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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities


USAS Entries
How GL Accounts Close for Specific GAAP Fund Groups

The ending fund balance/net position on the operating statement must agree with the total fund balance/net position reported on the balance sheet. During the USAS GL close process, the net activity on the operating statement is closed to fund balance or net position based on the GAAP fund type of a D23 fund. Take this into consideration when allocating fund balance or net position to other fund equity accounts. For more information, see Allocation of Fund Balance or Net Position.

FMQuery – SIRS reports are presented on a pre-closing basis. This means that the FFS Rev/Expend Summary Acct Cat total must be netted with the total for the closing fund balance/net position GL account to arrive at the true fiscal year-end balance.

However, DAFRs are presented on a post-closing basis. Therefore, the fund balance/net position amounts reported in the DAFR8580 Balance Sheet – Governmental and Proprietary Fund Types (FFS) represent the true ending balances.

GAAP Fund Type Description GAAP Fund Group Closes To GL Account T-codes for Allocation
Num. Name
01 General Governmental 2325 Fd Bal – Unassigned 602/602R or
02 Special Revenue Governmental 2310 Fd Bal – Restricted 644/645 or
03 Debt Service Governmental 2310 Fd Bal – Restricted 644/645 or
04 Capital Projects Governmental 2310 Fd Bal – Restricted 644/645 or
05 Enterprise (includes Universities) Proprietary 2950 Unrestricted Net Position 669/669R or
06 Internal Service Proprietary 2950 Unrestricted Net Position 669/669R or
10 Pension Funds Fiduciary 2400 Fiduciary Net Position Other Purposes 644/645 or
11 Capital Assets BC Adjustments Governmental 3505 BC Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt 522/522R
12 Long-Term Liabilities BC Adjustments Governmental 3950 BC Unrestricted Net Position 522/522R
15 Discrete Component Units Discrete Component Units 2950 Unrestricted Net Position 669/669R
18 External Investment Trust Funds Fiduciary 2400 Fiduciary Net Position Other Purposes 644/645 or
19 Permanent Funds – Governmental Governmental 2300 Fd Bal – NonSpnd for Permanent Fund Corpus 644/645 or
20 Private Purpose Trust Funds Fiduciary 2400 Fiduciary Net Position Other Purposes 644/645 or
21 Other Basis Conversion Adjustment Governmental 3950 BC Unrestricted Net Position 522/522R
22 Custodial Funds Fiduciary 2400 Fiduciary Net Position Other Purposes 644/645 or