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USAS User’s Manual
Chapter 13 – Reporting (continued)

Control Reports

About these Reports

Control Reports are automatically produced from nightly Batch (IEU) and payment processing cycles. Control reports document transaction flow producing an audit trail. Control reports also track batches, documents, transactions, and rejected payments. Control Report IDs are usually in the range DAFR2000-DAFR3999.

The following pages review the various Control Reports which can be received by agencies.

DAFR018A: Deposit Documents Needing Treasury Approval

The DAFR018A report lists document type D transactions in USAS that have not been approved by the Treasury. If documents appear on this report for a time period that exceeds the deposit transmission time, users will need to check their default funds to see if deposits have been processed against those funds. If they have, these documents must be deleted and the default deposits cleared to the appropriate fund. Users may need to contact the Treasury to determine if the deposits have been received or if they are delayed in the mail.

Note: The Create Date indicates when the document header was created.

DAFR018B: Deposit Corrections Generated this Cycle

The DAFR018B report displays transactions created by the Treasury during the matching process between the Treasury’s accounting system and USAS. Documents may appear on this report because no match was found or because of an inconsistency between the deposit slip and the electronic USAS document (for example, agency, current document number, document amount, and/or document year). The DAFR018B is a noncumulative report.

This report can be used to identify deposit transactions from the prior night’s cycle that contain errors. Possible messages include: Deposit Not Entered, Deposit Over, Deposit Short, Duplicate Deposit ID, Duplicate Transmit Record, Batch Fut Date, or Not Rel (this batch has a future date or has not been released).

Note: The Gen Doc No is the document number that has been generated by the Treasury. This document number will begin with ‘YD.’

DAFR2011: USAS Operations Control

The DAFR2011 report gives information regarding the transaction ID related to online batch level deletes. These deletes were requested either on the 54 Multiple Error Correction screen or on the 502 Batch Balancing screen in USAS.

This report can be used to verify that the deletes requested by the user were indeed performed by the USAS system. It also contains any super security deletes requested by the agency and entered by the Comptroller’s office.

Transaction ID (Positions 1–20):

  • 1–3 Agency Number
  • 4–11 YYYYMMDD
  • 12 Batch Type
  • 13–15 Batch Number
  • 16–20 Sequence Number: 00000 is the batch header

DAFR2021: Batch/Document Processing Summary

The DAFR2021 report provides information on Input Records (IN) brought into USAS from a system other than USAS, either from reel-to-reel tape, tape cartridges, or file transfer. The report shows the batch/document identification. It displays the status of the batches/documents processed or rejected, and it also gives the batch/document count and amount. This report shows individual documents that processed or rejected, and whether a batch rejected in full.

This report can be used to verify the status of Input Records brought into USAS. The following is a list of messages appearing in the Status field.

  • PROCESSED — batch/document passed the general edits described below.
  • REJ — NO VALID TRANS-batch/document failed due to no valid transactions.
  • REJ — NO BATCH HEADER-batch failed due to no valid batch header.
  • REJ — BATCH AGY NOT IN D02-batch failed due to invalid batch agency.
  • REJ — BATCH ID NOT UNIQUE-batch ID has been processed in a previous nightly batch cycle.
  • HELD — BATCH OUT of BALANCE-batch will be held due to batch amounts being out of balance.
  • REJ — DOC ID NOT UNIQUE-document ID has been processed in a previous nightly batch cycle.
  • REJ — NO DOCUMENT HEADER-document failed due to no valid document header.
  • HELD — DOC OUT of BALANCE-document will be held due to document amounts being out of balance.
  • REJ — PAYROLL FUND OOB-for a direct payroll, the gross pay amount does not tie back to the net pay plus deductions within an appropriated fund.
  • REJ — PAYROLL 401(K) OOB-sum of the 401(K) detail does not equal to the amount payable to the administrator.
  • REJ — REIMBURSEMENTS OOB-sum of the detail T-Code (246/247) amounts does not equal the summary T-Code (903/904) amount within a document.
  • REJ — DOC AGY NOT IN D02-document failed due to an invalid document agency.
  • REJ — DUPLICATE DOC HDR-document header has been entered twice within the same nightly batch cycle.
  • REJ — INV DOC EFF DATE-document effective date is missing, not numeric, or invalid.
  • REJ — DUPLICATE BATCH HEADER-batch header has been entered twice within the same nightly batch cycle.
  • HELD — DUP REIMB SUMMARY-batch was held because a document within the batch contained more than one reimbursement summary T-Code (903/904).
  • HELD — TREASURY CASH OOB-on journal vouchers; document types J, K, and T; the net of the transfer/exchange does not equal zero within a document.
  • REJ — NO TXNS FOR DOC HDR-no transactions were received for a given document header.

