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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities

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Reporting Requirements for Annual Financial Reports of State Agencies and Universities


Agency Fiscal Year-End USAS Adjustments and AFR Checklist
Step 8 – Notes to the Financial Statements

Note 14 – Adjustments to Beginning Net Position, Fund Balances or Fund Net Position (Submitted through the RNSS web application)

  1. Note 14 is required if the agency has a restatement on the financial statements.
  2. Ensure the note clearly states the reason and amount for each restatement. This is extremely important for general revenue (fund 0001) restatements made for prior year appropriation activity.

    Note: This information is used in the formula for determining if the agency has correctly stated legislative appropriations on the financial statements.

  3. Ensure the restatement amount in USAS equals the restatement amounts in all of the applicable web applications.
  4. Submit a copy of the agency’s Note 14 from its published AFR through the RNSS web application. The required format is a Microsoft Word document (latest version: docx) with header information that includes: agency name/number and note number/name. If Note 14 contains a table, include the table in the Word document — rather than as a separate Excel document or other database application file. If Note 14 does not apply, do NOT submit a note to indicate “not applicable.”