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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities


Annual Financial Report Working Papers
Long-Term Liabilities Basis Conversion (FT12) Instructions

The purpose of the Basis Conversion working papers is to create Note 5 – Long-Term Liabilities. The working papers provide USAS transaction entry templates to adjust USAS balances to represent fiscal year-end balances. The Long-Term Liabilities Note reports (located in the FMQuery–SIRS USAS Financial Statements menu) provide updated USAS balances one business day after entries post. The agency must compare the report balances to its AFR long-term liabilities note and, once reconciled, certify that USAS reconciles to the AFR long-term liabilities note.

Procedure for the Basis Conversion Working Papers

  1. Access the Basis Conversion working papers. There are nine separate worksheets that relate to adjusting USAS balances for basis conversion current liability and basis conversion non-current liability general ledger accounts:
    • Bonds Payable Governmental Activities, Record
    • Right to Use Lease Governmental Activities, Record
    • Right to Use SBITA Governmental Activities, Record
    • Claims and Judgments Governmental Activities, Record
    • Employees’ Compensable Leave Governmental Activities, Record
    • Notes and Loans Payable Governmental Activities, Record
    • Pollution Remediation Obligations Governmental Activities, Record
    • Asset Retirement Obligations Governmental Activities, Record
    • Availability Payment Arrangements Governmental Activities, Record

    Note: Only enter information in the highlighted cells.

  2. Use the USAS balances from the Long-Term Liabilities Note report for input in the appropriate row of each worksheet as necessary for your agency.
    • After completing the batch header information on the worksheet, enter the amount from the Long-Term Liabilities Note report in the respective worksheet in the row “From Long-Term Liabilities Note Query” in the column labeled “Beginning Balance.” This is the prior fiscal year ending balance.
    • Using data from the Long-Term Liabilities Note report, continue across the row entering “Additions” and “Reductions.” Do not net “Additions” and “Reductions” — these are reported separately. On this line only, enter the reductions as negative numbers.
  3. Enter amounts in the appropriate row of each worksheet using the “Note 5 – Summary of Long-Term Liabilities.”
    • Tab to the row labeled “From AFR Long Term Liabilities Note.”
    • Enter the “Additions,” “Reductions” and “Amounts Due Within One Year” using Note 5. Enter all amounts as positives.
    • The USAS transaction amounts are automatically calculated from the difference(s) between USAS balances and note balances.
  4. Enter the transactions in USAS.
  5. Verify the transactions process on the following business day.
  6. Access the Long-Term Liabilities Note report and verify the USAS balances reconcile to Note 5. If not, complete new working papers using the new Long-Term Liabilities Note report balances.