Note: Batch and document information is provided by batch agency. Any IN Record batches/documents that were rejected did not enter the USAS system for processing. Any batches/documents that were placed on hold did process.

DAFR2022: Batch/Document Detail Error Listing

The DAFR2022 report displays the first transaction in a batch in which the transaction is missing a batch header or the first transaction in a document is missing a document header. These transactions are not admitted into USAS for processing.

Agencies should use this report to identify the transaction that needs to be resubmitted to USAS.

Note: Agencies can resubmit the transactions using the same document numbers as the original submission.

DAFR2031: Rejected Payroll Transactions

The DAFR2031 report displays payroll documents (Document Types 4 or 7) that are out of balance due to appropriated fund balancing or 401(K) balancing routines. This report displays information in transaction order.

This report can be used to determine which transactions are preventing payroll transactions from successfully processing due to the payroll balancing routines.

Note: Payroll transactions are subject to additional balancing requirements. The total deductions plus the net pay must equal the gross pay within a fund and within a document. In addition, the 401(K) deduction plus the loan payment must equal the 401(K) payable amount within a document.

DAFR2061: Input Transaction Error Report

The DAFR2061 report displays transactions submitted by agencies in an IN format that did not pass the following checks.

  • Check for duplicate transaction ID
  • Validate the batch ID
  • Validate document types
  • Validate numeric amount fields

This report can be used to identify IN transactions from the prior night's cycle containing errors that will need to be corrected and resubmitted.

DAFR2151: Agency Batch Error Report

The DAFR2151 report displays transactions in which errors were detected by the nightly USAS IEU cycle. These transactions passed the initial edits that were part of the 2021 program (for example, they were brought into USAS but they failed in USAS). Therefore, these transactions can be corrected in USAS.

The transactions appearing on this report are those that have fatal data errors (E-fatal data), fatal funding errors (F-fatal funding), and funding warning errors (K-warning data). Transactions with data warning errors (W-warning data) and/or advisory warning errors (J-default used) will appear on this report if the same transactions also have fatal errors. Additional errors that may appear are B-batch error, Z-system error, and C-correction error.

This report can be used to identify transactions from the prior night's cycle that contain errors. Transactions must have been released to run through IEU in order for that cycle to detect errors. Rereleasing batches on subsequent days will cause transactions to reappear on this report provided the transactions still contain errors.

Note: Use the three-character keywords in the ‘Errors’ column to access error information on the 90 News/Help Table. Up to six error keys per transaction will be displayed on this report.

Note: Appropriation funding edits are controlled through the 20 Appropriation Profile. If the 20 Profile is set to be fatal on a cash basis, the agency will only get a warning message (W) on DAFR2151, if the transaction would cause the accrual balance to be negative. If it is set to be fatal on an accrual basis and the transaction would cause the balance to be negative on an accrual basis, the agency would get a fatal (F) message.

DAFR2152: Payroll Exception

The DAFR2152 report displays direct payroll transactions with invalid vendor numbers edited against records in the Texas Identification Number System (TINS). Payroll records on this report are transmitted to USAS in FACTS format and are subsequently converted into USAS format. If a vendor number appears on this report, that vendor record is written to a suspense file in TINS.

This report should be used to identify vendor records that require either maintenance or setup in the Texas Identification Number System (TINS). This is not an aging report. Vendor errors appear on this report only when there has been payroll transaction activity in USAS.

DAFR2221: USAS Transactions Aging

The DAFR2221 report displays a list of outstanding batches and each batches’ processing status. The report includes the last processed date and any error codes associated with transactions within that batch.

This report can be used to identify the status of outstanding batches. It helps identify the following situations:

  • Batch Status H-batch is on hold and needs to be released.
  • Batch Status A-batch required some form of approval.
  • Batch Status R-batch has been released for processing.
  • Batch Status P-batch has been posted but requires additional funding.
  • Edit Modes 0 and 1-batch has been input but not yet processed.
  • Edit Mode 2-batch has been input and if on an older batch, could indicate that some form of approval or error correction is required. Edit Mode 3-batch was originally input in Edit Mode 0 or 1 and requires some form of error correction.
  • Edit Mode 4-batch was originally input in Edit Mode 0 or 1 and required some form of approval or additional funding.

The details on the Internal Transactions File (IT) indicate the number of remaining transactions not posted within the batch. The batch amount indicates the batch entered amount. The date processed represents the last process date. This is the last date the batch was released for processing. The error codes column displays a listing of error messages appearing on transactions within the batch. These error codes can be looked up on the 90 News/Help screen.

Note: The batch amount displays the batch entered amount from the 530 View Batch Headers screen. This amount does not necessarily represent the dollar amount of transactions within the batch. When transactions process and are posted, this amount is not reduced. This amount will represent the original entered batch amount unless the batch has been recomputed or unless the entered amount has been changed.

