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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities


Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position

Lone Star State University
Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position
For the Fiscal Year Ended Aug. 31, 20CY

  Sales of Goods and Services  
    Tuition and Fees *** $   4,955,115.22
    Tuition and Fees – Pledged *** 200,429,775.13
      Discounts and Allowances (10,429,775.13)
    Hospital – Pledged 187,732,458.32
      Discounts and Allowances (2,000,000.00)
    Professional Fees 41,250,600.75
    Professional Fees – Pledged 2,250,000.00
      Discounts and Allowances (250,000.00)
    Auxiliary Enterprise 6,780,165.69
    Auxiliary Enterprise – Pledged 25,550,075.88
      Discounts and Allowances (5,550,075.88)
    Other Sales of Goods and Services 1,632,718.44
    Other Sales of Goods and Services – Pledged 18,155,398.37
      Discounts and Allowances (1,000,000.00)
  Interest and Investment Income 1,000,000.00
  Interest and Investment Income – Pledged 1,000,000.00
  Federal Revenue 131,625,036.55
  Federal Pass-Through Revenue 10,349,263.69
  State Grant Revenue 87,954,874.40
  State Grant Pass-Through Revenue 37,108,783.66
  Other Contracts and Grants 44,571,548.12
  Other Contracts and Grants – Pledged 10,000,000.00
  Contributions to Retirement System 3,702,809.36
  Other Operating Revenues 10,366,000.84
  Other Operating Revenues – Pledged 1,000,737.00
Total Operating Revenues 808,185,510.41
  Cost of Goods Sold 29,377,230.25
  Salaries and Wages 544,430,832.16
  Payroll Related Costs 128,386,214.66
  Professional Fees and Services 8,484,557.27
  Travel 13,393,730.69
  Materials and Supplies 166,068,377.52
  Communication and Utilities 36,069,664.44
  Repairs and Maintenance 5,444,434.38
  Rentals and Leases 3,490,243.16
  Printing and Reproduction 3,018,683.18
  Federal Pass-Through Expense 4,430,964.35
  State Grant Pass-Through Expense 1,000,000.00
  Depreciation and Amortization 26,927,848.61
  Bad Debt Expense 119,377.26
  Interest 1,359,706.46
  Scholarships 32,958,169.67
  Claims and Judgments 5,027,952.44
  Net Change in Pollution Remediation Obligation 25,000.00
  Net Change in Asset Retirement Obligations 50,000.00
  Net Change in Pension/OPEB Obligations 975,000.00
  Other Operating Expenses 117,732,258.26
Total Operating Expenses 1,128,770,244.76
Operating Income (Loss) (320,584,734.35)

Important: Enter all amounts in dollars and cents.

* If the agency needs an additional COBJ to distinguish between pledged and non-pledged revenue, contact your financial reporting analyst.

** Matrix of Operating Expenses Reported by Function is required if the college or university elects to present operating expenses by function instead of by natural classification. For a sample, see Matrix of Operational Expenses Reported by Function. A matrix is not required if natural classification is presented on the statement.

*** Texas Tuition Promise Fund statutes provide for distribution of up to 101 percent of the assessed tuition and fees for participating students. Report any such excess as other fee revenue, a part of tuition and fees.

Lone Star State University
Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position (continued)
For the Fiscal Year Ended Aug. 31, 20CY

  Legislative Revenue $  160,000,000.00
  Additional Appropriations 80,000,000.00
  Federal Revenue  
  Gifts 3,966,032.64
  Investment Income 41,338,761.91
  Investment Income – Pledged 49,000,000.00
  Loan Prem/Fees Securities 8,329,491.69
  Investing Activities Expenses (1,650,985.16)
  Interest Expenses and Fiscal Charges (2,301,970.20)
  Borrower Rebates and Agent Fees (1,670,509.43)
  Gain (Loss) Sale Capital Assets  
  Claims and Judgments 500,000.00
  Net Increase (Decrease) Fair Value 44,000,762.99
  Net Increase (Decrease) Fair Value – Pledged 6,900,000.00
  Settlement of Claims  
  Settlement of Claims – Pledged  
  Other Nonoperating Revenues 100,000,000.00
  Other Nonoperating Expenses (80,726,496.22)
Total Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) 407,685,088.22
Income (Loss) Before Other, Capital Contributions, Gains/Losses, Endowments and Transfers 87,100,353.87
  Capital Contributions  
  Capital Appropriations (HEAF) 7,000,000.00 
  Federal Grant – Capital Grant Contributions  
  Contributions to Permanent and Term Endowments 20,825,634.96
  Special Items  
  Extraordinary Items  
  Incr NA Interagency Transfer Capital Assets 50,000.00
  Decr NA Interagency Transfer Capital Assets (50,000.00)
  Transfer In 83,906,005.95
  Transfer Out (159,294,534.58)
  Legislative Transfer In  
  Legislative Transfer Out  
Total Other Capital Contributions, Endowment  
  and Transfers (47,562,893.67)
Change in Net Position 39,537,460.20
Net Position, Sept. 1, 20PY 371,706,545.45
Net Position, Sept. 1, 20PY, as Restated 371,706,545.45
Net Position, Aug. 31, 20CY $ 411,244,005.65

Important: Enter all amounts in dollars and cents.

* If the agency needs an additional COBJ to distinguish between pledged and non-pledged revenue, contact your financial reporting analyst.

** Matrix of Operating Expenses Reported by Function is required if the college or university elects to present operating expenses by function instead of by natural classification. For a sample, see Matrix of Operational Expenses Reported by Function. A matrix is not required if natural classification is presented on the statement.

*** Texas Tuition Promise Fund statutes provide for distribution of up to 101 percent of the assessed tuition and fees for participating students. Report any such excess as other fee revenue, a part of tuition and fees.