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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities


USAS Entries
FA Control Field

The FA CONTROL field on the Agency Control Profile (25) screen determines if an agency or the Financial Reporting section manages the PY OPEN field. This field determines if transactions can be processed against the prior year (month 13). FA CONTROL field indicators:

  • N – The Financial Reporting section does not control the PY OPEN field; it is controlled by the agency.
  • Y – The Financial Reporting section controls the PY OPEN field. If the PY OPEN field indicator is Y, all users that also have an indicator of Y in the PRIOR YR POST IND field on the Security Profile (96a) screen can post prior-year transactions.
  • C – The Financial Reporting section controls the PY OPEN field. If the PY OPEN field indicator is Y, only central users with a user class of 26 can post prior-year transactions.

The FA CONTROL field for all agencies will be changed to C on:

  • Oct. 2, 20CY — for GR consolidated agencies
  • Nov. 2, 20CY — for unaudited agencies
  • Nov. 21, 20CY — for unaudited institutions of higher education
  • Dec. 2, 20CY — for audited full reporting agencies (including institutions of higher education)