DAFR2261: Daily History Detail

The DAFR2261 report displays, in batch agency order, transactions that are posted, approved, and paid.

This report can be used to reconcile transactions and verify super security deleted transactions.

Note: If the TID field is a ‘SSTD’ or ‘SSDD,’ the transaction was super security deleted.

DAFR2501: LDT Text Process

The DAFR2501 report indicates whether text submitted in the IN format was successfully processed. This report includes document agency, document number, fiscal year, total text lines, and document header.

This report can be used to identify IN text transactions from the prior night’s cycle that processed.

DAFR2502: LDT Text Errors

The DAFR2502 report indicates text records submitted in the IN format that have been rejected for errors; for example, missing document numbers, invalid agency numbers, etc. It includes document agency, document number, fiscal year, and error messages.

This report can be used to identify IN text transactions from the prior night’s cycle that did not process due to errors. The agency is responsible for resubmitting the text information.

DAFR3212: FACTS Warrant Cancellation Control

The DAFR3212 report displays warrant cancellations for warrants that were generated in FACTS. This report can be used to verify the payment number and amount that was canceled.

Note: The cancellation will be rejected if the warrant has cleared or is in the process of clearing the Treasury. Document number format: ‘C’ and first seven characters of original FACTS voucher.

The following messages are noted on the report:

DAFR3221: Payment Cancellation Request Daily Activity

The DAFR3221 report provides USAS payment cancellation information. Requests from agencies to cancel payments generated from USAS will appear on the report when payment is canceled. In addition, payment cancellation requests that are pending due to errors will appear on this report. The update message provides an explanation of the error. The report provides the current document number, suffix, payment number, amount, user ID that entered cancellation, date canceled, update message, and new status.

This report can be used to observe USAS payment cancellations requested.

Note: The following are update messages that appear on the report.

  • Request processed: Payment canceled with no problems.
  • Req processed-no entitlements: Payroll cancellation.
  • Trsy appr overridden: Comptroller overrode Treasury approval.
  • Treasury Appr required: Cancellation will not process until Treasury approval.
  • Cannot cancel non-pyrl dir dep: Direct Deposit of travel and purchase vouchers that cannot be canceled.

DAFR3222: Document Cancellation Request Daily Activity

The DAFR3222 report displays warrant cancellations being canceled at the document level. It additionally provides a message indicating the status of the cancellation.

This report can be used to identify document-level warrant cancellations processed within USAS.

DAFR3252: Agency Payment Cancellation Daily Activity

The DAFR3252 report provides USAS payment cancellation information. Requests from agencies to cancel payments generated from USAS will appear on the report when payment is canceled successfully. The report provides the canceled document number, suffix, agency, original document number, appropriated fund, fiscal year, vendor number/mc/name, payment number, warrant date, and amount

This report can be used to note if USAS payment cancellation requests were indeed posted into the USAS system.

DAFR3291: Generate Transactions

Certain transactions, when input in USAS, cause the system to generate a subsequent transaction (for example, a generated transaction). This system-generated transaction code, Gen TC, can be displayed by recalling the 28A Transaction Code Decision Profile for the original input transaction code. The DAFR3291 report gives information by transaction ID for all non-payment related system-generated transactions.

This report can be used to verify that non-payment related system-generated transactions have indeed been written by the system. Comparisons can be made to the HX or other relevant extract files.

DAFR3331: Error Transaction Aging Report

The DAFR3331 report displays transactions with errors detected by the nightly batch IEU cycles. It includes funding errors and data element errors. To appear on this report, the batch must have been entered originally in Edit Mode 0 or 1. Also included on the report are documents requiring approval or correction.

The transactions appearing on this report have fatal data errors (E-fatal data) and fatal funding errors (F-fatal funding). Additional errors that may appear are B-batch error, Z-system error, and C-correction error.

The DAFR3331 lists up to six error codes per transaction. The user can recall these codes using error code help in USAS. Batches containing errors appear on the View Batch Header (530) screen as Edit Mode 3 transactions with a status of H-hold. This report will list all rejected transactions for an agency, including those in other batch agencies.

This report can be used to identify transactions that contain errors from the previous night’s cycle. Transactions must have been released to run through IEU in order for that cycle to detect errors. Rereleasing batches on subsequent days will cause transactions to reappear on this report if the transactions still contain errors.

DAFR3521: Payment Error Comparison Process

The DAFR3521 report displays payment processing errors in three main categories: Manual Warrants Not Paid; Documents Not Paid Due to Other Transactions; and Vendors Not Paid Due to Other Transactions. An example is warrants not paid for future due date or warrants not paid due to error transactions.

This report can be used to determine payment processing errors.

Note: The agency must have payment activity for this report to generate. The payment processing subsystem runs after the nightly batch processing cycle. Payment errors appearing on this report could be for transactions already posted in USAS.

