agencies as data sets tailored to meet specific agency print equipment.

Note: Agencies connecting through DIR may follow different procedures.

The following are avenues for Remote Print:

  • VPS-sends data to an agency-supplied printer address.
  • TCP/IP-sends print data sets to allow agencies to plan and manage print as necessary.
  • NJE-sends print data sets (spool-to-spool) to agencies to plan and manage print as necessary.

Note: TCP/IP is the preferred method for Remote Print.

Report Types

Three types of reports can be generated using the information collected in USAS.

  • Requestable Reports:
    • Profile Reports (DAFQXXX0)
    • Financial Reports (DAFRXX0)
  • Ad Hoc Reports
  • Control Reports

The different report types and how to get them are discussed below.

Requestable Reports

Requestable Reports are either Profile (DAFQXXX0) or Financial (DAFRXXX0) reports.

Profile Reports

Profile Reports list profile data and are requested on an ‘as needed’ basis. Profile Reports can be used to proof profile data and as a reference when entering transactions. The Report ID for Profile Reports is DAFQxxx0 xxx denotes the three-character profile code. For example, DAFQD020 is the profile report for the D02 Agency Profile.

Financial Reports

Financial Reports include:

  • General Ledger Reports-monitor agency general ledger balances and assist in the preparation of periodic GAAP reports.
  • Budgetary Reports-monitor appropriations and agency, grant, and project budgets. Budgetary reports contain budgetary information as well as revenue and expenditure information.
  • Operating Reports-contain revenues, expenditures, transfers, and other nominal activity summarized by classification-level elements. Operating Reports allow financial activity to be monitored at all levels.
  • Document Reports-provide information related to Pre-encumbrances, Encumbrances, Accounts Receivable, and Vouchers Payable. Document Reports monitor activity at the document level.
  • Transaction Reports-contain information regarding posted transactions and assist agencies in researching and analyzing balances.
  • Subsystem Reports-provide transaction and audit trail activity specific to a subsystem.

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