DAFR3601: Trans Cancelled for Negative Balances

The DAFR3601 report displays transactions that were canceled due to a negative balance. A warrant cannot be generated for a negative amount. Therefore, the transactions are canceled. The system calculates the amount of the warrant within the document, by appropriated fund, and vendor number.

This report is used to observe transactions that were canceled due to negative balances that must be resubmitted into USAS.

Note: The following is an example of when a transaction will appear on the report for cancellation.

A payment T-Code is used with an R-reversal of the accounting impact. The reversal does not offset against the same vendor number and appropriated fund within the document. Therefore, this generates a negative warrant and is canceled. An ‘R’ is used in credit memos for travel on American Express bills.

DAFR3631: Fund Control Errors Occurring During Payment Processing

The DAFR3631 report displays transactions in which funding errors, vendor errors, and/or document errors (for example, pay-in-full documents) were detected during the payment processing cycle. These errors prevented the payments from being generated for these transactions.

This report can be used to understand why a payment was not produced for a particular transaction that was input in USAS.

Note: Error Messages and Associated Screen for Lookups are included in the following list.

  • Remaining free budget exceeded Appropriation Record Inquiry (62)
  • Available cash exceeded Appropriation Record Inquiry (62)
  • Fund cash exceeded Cash Control Record Inquiry (63)
  • Vendor failed Vendor Profile (34)

DAFR3651: Warrant Register by Agency Report

The DAFR3651 report provides a listing of warrants sorted by agency, warrant type, appropriated fund, document, fiscal year and warrant number. It provides the same information as DAFR3701 Warrant Register by Warrant Report Number, but is sorted in a different order. Also, this report displays payment distribution type.

This report can be used to identify warrants issued, and to tie warrant numbers to USAS document numbers and appropriated funds. Additionally, depending on the payment distribution type (PDT) entered, this report can be used to determine the combining of payment transactions to produce the warrant.

Note: See USAS Reference for a listing of PDTs. When a PDT causing the payment to combine across documents or funds is used, the document number or fund will be blanked out on this report. Also, if a PDT of W, WH, WF or WD is used, the document number suffix will appear in the ESN (Employee Sequence Number) field. A ‘Y’ appearing under the ‘C’ of the title ‘PDT/C’ indicates that a central PDTY change has been made. The various warrant types can be looked up on the D53 Titles Profile under Table ID: PP70.

DAFR3691: Direct Deposit Payees by Agency

The DAFR3691 report provides a listing of direct deposits sorted by agency, fiscal year, document, and direct deposit sequence number.

This report can be used to identify direct deposits transmitted, and to tie direct deposit sequence numbers to USAS document numbers. Additionally, depending on the payment distribution type (PDT) entered, this report can be used to determine the combining of payment transactions to produce the direct deposit.

Note: See USAS Reference for a listing of PDTs. When a PDT causing the payment to combine across documents or funds is used, the document number or fund will be blanked out on this report. The report displays bank account information, including a transit (routing number), bank account number and account type.

DAFR3701: Warrant Register Report by Warrant No. Report

The DAFR3701 report provides a listing of warrants sorted by agency, warrant type, appropriated fund, document, fiscal year, and warrant number. It provides the same information as the DAFR3651 Warrant Register by Agency, but sorted in a different order. Also, this report displays payment distribution type.

This report can be used to identify warrants issued, and to tie warrant numbers to USAS document numbers and appropriated funds. Additionally, depending on the payment distribution type (PDT) entered, this report can be used to determine the combining of payment transactions to produce the warrant.

Note: See USAS Reference for a listing of PDTs. When a PDT causing the payment to combine across documents or funds is used, the document number or fund will be blanked out on this report. Also, if a PDT of W, WH, WF or WD is used, the document number suffix will appear in the ESN (Employee Sequence Number) field. The various warrant types can be looked up on the D53 Titles Profile under Table ID: PP70.

DAFR7161: Rejected History Transactions

The DAFR7161 report displays transactions that have posted to the HY (History) file but were not able to post to the agency-specific HX (History Extract) file in USAS. Super security transaction deletes will appear on this report.

Note: The SSTD and SSDD are included in the statewide (cumulative) HX file.
This report should be carefully monitored. If ANYTHING appears on this report that is not a super security deleted transaction, USAS Support must be notified IMMEDIATELY!

DAFR7700: Unapproved Documents Report as of MM/DD/YY

The DAFR7700 report lists documents waiting for an approval or other action code to complete the processing. Date, Document Number.

This report should be used to identify transaction status and to determine the remaining approval or re-approval codes.

Note: The Date Created is the date the document header was created. The Last Action is the date of the last required action (not necessarily the date of the last action code). The Bal Ind is the Balance Indicator at the document level.

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